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Another Tamil refugee ship comes to Canada


Mar 24, 2010
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In 1986, 155 Tamil refugees were smuggled on ship to Canada. Another ship carrying Tamil refugees are now near Victoria, BC and is reported to have high incidents of TB among its passengers. There are 150,000 Tamils in Canada and many supported terrorist Tamil Tigers. The Tamils gangs have been involved in crimes and collecting protection money from Tamil businesses. They have involved in money laundering, drug smuggling, prostitution and being from for terrorist Tamil Tigers.
In 1986, 155 Tamil refugees were smuggled on ship to Canada. Another ship carrying Tamil refugees are now near Victoria, BC and is reported to have high incidents of TB among its passengers. There are 150,000 Tamils in Canada and many supported terrorist Tamil Tigers. The Tamils gangs have been involved in crimes and collecting protection money from Tamil businesses. They have involved in money laundering, drug smuggling, prostitution and being from for terrorist Tamil Tigers.

Tamils own the Scarborough region in Toronto but can you provide me a source to the latter part of this post because it seems that more of a personal opinion than a report. Tamils are a very successful minority group in Canada and are doing quite well. Gangs are in every community including the Indian and Pakistani, visit Brampton for more details lol In terms of Money laundering no one beats Indian and Pakistanis lol
Well most of Canada lost sympathy for the Tamil cause years ago, and the few left lost total sympathy when they held the city hostage for two whole weeks blocking the Gardiner. And of course the Tamil Tigers are now crushed.

I would support immigration of more Tamils on a case by case basis. Economic immigrants unfortunately should not be allowed in, or else it opens the flood gates for people to skip the line and come in like this rather than normally. Canada's immigration policies are liberal enough without having to resort to these means.

Also unfortunately for the Tamils, it will not be easy. Most immigration officers are douchy or a-holes and short of video evidence of persecution would not approve the refugee claim.
Tamils own the Scarborough region in Toronto but can you provide me a source to the latter part of this post because it seems that more of a personal opinion than a report. Tamils are a very successful minority group in Canada and are doing quite well. Gangs are in every community including the Indian and Pakistani, visit Brampton for more details lol In terms of Money laundering no one beats Indian and Pakistanis lol

Tamils have now expanded from Scarborough to north in Markham and west into Durham Region especially in Ajax. The Tamil gangs defeated Black gangs in drug war in Scarborough. The Tamil gangs collect "protection tax" from Tamil businessmen. Much of it is sent to Tamil Tigers. Tamil gangs in schools are a big problem in Durham region. Compared to 1985 the Tamils are well integrated and are now quiet successful. There is still large number of Tamil males who are still plying their criminal activities. I know people who have hired freelance Tamil gang members to settle some scores (beatings and property damage). I am in Peel region so I know about Brampton problems too.
Tamils have now expanded from Scarborough to north in Markham and west into Durham Region especially in Ajax. The Tamil gangs defeated Black gangs in drug war in Scarborough. The Tamil gangs collect "protection tax" from Tamil businessmen. Much of it is sent to Tamil Tigers. Tamil gangs in schools are a big problem in Durham region. Compared to 1985 the Tamils are well integrated and are now quiet successful. There is still large number of Tamil males who are still plying their criminal activities. I know people who have hired freelance Tamil gang members to settle some scores (beatings and property damage). I am in Peel region so I know about Brampton problems too.

I think Gangs are becoming a general problem in Toronto nowdays, lets not center it on one ethnicity. There is a huge problem with Gangs in the Chinatown area, in Mississauga, in Brampton, Hamilton and even Richmond Hill. It is largely due to weak enforcement and growing poverty in Toronto. With unemployment figures rising, prices going up and minimum wage staying at its disgusting levels, expect more of these gangs to pop up. You can say that the number of Tamil gangs are higher on average but the problem is more widespread.
I think Gangs are becoming a general problem in Toronto nowdays, lets not center it on one ethnicity.

True. Since I know people who hire freelance Tamil gang members to settle score so I know their activities. I lived in "Little Italy" near College Street so I have seen members of mafia too.
^ I doubt you have seen members of the mafia :D

---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 AM ----------

Canada is becoming overwhelmed by war refugees.
Well. Let me rephrase: I have seen junior members of mafia collecting "protection money" from businesses. Are you happy now ?

You saw extortion in broad daylight in Canada? Yaar too much Godfather maybe :P

I'm not doubting you per se, I'm just astonished and slightly skeptical.
You saw extortion in broad daylight in Canada? Yaar too much Godfather maybe :P

I'm not doubting you per se, I'm just astonished.

These are thugs that come and collect money. Most of the gang members and businessmen belong to same ethnic group. Italians prey upon Italians and Tamils prey on other Tamils. Police can't do much since they threaten families of businessmen. They pay and keep quite.
These are thugs that come and collect money. Most of the gang members and businessmen belong to same ethnic group. Italians prey upon Italians and Tamils prey on other Tamils. Police can't do much since they threaten families of businessmen. They pay and keep quite.

You are right about the way organized criminals extort their own people. They love to prey upon the immigrant quarters of big cities. I believe you now.
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Smugglers and terrorists aboard Tamil ship chose Canada: Toews

Smugglers and terrorists aboard Tamil ship chose Canada: Toews

It could be months before each of the 490 Tamils aboard the MV Sun Sea is identified, but the Canadian government and Sri Lankan officials have already said they include terrorists and suspected human-smugglers.

By Todd Coyne, Vancouver Sun August 13, 2010 4:35 PM

Canada's Public Safety Minister Vic Toews announced Thursday that the 490 Tamil migrants aboard the MV Sun Sea include suspected human smugglers and terrorists.

"We are very concerned that there are elements of the LTTE and the Tamil Tigers on board this vessel," Toews said.

In a press conference at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt where the migrant ship is presently docked, Toews said that the "suspected human smugglers and terrorists did not come to Canada by accident," but rather chose this country because of its reputation for leniency in accepting foreign migrants and refugees.

All criminals on-board, he said, "will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law."

"We want to send a very clear message not only to individuals currently involved but to those watching this situation that this is an act Canada does not encourage," Toews said.

Regrettably, Toews said, the only current legal avenue authorities have for dealing with the arrival of illegal migrant ships is to wait for such vessels to reach Canadian waters before boarding them.

That is what members of the RCMP, the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Border Services Agency did Thursday evening, he confirmed.

Asked to confirm reports that more Tamil migrant boats were already headed for Canada from Sri Lanka, Toews said: "This particular situation we believe to be a part of a larger human smuggling and human trafficking enterprise. I don't view this as an isolated, independent act."

Ben Perrin, an immigration law and human trafficking expert at the University of B.C. said Thursday that he expects the government will try to determine who the smugglers are among the migrants and prosecute them as an example to those with similar intentions in mind.

"There is a very serious immigration offence that the individuals who organized this vessel or otherwise aided and abetted it could be charged with," Perrin said. "That carries up to life imprisonment and that's certainly something I expect investigators will be looking at."

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Canadian Border Services Agency confirmed in a later press conference in Esquimalt Thursday that some individuals on-board the Sun Sea had been taken to hospital for treatment.

Rob Johnston of the CBSA said that the overall medical situation aboard the ship, however, was not broadly dire but that illnesses and injuries appeared to be restricted to a few migrants who were receiving ambulatory care.

All migrants aboard the ship are undergoing medical examinations and a process of identification in which they will be photographed, fingerprinted and then sent to medical and detention facilities as required, Johnston said.

In a joint press conference with members of the RCMP, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, CBSA and the Department of National Defence, Johnston would not confirm the numbers of women and youths aboard the ship citing difficulty determining the identities of many of the migrants.

© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun

Read more: Smugglers and terrorists aboard Tamil ship chose Canada: Toews
Now there more migrant ships carrying refugees headed to Canada.

More migrant ships headed this way, Vic Toews warns - thestar.com
More migrant ships headed this way, Vic Toews warns
By Petti Fong Western Bureau
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ESQUIMALT, B.C.—The only Canadians they’ve encountered so far wear health masks. The only view they’ve had of Canada has been under the watch of armed guards.

Some of the nearly 500 Sri Lankan men, women and children (including alleged terrorists) who arrived about 6:30 a.m. Friday under navy escort appeared solemn and relieved as they stood on the deck of the MV Sun Sea. They are being kept far from the public view and can be seen only through high-powered camera lenses.

The Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, speaking Friday in Victoria, said more ships — and more migrants — are headed toward Canada.

“I don’t view this as an isolated independent act,” said Toews. “There are others who are watching this particular situation to determine the reaction of Canadian authorities and they will be making decisions based on the reaction.”

At least two other ships are believed to be heading this way in hopes of landing dozens, perhaps hundreds, of migrants from war-torn Sri Lanka seeking political asylum.

Toews said he believes Canada is being tested

“What I am concerned about is that the generosity of Canada’s immigration and refugee laws are not taken advantage of,” he said. “There seems to be a deliberate attempt to thwart Canadian laws.”

The Canadian Tamil Congress, which had members out at dawn watching for the cargo ship to arrive, said there are families waiting to initiate contact with the new arrivals.

“They’re expressing concern for the health and livelihood of loved ones,” said Gary Anandasangaree, a lawyer who plans to represent some of the migrants as they begin their refugee process. “This has been an incredibly hard journey for them.”

The 490 men, women and children on board the 59-metre Sun Sea, flying under Thai flag, were escorted to a dock at CFB Esquimalt after the ship was tracked for 2 ½ months by Canadian and American authorities.

The RCMP boarded the vessel around 7 p.m. Thursday night and travelled with it from Port Alberni down the coast of Vancouver Island to the naval base just west of Victoria. It was towed by two Canadian navy ships and followed by at least half a dozen other vessels while a military helicopter hovered overhead.

For the first few hours, the migrants were kept on the ship but were gradually taken out by border security agents and military officers wearing medical masks. An ambulance took some migrants to Victoria General Hospital, where a special emergency ward and floor had been organized to monitor and treat the sick.

Shannon Marshall, a spokeswoman for the Vancouver Island Health Authority, said Friday afternoon that only a “small number of patients” were brought in and most are expected to be discharged. There has been no impact on services to the public, she said.

The health authority is not releasing information about the migrants’ health conditions.

Released migrants are being temporarily held in tents at the base while their refugee claims are assessed.

Within the next few days, they are expected to be transported to the mainland, where they will be housed in two jails in Maple Ridge, a Vancouver suburb.

Toews has hinted that the people involved in human trafficking will face criminal charges and anyone who is linked to the Tamil Tigers will be turned away.

At a technical briefing Friday, the Canadian Navy, the Border Services Agency, Foreign Affairs and the RCMP provided few details about the interception and the boarding of the Sun Sea. They said many questions must still be asked.

All the migrants will be fingerprinted and questioned by CBSA agents to determine their identity. All those on board are making refugee claims.

RCMP Insp. Tracey Rook said it will take time to even confirm identities of those on board. Officials would not give a breakdown of how many women, men and children there were.

Navy Capt. Patrick Mulholland said Sun Sea was mechanically sound despite its long cross-Pacific journey, which began in Sri Lanka in April and touched Thailand and Australia before ending in Canada. The navy security and navigational crews that commandeered the vessel had no difficulty piloting the ship.
The migrants were calm and compliant when Canadian authorities boarded the ship, said Mulholland. It will be days before all the refugee claims are formally filed.

According to figures from the Immigration and Refugee Board, Sri Lanka is among the top 10 source countries for arrivals who make refugee claims.

In the first six months of 2010, there were 1,163 pending cases and 345 of those claims have been accepted. Sri Lankan applicants have an 85 per cent acceptance rate — the highest rate of all the top 10 source countries. The second highest rate is for Nigerians; 58 per cent of their claims have been accepted this year.

Last October, another vessel, the Ocean Lady, landed at Victoria with 76 migrants from Sri Lanka. They all made refugee claims; their claims are still being considered.
Well, apparently the people on the boat paid upwards of 50k per family member.

One Tamil poster said that 50k USD in Sri Lanka was enough to assassinate the President of Sri Lanka.

Meaning these are not poor refugees, but the elite. I do not know how you can get 50k USD in a country like Sri Lanka without being involved with organized crime or part of the Tamil Tigers, or having sold off your body to human traffickers. If Canada allows this to continue, it will only reinforce the human trafficking trade. Not only that but it could set Canada up for continuation of the LTTE cause, making Canada a battleground for foreign fighting.

With a conservative government in power I expect this latest boat to be processed then denied refugee status. If they don't, then there will be an uproar both in the non-Tamil and Tamil communities (many Tamils are enraged at this since they took the hard way to get to Canada and they're afraid of the type of people on the boat).

With the war in Sri Lanka over, there should be no reason to continue to accept refugees this way.
In 1986, 155 Tamil refugees were smuggled on ship to Canada.


Another ship carrying Tamil refugees are now near Victoria, BC and is reported to have high incidents of TB among its passengers.

So there are a load of human being suffering on this ship and what do want to do......help them or let them die?.........what if they had been pakistani,would your opinion be the same?

There are 150,000 Tamils in Canada and many supported terrorist Tamil Tigers. The Tamils gangs have been involved in crimes and collecting protection money from Tamil businesses. They have involved in money laundering, drug smuggling, prostitution and being from for terrorist Tamil Tigers.

Like the post before me am pretty sure every ethnic group can be brushed with the same stroke.
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