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Another exodus of refugees from Pakistan

Calling people wahhabi is a sin. After all Wahhab is one of Alalh (SWT)'s beautiful names. The scholar's name was Abdul Wahhab and he eliminated the hejaz from shirk and bidah.

And Allah has already told us of the fate of kaafirs in their graves and the next world.

Abdul Wahab Najdi was a shaytaan and forbearer of evil. His followers raped and killed with impunity and this legacy is still followed by his ideological followers today. They were and are the dogs of Jahanam that the Prophet(saws) foretold of.

As for the original post, it is sad and appalling that some of our minority folk feel the need to leave. Face it, after 30 years of radicalisation we are now being bitten back hard. I feel sorry for so many of us who did not want this to happen, especially since our belief (me being Sufi) are the stark, harsh opposite to what these savages believe.

I for one am not "secretly" happy, nor is the majority as one Indian termed it. We are upset, sad and totally demoralised with what is going on. It will take time for us to sort things out and we must be steadfast and patient.
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