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Another Indian Army Jawan Killed in Pakistani Firing at LOC

Multiplied like rabbits ? :what:

India is just a much bigger country than Pakistan and has much more fertile land to support population.

Also as per data -

India's population in 1951 census - 361 million

West Pakistan's (Present Pakistan) population in 1951 census - 34 million

India's population now - 1.36 billion

Pakistan's population now - 216 million

Therefore, going by the Math, India has increased it population roughly 3.8 times since 1951 while Pakistan has increased it's population by roughly 6.4 times since 1951. :-)

Anyway, I was only stating how things would be even, but whatever makes you happy.

Cut with this BS man

Population of only muttar pardesh is nearly equal to that of Pakistan while its area is that of third of Pakistan

Anyways we know how to rattle you and we would do exactly that
Multiplied like rabbits ? :what:

India is just a much bigger country than Pakistan and has much more fertile land to support population.

Also as per data -

India's population in 1951 census - 361 million

West Pakistan's (Present Pakistan) population in 1951 census - 34 million

India's population now - 1.36 billion

Pakistan's population now - 216 million

Therefore, going by the Math, India has increased it population roughly 3.8 times since 1951 while Pakistan has increased it's population by roughly 6.4 times since 1951. :-)

Anyway, I was only stating how things would be even, but whatever makes you happy.
Civilian population is irrelevant. Military +/- irregulars numbers is what matters. I'd say it's closer to 2:1 in Indian favour on that basis.
You need to make corrections.

In the dawn link , 2 civilians were martyred, not soldiers. Also, in the very same link , 2 indian soldiers died.

Today 2 indian soldiers died , not 1. The link is on post number 3

So going be by reported .
Pakistan :- 12
India :-11

Also multiple ID rat is including IED attack casualties of Pakistan while not including Indian casualties due to same IED attacks along LoC

Perfect case of selective statistics to make own self feel good

Okay relax :-)


It looks like from multiple ID rat to you using selective stats to feel good is a common practice in India :)
Oh bhagat !!!after 1951 peoples in large numbers.from India,East Pakistan,Afghanistan,Burma and even Iran migrated and got permanently settled in West Pakistan.

Massive migration happened in India too after 1951 especially from Pakistan, and from Bangladesh after 1971. In fact till today refugees from Pakistan are coming to India looking for citizenship. Sometimes Muslims too - Adnan Sami ;)

Anyway, despite the migrations, ratio would be the same.
Massive migration happened in India too after 1951 especially from Pakistan, and from Bangladesh after 1971. In fact till today refugees from Pakistan are coming to India looking for citizenship. Sometimes Muslims too - Adnan Sami ;)

Anyway, despite the migrations, ratio would be the same.
Again, for whomever is keeping a "tally chart", please explain why civilian populations have any relevance?? I still don't get it...unless civilians are legitimate and necessary military targets, which may well be the case for IA given the use of cluster munitions and targeting of houses...

The fighting population is what matters in this tally chart approach. The civilians are there to be ruled over by the victors, whether they're 4 of them or 4 billion.
Massive migration happened in India too after 1951 especially from Pakistan, and from Bangladesh after 1971. In fact till today refugees from Pakistan are coming to India looking for citizenship. Sometimes Muslims too - Adnan Sami ;)

Anyway, despite the migrations, ratio would be the same.
People who migrated to India are just a fraction of its total population.Where as in Pakistan almost 50% of the population comprised of the peoples who migrated from some other place or country.
Again, for whomever is keeping a "tally chart", please explain why civilian populations have any relevance?? I still don't get it...unless civilians are legitimate and necessary military targets, which may well be the case for IA given the use of cluster munitions and targeting of houses...

The fighting population is what matters in this tally chart approach. The civilians are there to be ruled over by the victors, whether they're 4 of them or 4 billion.

I agree, you have a good point here. Finally, someone found a decent counter for my argument instead of angry incoherent rants. Good stuff (you should be a lawyer).

But even by that measure, Pakistan must kill at least twice as many Indians as Indians kill Pakistanis which is not happening. Not by the facts we know at least. You can claim that we hide, we will claim that you hide, doesn't matter.

People who migrated to India are just a fraction of its total population.Where as in Pakistan almost 50% of the population comprised of the peoples who migrated from some other place or country.

We can't be certain about the percentage change in population caused by migration but, throughout the post independence period, including now, Pakistan has had a higher birth rate and fertility rate than India. Therefore the claim of Areesh of Indians breeding like rabbits as compared to Pakistan is wrong. Current TFR of India- 2.2
Current TFR of Pakistan - 3.6
I agree, you have a good point here. Finally, someone found a decent counter for my argument instead of angry incoherent rants. Good stuff (you should be a lawyer).

But even by that measure, Pakistan must kill at least twice as many Indians as Indians kill Pakistanis which is not happening. Not by the facts we know at least. You can claim that we hide, we will claim that you hide, doesn't matter.

We can't be certain about the percentage change in population caused by migration but, throughout the post independence period, including now, Pakistan has had a higher birth rate and fertility rate than India. Therefore the claim of Areesh of Indians breeding like rabbits as compared to Pakistan is wrong. Current TFR of India- 2.2
Current TFR of Pakistan - 3.6

Do you have a link to the sources for the above figures? Also 1,400,000,000 with a fertility rate of 2.2 is still insurmountable compared to 200,000,000 with a fertility rate of 3.6. Pakistan would need a fertility rate of AT LEAST 17 to outbreed india. An impossible figure which we are not even a fifth of.
No it isn't wrong man

Just check population of muttar pardesh for further details. You do multiply like rabbits

They wish they could mate as much as they want. The thing is , female infanticide is pretty common in India. They have killed their women hence they resort to rape.

Low women + subhuman looking gangu males = incels.
Also , do you notice how they scream " love jihad " whenever a hindu girl converts and marries a muslim. It is because they already have a low population of girls hence more conversion = less partners for mating.


Dirty sikhs and piss drinking hindus have the worst gender ratios in India. Read here

I agree, you have a good point here. Finally, someone found a decent counter for my argument instead of angry incoherent rants. Good stuff (you should be a lawyer).

But even by that measure, Pakistan must kill at least twice as many Indians as Indians kill Pakistanis which is not happening. Not by the facts we know at least. You can claim that we hide, we will claim that you hide, doesn't matter.

We can't be certain about the percentage change in population caused by migration but, throughout the post independence period, including now, Pakistan has had a higher birth rate and fertility rate than India. Therefore the claim of Areesh of Indians breeding like rabbits as compared to Pakistan is wrong. Current TFR of India- 2.2
Current TFR of Pakistan - 3.6

Actually you are wrong. You compared percentage increase in population which would be unfair if you compare a mammoth population with a smaller one. You are manipulating statistics , just like your gangu government manipulate statistics to show 6+ GDP growth rate.
For example , a country X has 100 people. 1 year later , it becomes 120. Percentage increase = 20%
A country Y has 1000 people. 1 year later , it becomes 1200. Percentage increase 20%

Same percentage increase is same but real numbers are quite different.

Also , we need a large population for war you know. The fact , is Indian incels can't really mate much since they have killed off a huge chunk of their women.

So in essence.

Low gangu female numbers + love jihad + ugly subhuman looking indian males = Less opportunities for indian men. You are involuntarily celibate.




Also , nobody wants to date you as evidence by below articles and bob and vegana meme and rape capital title.



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