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ANSF | Afghan National Security Forces


Afghan National Army Soldiers search for weapons during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya Province, Afghanistan, June 21. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an Air Assault and movement to contact to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Afghan National Army Soldiers stop to eat chow during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya Province, Afghanistan, June 21. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an Air Assault and movement to contact, to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Afghan National Army Soldiers move to the next village during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya Province, Afghanistan, June 21. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an Air Assault and movement to contact to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Verdana]Afghan National Army Soldiers patrol though Zormat district during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya Province, Afghanistan, June 21. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an Air Assault and movement to contact, to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Verdana]Afghan National Army Soldiers question a local national during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya Province, Afghanistan, June 21. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an Air Assault and movement to contact, to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Verdana]Afghan National Army Soldiers pose for a picture during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya Province, Afghanistan, June 21. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an Air Assault and movement to contact, to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.
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Verdana]Soldiers of the Afghan National Army’s Route Clearance Company use mine detectors during a training exercise on Camp Mike Spann in Northern Afghanistan


An Afghanistan National Army soldier takes a break during the heat of the day in Darrah-I-Bum, Badghis Province, Afghanistan July 7. ANA soldiers alongside U.S. Special Forces troops moved into Darrah-I-Bum to establish a Forward Operating Base with hopes of alleviating security issues in an area with heavy insurgent activity.


Afghan National Army troops move into an over watch position to provide cover to U.S. Army soldiers conducting a search in the upper Marawara valley during operation Strong Eagle 2, July 19.


Afghan National Soldiers prepare for an air assault mission in support of combat operations in Nuristan to liberate Barge Matal from Taliban presence, July 25.
^ I can see the Blackhawk Tacmaster grab bags and Halon Emergency Stretcher. Very nice bit of kit.
Guys, is it me or they have standard issue forest camouflages? Considering their vastly sandy terrain, I think they should get sand camouflage patterns like the ones Americans have. They'd be easily visible with green on sandy colour.
Guys, is it me or they have standard issue forest camouflages? Considering their vastly sandy terrain, I think they should get sand camouflage patterns like the ones Americans have. They'd be easily visible with green on sandy colour.

Valid point but then again they also have forested areas and areas with blended vegetation, to which this would suit well. Furthermore it would be an issue of supply and demand and uniformity.

Uniformity is the main reason why the US scrapped the famous 3 tone desert BDUs in replacement for the universal "Computerised" BDU. In Pakistan we use the subdued desert/jungle camo and it works pretty well.

In the long run once the army is fully functional and G2 and LAND Command systems are in place i can assume that this will change dramatically.
i just can pray .if afghan army fail in afghanistan we will got too much lose . iwe don't wanna see taliban in kabul at any cost.
tch tch. poor afghans.

if US leaves early, they are all gona die at the hands of the talibs and pakistan would be next

A person acting as an opposing force pretends to be wounded July 15 after Afghan National Army Special Forces trainees engage in a mock firefight with OPFOR during an exercise at Camp Morehead, Afghanistan. The OPFOR dug holes to emplace a training improvised explosive device during a scenario as part of an ANASF occupational specialty four-day culmination exercise.


Two Afghan National Army Special Forces trainees collect evidence after a mock firefight July 15 during an ANASF occupational specialty four-day culmination exercise at Camp Morehead, Afghanistan. Intelligence gathered from a crime scene can prove invaluable and ANASF students learn first-hand during the exercise that collecting evidence properly is an important part of the mission.


Three Afghan National Army Special Forces trainees prepare to enter a structure July 16 during an ANASF occupational specialty four-day culmination exercise at Camp Morehead, Afghanistan. Caution must be taken prior to building entries in case enemy insurgents are inside or in the event there is a homemade explosive booby trap.


An Afghan National Army Special Forces trainee pulls rear security on a road July 16 during an ANASF four-day occupational specialty culmination exercise at Camp Morehead, Afghanistan. The culmination exercise places trainees in realistic scenarios where they must use the skills learned throughout the course.


An Afghan National Army Special Forces trainee uses a grappling hook to render an improvised explosive device safe July 16 during an ANASF occupational specialty four-day culmination exercise at Camp Morehead, Afghanistan. The culmination exercise places trainees in realistic scenarios where they must use the various skills learned throughout the course.

An Afghan National Army Soldier seperates weapons and ammunition found during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya province, Afghanistan, June 20, 2010. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an air assault and movement to contact, to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-Afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Afghan National Army Soldiers provide security during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya province, Afghanistan, June 20, 2010. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an air assault and movement to contact, to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-Afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Afghan National Army Soldiers move to the next objective during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya province, Afghanistan, June 20, 2010. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an air assault and movement to contact to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-Afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.


Afghan National Army Soldiers move to the next objective during Operation Asli Khadaff in the Zormat District, Paktya province, Afghanistan, June 20, 2010. The purpose of Operation Asli Khadaff is to conduct an air assault and movement to contact to clear designated target areas of interest while disrupting anti-Afghan forces capacity in Zormat District.
Good job Jigs! but kindly change the topic's title to ANSF ( Afghan National Security Forces ), because I also want to contribute with adding more photos from ANA, ANAAC, ANP, ABP, NDS, & CTP/SWAT.
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