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Another Mumtaz Qatilis Born !

Everybody here is complaining about jahalat, extremism, etc.

But what allowed these things to flourish? Poor governance. No compelling competing narratives. No reform of madrassas to ensure that there is zero problematic material in the curriculum. No regulation of khutbaaz. Hardly any updating of overall curriculums till this year.

Always blame your leadership over the past few decades (and today) first, military and civil, and then blame Saudi money, Afghan mujahideen-era effects, overall Salafi-style interpretations of the religion, disinformation by enemies. All of that is also true, but it's the responsibility of our leaders to deal with it --- and they haven't done jack sh*t in decades.
انا للہ وانا اليه راجعون
This happens when State negotiates with religious thugs and bent backwards.
A deaf, dumb, and dumber is CM of Punjab where another self styled sage ruling it remotely, blame goes squarely on him.
Now Bajwa making shameless claims of supporting civil administration while he dare not take out TTP in Afghanistan during past 6 years of his making bongiyan.
No words to describe my shame.
Regulate all madrassa and religious schools, revise what's taught in the syllabus, and light a fire under the useless clergy who are unable to help us fight extremism. Social reform is to put it lightly, Pakistan needs a big de-radicalisation effort.

We were radicalised for political and geostrategic purposes as a society, an opposite and equivalent effort is needed now.
How can they chant slogans in honour and love of the holy Prophet with blood on their hands? They are deluded uneducated thugs.
An urgent need of education is required across Pakistan.
Regulate all madrassa and religious schools, revise what's taught in the syllabus, and light a fire under the useless clergy who are unable to help us fight extremism. Social reform is to put it lightly, Pakistan needs a big de-radicalisation effort.

We were radicalised for political and geostrategic purposes as a society, an opposite and equivalent effort is needed now.
I doubt these village hillbillys even go to any madrassa or even attend a mosque.
Just born out rural thugs riding their cheap Honda motorbikes and given the opportunity will join any violent rally to vent their frustration of their bored pathetic life.
Regulate all madrassa and religious schools, revise what's taught in the syllabus, and light a fire under the useless clergy who are unable to help us fight extremism. Social reform is to put it lightly, Pakistan needs a big de-radicalisation effort.

We were radicalised for political and geostrategic purposes as a society, an opposite and equivalent effort is needed now.
Who will bell the cat now? This by the way has not much to do with Afghan war participation etc., most of it is also our own intolerance. Now coming to the main point, military can take on these elements but judiciary it self will come in the way, and lets not forget our own parties and civil society champions - At the end nothing will happen.
Who will bell the cat now? This by the way has not much to do with Afghan war participation etc., most of it is also our own intolerance. Now coming to the main point, military can take on these elements but judiciary it self will come in the way, and lets not forget our own parties and civil society champions - At the end nothing will happen.

I wish I knew an easy way. Unfortunately, I think we're looking at least 1-2 lost generations who can't be turned back, hence my focus on deradicalizing now, changing education and narrative building at the state and societal level. We can at least then have some hope for future generations. Not sure what actual academics, social scientists and historians have to say about how we got here and what the way out it is, reading some articles is probably a good start.
It's Kumar's own fault, why he didn't have a 9mm pistol for self-defence? Doesn't e read Pakistani news?

More than 100 people have been arrested so far. Need to deal with these lot in a manner that they understand.
Regulate all madrassa and religious schools, revise what's taught in the syllabus, and light a fire under the useless clergy who are unable to help us fight extremism. Social reform is to put it lightly, Pakistan needs a big de-radicalisation effort.

We were radicalised for political and geostrategic purposes as a society, an opposite and equivalent effort is needed now.
When state negotiates with xenophobes and jostle for political gains and because of weakness, when political parties become fiefdoms and their members compete in who is more loyal, where race and language become standard, ignorant become religious botes, powerful institutions amass wealth and concentrate influence using brute force, all that happens is mental and social chaos and ripping apart of social fabric.
one more death attributed to lanti Saad kazmi and his father
I wish I knew an easy way. Unfortunately, I think we're looking at least 1-2 lost generations who can't be turned back, hence my focus on deradicalizing now, changing education and narrative building at the state and societal level. We can at least then have some hope for future generations. Not sure what actual academics, social scientists and historians have to say about how we got here and what the way out it is, reading some articles is probably a good start.
The problem is the vocal ones occupying the loudest voice on media etc that are coming up with solutions belong to the far left side of Pakistani social spectrum- aurat march etc supporters. Their version is simply secularism and purging religion to fix all mankind’s problems. Now with this the other side who needs to be pushed in the middle will double down and go even more extreme to the right and make it a ‘us vs them’ issue. Take the movement of Deoband in India when British tried to change Indian muslim culture.

This can only be done by moderates and religious scholars specifically need to take a stand on this, but they are absent as usual.
It is a religious misunderstanding at first, so atleast the public needs to be properly addressed on what the religion actually says about handling these issues and how the law of the land needs to be followed. These people are not going to reform their religious views by reading Nadeem Paracha and Gul Bukhari.

Now before comming to Madrassah reforms - was anyone of the culprits educated in a Madrassah? These incidents are even happening in our universities. The problem is much deep rooted, and we seem to push all our social ills by calling out Afghan war impact, madrassahs etc.

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