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Another exodus of refugees from Pakistan

Yeah please do it,PDF is getting very boring these days especially after moderators are banning all the trolls mercilessly.No troll threads these days :sick:


What has the persecution of minorities in Pakistan being reported in a Pakistani newspaper got to do with Bharits o_O

There is a relation. You would get it soon. :)
Its not just cause of breeding, its because Muslims in India are much safer than they are in many so called Islamic countries.

How many Indian Muslims do you see queuing up to seek asylum in Pakistan or any other countries? I mean if things for Indian Muslims were as bad as some Pakistanis here like to believe, they should have been leaving India by droves!

well may be not in past decade .. but we have accept indian millions during partition .. then more then 5 millions afghans during russian invasion and many even now... they look up to Pakistan .. although we are mess .. but we helped Muslims all around the world .. help is Arab russian war, helped oppressed kashmiris , helped afghans , help to curve out many muslim countries in from ruassia , help bosnia, help palestine . helped libya to become neuclear power, help iran and was helping seria as well. im not saying all the efforts bear fruit but Pakistan according to his capacity has always help Muslims

now lets come to the second point ... only weak willed stayed in indian .. millions migrated .. they had their land, family, bussiness there .. leaving ur country with nothng is not an easy task..
well may be not in past decade .. but we have accept indian millions during partition .. then more then 5 millions afghans during russian invasion and many even now... they look up to Pakistan .. although we are mess .. but we helped Muslims all around the world .. help is Arab russian war, helped oppressed kashmiris , helped afghans , help to curve out many muslim countries in from ruassia , help bosnia, help palestine . helped libya to become neuclear power, help iran and was helping seria as well. im not saying all the efforts bear fruit but Pakistan according to his capacity has always help Muslims

now lets come to the second point ... only weak willed stayed in indian .. millions migrated .. they had their land, family, bussiness there .. leaving ur country with nothng is not an easy task..

You did not accept "Indian Muslims", you accepted Pakistanis, the people who chose Pakistan were/are Pakistanis. Post 1947 very few Indian Muslims have migrated to Pakistan.

You are also wrong about "only the weak willed Muslims staying back". 90% of Muslims from the "Indian" side of the sub continent stayed back . Only the rich, well of Muslims migrated, and the ones that were closer to the border. Fact is that today Muslims in India are much safer than they are in many other Islamic countries.
well may be not in past decade .. but we have accept indian millions during partition .. then more then 5 millions afghans during russian invasion and many even now... they look up to Pakistan .. although we are mess .. but we helped Muslims all around the world .. help is Arab russian war, helped oppressed kashmiris , helped afghans , help to curve out many muslim countries in from ruassia , help bosnia, help palestine . helped libya to become neuclear power, help iran and was helping seria as well. im not saying all the efforts bear fruit but Pakistan according to his capacity has always help Muslims

now lets come to the second point ... only weak willed stayed in indian .. millions migrated .. they had their land, family, bussiness there .. leaving ur country with nothng is not an easy task..

This thread is not about the majority Sunni muslims. IT's about the exodus of Muslim minorities and other minorities from Pakistan such as Hindus , Christians.
You did not accept "Indian Muslims", you accepted Pakistanis, the people who chose Pakistan were/are Pakistanis. Post 1947 very few Indian Muslims have migrated to Pakistan.

You are also wrong about "only the weak willed Muslims staying back". 90% of Muslims from the "Indian" side of the sub continent stayed back . Only the rich, well of Muslims migrated, and the ones that were closer to the border. Fact is that today Muslims in India are much safer than they are in many other Islamic countries.
how are they Pakistanis?? .. they were living in india , then they moved to Pakistan.. i dnt understand ur logic...

yes according to me they are weak willed ..many hindus left for india, but many stayed .. its not because they supported Pakistan cause but they think it was convenient.. many Muslim though it is convenient to stay .. one of my indian friend ..she is hindu .. she was telling me when we were discussing the kashmiri student issue .. she said many people, even in her city ( nagpur) celebrate when Pakistan win ..

7.2 million people moved according to many reports .. 1950 census in India it has Muslim population of 3.7 core ..so ur 10 % figure is flawed... our pollution at that time was 4 crores .. we accept 1/5 our population size...

for reference see this report
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Oned ay these kaafirs will have nowhere to run to when Islam conquers the whole world insha allah and they will have no choice but to accept Islam or be killed. This is definitely going to happen when Isa (as) is going to rule.

Psychopathic Sick Mullah mentality , I have nothing more to say seriously .
Why would a kaafir have anything to say? It is up to the kaafir to submit to the reality of Islam's global domination. And these are the orders of Allah, His Messenger, and the Consensus of the Scholars and the Companions
This is good news.
Oned ay these kaafirs will have nowhere to run to when Islam conquers the whole world insha allah and they will have no choice but to accept Islam or be killed. This is definitely going to happen when Isa (as) is going to rule.

As I said in the other thread, Pakistan should adopt Shafi'i or Hanbali law and wipe out its Hindu population. The Christians can stay as long as they agree to be subjugated and pay jizya. However a warning, once Isa (as) arrives, then even the jizya option won't be given to Christians and Jews. They will either have to revert to the true religion Islam or die.
These Hindus were lucky that most Muslim rulers in India were either non-practising or were Hanafi, hence the Hindus were allowed to pay jizya and weren't exterminated.

cut the crap
how are they Pakistanis?? .. they were living in india , then they moved to Pakistan.. i dnt understand ur logic...

yes according to me they are weak willed ..many hindus left for india, but many stayed .. its not because they supported Pakistan cause but they think it was convenient.. many Muslim though it is convenient to stay .. one of my indian friend ..she is hindu .. she was telling me when we were discussing the kashmiri student issue .. she said many people, even in her city ( nagpur) celebrate when Pakistan win ..

7.2 million people moved according to many reports .. 1950 census in India it has Muslim population of 3.7 core ..so ur 10 % figure is flawed... our pollution at that time was 4 crores .. we accept 1/5 our population size...

for reference see this report
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Because there was no Pakistan before that. Pakistan was formed for the Muslims of the Indian sub continent! So the idea of Indian Muslims moving from India to Pakistan in 1947, sounds ridiculous.

And thanks, I stand corrected, so 20% of Muslim population on the Indian side of the Radcliffe line decided to move to Pakistan, and 80% decided to stay put in India. Thats a lot of "weak willed" Muslims according to your logic. And please avoid anecdotal evidence, my friend said this and that, it adds zero value to the discussion.
This is good news.
Oned ay these kaafirs will have nowhere to run to when Islam conquers the whole world insha allah and they will have no choice but to accept Islam or be killed. This is definitely going to happen when Isa (as) is going to rule.

As I said in the other thread, Pakistan should adopt Shafi'i or Hanbali law and wipe out its Hindu population. The Christians can stay as long as they agree to be subjugated and pay jizya. However a warning, once Isa (as) arrives, then even the jizya option won't be given to Christians and Jews. They will either have to revert to the true religion Islam or die.
These Hindus were lucky that most Muslim rulers in India were either non-practising or were Hanafi, hence the Hindus were allowed to pay jizya and weren't exterminated.

The world is tolerating your non sense. Your Mahdi won't be able to do jack shit against modern weapons and technology. If your Jesus comes back Jews will crucify him again.:lol:
Psychopathic Sick Mullah mentality , I have nothing more to say seriously .

Oh sorry. I just realised that you are a Muslim.

Are you going to call the Prophet (saw) sick for saying all these things.

"If the sword is introduced among my Ummah, it will not be raised from it until the Day of Ressurection.” (828, Sahih al Jami)

"Verily, Jihad in the path of Allah is tourism for my Ummah.” (2093, Sahih al Jami)

“Islam dominates, and is not dominated over.” (2778, Sahih al Jami)

“Now, we invade them and they will not invade us.” (2754, Sahih al Jami)
This thread is not about the majority Sunni muslims. IT's about the exodus of Muslim minorities and other minorities from Pakistan such as Hindus , Christians.
well the state of pakistan or pakistans have no killed those monorities .. in pst decade taliban/ other extremist groups have killed that alot .. but they have killed more muslims then the minorities or as ur say Muslim minorities ..its basically the war between iran, suadias in pakistan ..both fund their school of thoughs make them redical .. they end up fighting each other .. search on this topic .. u might get a better insight
Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
lol :lol:

Shame for any self respecting Pakistani here. Wish them luck in their new countries. That's all I can say.
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