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Anna Hazare wins, Parliament passes resolution on Lokpal Bill

Nitin Goyal

Aug 4, 2011
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Victory of all Indian :cheers:

NEW DELHI: Both Houses of Parliament on Saturday passed a resolution conveying the sense of the House on the Lokpal Bill, paving the way for Anna Hazare to break his fast.

On a motion moved by Pranab Mukherjee, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha passed a resolution conveying the sense of the House on the Lokpal Bill.

After the passage of the resolution, Speaker Meira Kumar adjourned the Lok Sabha till Monday.

There was some confusion over whether the resolution was passed by a voice vote or not. Apparently, no voice vote took place.

"Thumping of the desk is akin to passing a motion by voice vote," Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar told Times Now.

After the passage of the Lokpal resolution in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha also passed the resolution.

Team Anna welcomes the passage of the Lokpal resolution, Kiran Bedi said.

Some of the important points of the Lokpal resolution passed by Parliament are:

*An effective Lokpal at the Centre and Lokayuktas in states be set up.

*Employees of centre and state governments to be brought under purview of Lokpal and Lokayuktas respectively.

*All government departments to have citizen's charter with timeline.

With a copy of Lokpal resolution and a letter from PM Manmohan Singh, Union minister Vilasrao Deshmukh would now go to Ramlila Maidan to meet Anna Hazare.

Earlier, the team Anna said they have received a communication from the government that a resolution carrying their demands on Lokpal Bill will be put to a voice vote, a move which they termed as a "very happy" development.

Fresh trouble emerged this afternoon after government decided only to convey sense of House to Team Anna and not put the resolution for voting, the activists hardened their position saying it was "betrayal" and only a resolution which will be put to vote will be acceptable.

This forced the government to change its stand. The activist's camp said they have received the communication from the government about its decision to put the resolution to voice vote.

The 74-year-old Gandhian has been on fast for the last 12 days, demanding the passage of the Jan Lokpal Bill by Parliament.
Anna Hazare wins, Parliament passes resolution on Lokpal Bill - The Times of India
Agreed! says Parliament to Anna; fast ends at 10 am

New Delhi: Surrounded by a sea of flags, Anna Hazare received the news that his three conditions have been unanimously accepted by Parliament. At his protest camp at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi, thousands gathered to celebrate the 74-year-old and his role in helping India take a huge step forward towards a historic new anti-corruption law.

Anna will end his fast at 10 am. Now on Day 12, of his hunger strike he has lost 7.5 kgs; his doctors say they are seriously worried about his health.

"Parliament has spoken. The will of Parliament is will of the people," said the Prime Minister. (Watch) A letter signed by him was delivered in a moment of drama and political opportunism to Anna on stage at Ramlila Maidan. The letter-bearers included Vilasrao Deshmkuh, who is from Anna's home state of Maharashtra and shares a good rapport with the Gandhian.

"We have won half the battle," said Anna, thanking the thousands of workers and supporters who helped elevate his movement to the top of the country's agenda. "It is your victory," he said. "I will end my fast with you at 10 am" he said to huge applause. "Celebrate what we have won, but please be peaceful," he urged. (Watch)

The government held its ground and did not conduct a vote, as Anna's associates had demanded in the afternoon. Instead, the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha unanimously adopted a resolution that conveyed "the sense of the House." The resolution was shared by Leader of the House Pranab Mukherjee in his speech that concluded today's parliamentary debate on the Lokpal Bill. It is being formally delivered to Anna in a letter signed by the Prime Minister.

Different government leaders said that because the resolution was unanimously accepted, there was no need for a vote.

The Lokpal is an ombudsman committee that will be set up by a new law to investigate charges of corruption against public servants. Anna wanted it to be born with three must-have powers. These have been cleared today in principle. (Read what Parliament has agreed to)

In Parliament, both Leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee referred to the fact that nine times, the Lokpal Bill has been introduced in Parliament but was not pushed through. "I accept the lapse of our governments," said Mr Mukherjee, while concluding the debate. However, he reinforced his party line: "One piece of legislation, however strong and empowered it may be, cannot completely eradicate corruption." Mr Mukherjee also warned, "There is a difference between mobocracy and democracy." Mr Hazare's methods have been criticized by many, including Rahul Gandhi, who delivered a rare speech on the Lokpal Bill in the Lok Sabha on Friday.

So political parties have signed off on Anna's trio of essentials: The Lokpal model will be introduced in states; junior bureaucrats will be accountable to it; and citizen's charters will be displayed in all government offices to publically display that department's duties. These features have been accepted in principle; they will now be reviewed by a parliamentary standing committee which will also check their compatibility with the constitution. The committee will then send the bill back with detailed feedback to Parliament for its consideration.

The hours before both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Saba voted in favour of Anna's three must-haves were drenched with the tension that has been characteristic of the last few days of negotiations between his group of activists and the government. The Lokpal debate was initiated by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in the Lok Sabha. A series of impressive speeches followed, topped by BJP leader Sushma Swaraj. "Let us show the country that its representatives can function well and conduct a healthy and mature political debate devoid of partisan acrimony," she urged.

Since last night, the government had been working on a carefully-calibrated plan to find a way to satisfy Anna without undermining Parliament and its right to legislate. Senior ministers consulted last night and again this morning with both Anna's associates and the Opposition. But by 3 pm, the plan, as it has so often in the last few days, fell apart.

Anna's associates, who arrived at Parliament while the Lokpal debate was underway, said they were also told that instead of a resolution, Parliament would issue a statement to convey "the sense of the House." They said unless there was a vote in both Houses, the deal was off.

"If no resolution will take place or no voting will happen and if this is the response given to Anna Hazare's letter then it is very unfortunate," said Anna's aide, Prashant Bhushan. "It is a clear case of betrayal," said another member of Anna's inner circle, Arvind Kejriwal.

The Prime Minister then met with senior ministers and with the BJP's Sushma Swaraj and LK Advani. The close coordination between the government and the Opposition today was impressive. The BJP announced it would agree to a vote.

While the debate was being conducted in both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, Ramlila Maidan was filling up. In the afternoon, actor Aamir Khan addressed the audience and urged Anna to end his fast. He also performed a song from his hit movie, Lagaan. "We have to thank Anna for putting this bill and the issue of corruption in the spotlight." He stressed, "We need to decide as to how we are going to live our lives... Will we give or accept bribes? Will we say no to corruption in our lives?"

Agreed! says Parliament to Anna; fast ends at 10 am
A big rebuttal to all cynics. This is just the first step just a start we have to prepare for a bigger war. jai hind !!!

---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ----------

Celebrations have broken all over India.
There were 2 versions of the bill .So which one has the parliament passed??
If passing a Law would bring El Dorado, India would have been a better place. The real issue is enforcement. I remember the days when CVC (Chief Vigilance Commissioner) officer was open for business, corruption situation only got worse.

Who will be the guy leading Jan Lokpal, some IAS officer or ex-magistrate. Some things never change, I am not cynical.

The whole thing to me reflects todays, take a pill lose your weight mentality that is pervasive through out the world. If you really want to lose weight, you have to endure the pain of solid work-out. The pill may help, but the hardwork is the real deal.
A giant leap for one-sixth of humanity !!

Truly outstanding ! Proud to be an Indian ! Triumph of people power for a better tomorrow.

Its not yet over. It must be taken to its logical conclusion.
Lokpal Bill: Anna Hazare calls adoption of resolution a half-victory; to end fast at 10:00 AM tomorrow

NEW DELHI: Addressing the crowd after Vilasrao Deshmukh read out Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's letter at the Ramlila Maidan, Anna Hazare called the adoption of the resolution on Lokpal Bill by the Parliament a half-victory.

Calling the decision as a victory of the people, Anna Hazare said that he would end his twelve-days long fast at 10:00 AM on Sunday morning. He also thanked everyone for their support.

The PM in his letter to Anna Hazare had thanked him and requested an end to his fast.

Hazare credited the "victory" to everyone who took part in the campaign for an effective Lokpal bill all over the country since he began his fast Aug 16 after police detained him here.

"The students, the youths, the housewives, it is their victory," he thundered, drawing a huge round of applause. "The people who remained here (Ramlila ground), it is their victory."

The crowds went wild with joy when he said: "It is your victory." Thousands of hands went up when he asked loudly: "Raise your hands if I have your permission to break the fast."

The anti-corruption crusader asked people to celebrate on Sunday but said this should be done peacefully.

Earlier, The Lok Sabha had adopted 'sense of House' on three key issues raised by Anna Hazare by thumping of desks. Lok Sabha was adjourned after sense of House resolution. Experts say thumping of tables can be taken as voice vote.

Rajya Sabha also adopted 'Sense of the House' on issues raised by Anna Hazare by thumping of desks.

The 'Sense of the House' resolution moved by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee reads:

"This House agrees 'in principle' on following issues - (i) citizen charter, (ii) lower bureaucracy under Lokpal through an appropriate mechanism, and (iii) establishment of Lokayukta in the states;

And further resolves to forward the proceedings of the House to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice while finalising its report."

In initial reactions to Parliament recommending forwarding Anna Hazare's demands on Lokpal bill to Standing Committee, Team Anna member Kiran Bedi said they were "very grateful" for the reconciliation in the largest interest of the country.

Bedi told media, "We are very grateful to the reconciliation in the largest interest of the country."

"Lets proceed now to build a honest India. Let each citizen now to vow neither to bribe not ask for. We should be vigilant here after," she said thanking all those who fought alongside.

Terming it as a "win-win" situation for both sides, another Team Anna member Medha Patkar said while there was no surrender of Parliament supremacy, there was also victory of people's power.

However, she still termed it the development as "part betrayal" as this was not something which was agreed during a meeting between Team Anna and Law Minister Salman Khurshid.

"But I will not like to say (these things) now at this historic time when people's power is at its peak," she said.

Earlier, Pranab Mukherjee had said Parliament "does not necessarily follow the conventional" way of lawmaking, as he began the reply to the eight-hour discussion in the Lok Sabha on the Lokpal bill.

"India is the largest democracy. It is a functional democracy," Mukherjee said adding that it does not "necessarily follow the conventional way".

Lokpal Bill: Anna Hazare calls adoption of resolution a half-victory; to end fast at 10:00 AM tomorrow - The Economic Times

:yahoo: corruption free India is going to be a reality soon
It's only a half victory.

As long as the CBI doesn't come under Lokpal, the Sharad Pawars and the Rajas will keep getting away with murder.
We should also appreciate our parliament today for taking the people'e side.

Or rather they were forced to pass this resolution.If Anna hadn't stuck to his demands these dogs would have never taken this forward.We all know how this bill has been tabled before them for decades and its only now something has happened. I think this is the first time they have realised that people won't listen to them until they do something concrete in the parliament. Hats off to Anna and everybody who are with him.
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