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Anna Hazare wins, Parliament passes resolution on Lokpal Bill

It's only a half victory.

As long as the CBI doesn't come under Lokpal, the Sharad Pawars and the Rajas will keep getting away with murder.

"This House agrees 'in principle' on following issues - (i) citizen charter, (ii) lower bureaucracy under Lokpal through an appropriate mechanism, and (iii) establishment of Lokayukta in the states"

it will put an end to the plight of common man....they no longer will have to pay bribes.
and with RTI+lokpal, i hope not see any more scams...with CBI or without CBI, janlokpal bill is strong enough to make life of Raja nd kalmadi a hell...correct me if I am wrong but isn't lokpal entitled to do investigation on its own??
We should also appreciate our parliament today for taking the people'e side.


Except that they had to be dragged from the hair and made to do this by the people.

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

...isn't lokpal entitled to do investigation on its own??

That's still not decided yet.

...and hence there's no commitment from the govt. on that.
I give no credit to Govt and parliament...all credit to common people and team Anna

this kind of peaceful protest is only possible in a democracy called India :tup:

Most of the cynics in this forum are the one's who haven't read the bill. Be a little optimistic. The bill will bring about a strong, transparent and effective bill. My suggestion would be to have a special courts to deal with corruption cases. I hope the shear number of corruption cases would not render the Lokpal ineffective. I have some issues with the investigation process in the Lokpal. What if the Lokpal would not be able to bring enough proof on the table against a corrupt official? What will happen than? The case will be heard by a judge. What amount of proof is enough to put a corrupt official behind bars? These things need to be clearer. I hope the standing committee would look into all these issue. Special course will be required.

To all the critics of Lokpal bill. Just like democracy this bill might not be perfect but will be the most effective.
People were calling this 'Arab Spring' and what not!

India once again shows the world that 'It's different'


This is really amazing.

So much protests, so much public catharsis, millions of people protesting on the streets, so much anger in the masses...

...and yet no incidence of violence or bloodshed.

...no policeman carrying so much so much as a lathi.

...no police firing, no stone-pelting, no tear gas shells.

Truth Alone Triumphs

...It happens only in India

India shows the world, the way...once again!
we should all wear Anna's topi when we go in any Government Office-- let see how they will ask for bribe !! that would be fun.
This is got to be the first succesful fight against corruption in south asia in such a large scale . We fought , and we won . Congratulations India .
when will the bill passed n corrupts will go behind bars??
i want that to happen soon
we used to always believe in methods of violent but today we all should appreciate the Gandhi's values.

Kudos to young people who show the way...

what a victory !!!
Hazare ji has won this war for all of us countrymen! Anna ji ki Jai! Jai Hind! :yahoo:
Anna's three conditions were:

1.The Lokpal model will be introduced in states.

2. Junior bureaucrats will be accountable to it.

3. Citizen's charters will be displayed in all government offices to publically display that department's duties.

These features have been accepted in principle; they will now be reviewed by a parliamentary standing committee which will also check their compatibility with the constitution.

The committee will then send the bill back with detailed feedback to Parliament for its consideration.

well Standing Committee is just a formality now..so we can hope to see the bill in couple of months
Which bill has been passed? Will this end corruption in India, no. Will this significantly cripple corruption in India, perhaps. Only time will tell. I would appreciate, Indian members to do a follow-up on the passing of this bill, 6-months or perhaps a year down the road. Then we can see
if the bill was a prayer answered or a curse.
Nation celebrates Anna's victory

People all over the country celebrated the victory on Social Activist Anna Hazare, whose three key demands on the Lokpal bill were accepted by parliament on Saturday.

In the national capital, scores of people came out on the roads to express their elation over the victory of Hazare,

Sporting Anna caps, waving the tricolour and shouting slogans, people were seen heading towards India Gate.

Some people were found to be dancing to the tunes of patriotic songs on roads, while some took out car rallies and processions.

Many people boarded the metro to reach Ramlila Maidan where Hazare will break his fast 10 a.m. on Sunday. At the venue, people were applauding and singing patriotic songs.
Thousands of people in Maharashtra, including Mumbai and Anna Hazare's home village Ralegan-Siddhi, broke out in celebrations on Saturday after the activist said he will call off his fast as the government had agreed to his three key demands.

Villagers ran out of their homes as soon as the news broke out.

"Anna is a national hero, he has achieved what many felt was impossible by a hunger strike and a peaceful agitation," an admiring villager said in front of television cameras.

Many people, including women and youths, danced in groups, while the men folk cheered and raised slogans in favour of Hazare.

Similar celebrations were seen in Pune, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Thane and other parts of the state.

Braving heavy rains, Mumbaikars managed to gather in small groups in temples or public places and flashed the victory sign as Hazare compelled the government to take the first concrete steps for a strong Lokpal bill.

"Anna has achieved what the people of the country wanted and he continues to remain safe and healthy," Andheri businessman Rajeev Jain told media.

"Many of us had taken out a candle light march supporting Anna's cause last week. We are happy our individual efforts have succeeded in achieving Anna's objectives for a strong Lokpal bill," Pooja Pujari, an executive with the five-star Hotel Trident Oberoi, said.

Praful Vora, the Mumbai coordinator of India Against Corruption, said: "Real parliament is the people, says Annaji. People are supreme and parliament is only an institution to serve them. This has been established again today."

Kiran Gavande, the secretary of Nutan Dabbawala Trust said that he is glad their efforts bore fruit. "We are glad that we supported Annaji by taking a break from providing tiffins for a day, a first in the last 120 years," he said.

"But we are now planning to celebrate by serving our customers with free sweets Monday," he added

Union Minister and former Maharashtra chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh conveyed the "sense of the house", including in-principle agreement on the three key demands of Anna Hazare on the Lokpal bill, to the activist at Ramlila grounds in New Delhi late Saturday.

Reading out a letter signed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Deshmukh said: "This House agrees, in principle, on the following issues for a strong and effective Lokpal - citizens' charter, lower bureaucracy to be under Lokpal through an appropriate mechanism, (and) establishment of Lokayuktas in the states."

Soon after, the activist announced that he will break his fast at 10 a.m. Sunday. Saturday was the 12th day of Anna Hazare's fast.
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