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Another proof hitler & holocaust was just a way to create Israel


Nov 27, 2011
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It always made historians wonder why Bush senior's father and bush juniors grandfather prescot bush was helping hitler with financial aid when on the surface US was fighting a war against Nazi's. And rewarding of his immediate son and grandson with two US presidential slots which translated into 16 years rule of a superpower left a big question mark to what were his actual services to the nation or who were his actual masters whom he served and got such great rewards .
Prescott and Adolf: W's grandfather helped fund Hitler

And now this new revelations from this young guy proves that it wasnt only Bush but it was also Jew owned and influenced Hollywood which manipulated hitler to kill innocent Jews in Germany to later demand a separate country for them in the form of Israel . Its evident now why questioning the basis and reasons of holocaust has been made a crime as it will reveal the name of some Top jews sitting at the helm of US politics for ages and own Federal reserves as well.

Upcoming book accuses Hollywood of collaborating with Hitler | South China Morning Post
The list of institutions and industries that have been accused of whitewashing their links to the Third Reich is long, including various governments, the Vatican, Swiss banks and US corporations like IBM and General Motors.

Now a young historian wants to add a more glamorous name to that roll call: Hollywood.

In The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, Ben Urwand draws on a wealth of previously uncited documents to argue that Hollywood studios, in an effort to protect the German market for their movies, not only acquiesced to Nazi censorship but also actively and enthusiastically co-operated with that regime's global propaganda effort.

In the 1930s "Hollywood is not just collaborating with Nazi Germany", Urwand said by telephone from Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he is currently at Harvard's prestigious Society of Fellows. "It's also collaborating with Adolf Hitler, the person and human being."

Urwand's book, to be published in October by Harvard University Press, has been seen by few scholars. But his research, which was summarised this month in the online magazine Tablet, is already creating a stir.

On page after page, Urwand shows studio bosses, many of them Jewish immigrants, cutting films scene by scene to suit Nazi officials; producing material that could be seamlessly repurposed in Nazi propaganda films; and, according to one document, helping to finance the manufacture of German armaments.

"I think what this guy has found could be a blockbuster," said Dr Deborah Lipstadt, a Holocaust historian at Emory University. "I'm very anxious to see this book. I found it breathtaking in the audacity of the story it seems to be trying to tell."
Its always surprising to see Indian coming to the rescue of Israel . This article didnt mention hinduism or India and was posted in arab defence , why you had to Jump in . Looks you guys havnt got out of that slave mentality yet .

A nation that still maintains Feudal lords talks of Slave Mentality !

Education is a great thing - it helps a person discern and make informed decisions. On a public forum one does not have to look for clues or links to your religion or nation to form an opinion.

When stupidity is visible one opines.
Its always surprising to see Indian coming to the rescue of Israel . This article didnt mention hinduism or India and was posted in arab defence , why you had to Jump in . Looks you guys havnt got out of that slave mentality yet .

buddy you need get a life....first the article is full of **** like Pakistanis in this forum second you say Indians always come to the rescue of Israel while you cheer lead for Chinese
I see indian always jump to support israelis, well that's not a crime. That's their choice. But they should debunk the proofs/logic instead of just doing some personal attacks and derailing the topic.
Its always surprising to see Indian coming to the rescue of Israel . This article didnt mention hinduism or India and was posted in arab defence , why you had to Jump in . Looks you guys havnt got out of that slave mentality yet .

exactly why should a pakistani post in arab defence .. are you arab

A nation that still maintains Feudal lords talks of Slave Mentality !

Education is a great thing - it helps a person discern and make informed decisions. On a public forum one does not have to look for clues or links to your religion or nation to form an opinion.

When stupidity is visible one opines.

not just that islam also means submission. they shouldnt talk about slave mentality
Stupidity truly has no bounds.

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous of all the multitude of conspiracy theories spawned by Pakistanis.
Yeah and Britishers came to India to create Pakistan .

Plus lets throw in words like Bohemian Grove , Illuminati , Annunakis , Elders of Zion and there you have a Perfect Conspiracy theory to feed to the Pakstani Masses .
I see indian always jump to support israelis, well that's not a crime. That's their choice. But they should debunk the proofs/logic instead of just doing some personal attacks and derailing the topic.

A topic with a title like this does not need to be derailed. It was never on a rail.

Do you seriously believe what the title says ?

Its so silly that its not even worth debating.
A topic with a title like this does not need to be derailed. It was never on a rail.

Do you seriously believe what the title says ?

Its so silly that its not even worth debating.

Ok, Then why commenting? If I read something unworthy I just leave it.
Just another way to sell his book... ITS ALL BUSINESS.

The world isn't short of conspiracy theories. Add one more to the list.
Stupidity truly has no bounds.

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous of all the multitude of conspiracy theories spawned by Pakistanis.

Well the both links I provided were written by US writers and if you look at things rationally and with logic its all true . And if you guys wanna research at your own just go ahead and find out why Prescot Bush was arrested in 1943 .

But as someone beautifully said you cant show a blind man a sunrise with your words no matter how hard you try to sketch that scene to him and thats the case with indians here .
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