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Another Khalistani killed in Canada today

"Lal Mohammed" šŸ˜‚

Who's gonna tell the Indians that they are being fed utter bullshit that's only believable for them.

This is all designed for internal pajeet consumption.

I told you in other thread

Let these clowns randomly cheer deaths in Canada, UK etc

It is good for us and even for Sikhs themselves :)
I told you in other thread

Let these clowns randomly cheer deaths in Canada, UK etc

It is good for us and even for Sikhs themselves :)

Actually we were not cheering any deaths until Trudeau decided to open his slobbering mouth. No one in India had even heard of anyone called Nijjhar until few days back. Obviously in the aftermath there are opportunistic 2 bit crappy 'media' outlets which are spinning their own superhero stories, but I don't condone such fanboyish behaviour.
The gangs have gone full breasark now. No matter what they do now, Justin will have to link all killings with India and these gangsters will get away with it.
Some gang member who is in Gujarat has posted on FB, claiming responsibility for bumping this 'gentleman' who died yesterday.

See the SOP for these gangs was that, get kids without jobs in Punjab to Canada on fake documents. Use connections and get them some sort of residence status, and then use them to influence things back home. if they are ready, use them for other stuff as well.

Don't forget that few Khalistani leaders, got bumped off in Pakistan as well. So the money flow was good, till things changed in our neighboring country. With them in FATF first and then their economy having issues, feel the ISI has sort of taken a back step (not fully , but no support like before). So the only source of income is drugs and extortion, from all these Punjabi singers and other rich folk.

This also means the pie for such income, gets smaller and smaller. So its dog eat dog

The Canadian Intelligence knows all this, and kept ignoring our requests for extradition. JT with his low approval ratings, needed something to get back. Perhaps he felt this will help, but he will now have to play the high stakes game. Provide some proof or Canada will become a laughing stock, in the 5 I network as well.

I have been watching Canadian channels, even they are asking questions in subtle terms.

Why did he keep quiet in Chinese intervention, and now is shouting from rooftop?
Why did he say 'credible allegations that possibly tie Indian agents', instead of saying we know they did it?
Don't remember the channel but, somewhere its been said that the Police is still requesting Public to help them if they got any info on Nijjar's case. So how do you make such extraordinary claim, when the investigation is still ongoing?
The modus operandi in most of these deaths, is unidentified gunmen shooting these men. A media person appearing on more than one channel, says its gangland style execution. Given the inter gang wars, it can be anyone who shot these people.

Ultimately its now his responsibility, to prove that we are involved. The Opposition leader while uniting with JT on the floor, has also said that a proof has to be provided. This is International relations, and you just can't accuse someone of such crime and then say 'we don't want to escalate or poke you.. but we want you take this seriously and cooperate with us'.

Bitch boy seems to have bitten off, more than he can chew.
Who's gonna tell the Indians that they are being fed utter bullshit that's only believable for them.

This is all designed for internal pajeet consumption.

Yup.. Where is the proof?


Yaar we don't need proof

What we need is sanghis hubrisšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

I told you so many times, hindutva poison will do the work and create the divisions for us

Pakistan at the moment has its own issues, so we need to lay the basis so we can set in motion our future plan of attack against the Hindus
Yaar we don't need proof

What we need is sanghis hubrisšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

I told you so many times, hindutva poison will do the work and create the divisions for us

Pakistan at the moment has its own issues, so we need to lay the basis so we can set in motion our future plan of attack against the Hindus

What's new will you try?

As of now, everything has tried and failed..

Hope, you will find something new to attack.. After UN, armed support in kashmir, talk about kashmir - all the possible platforms etc.
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