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Anna Hazare released from jail after India-wide protests, begins fasting

Jan Lokapl Bill

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The same how its handled in Pakistan, the Democratic setup leaves a lot a chance for the culprits to prove their innocence(which they do not have) but during the legal battle, either they die of old age or bribe a way out.

Thats the point democracy. We dont need democracy as defined in the west. Chinese are lucky their system allowed them to get much higher literacy levels than in our countries, did you notice that when the olympic torch was being carried around the west were desparate to get chinese abroad to make anti chinese comments but most chinese were not taken in. Wheras I often see pakistanis and indians take a western position against their country of origin.
Ay khaak nasheeno uth baitho, woh waqt kareeb aa pahucha hai jab taj uchale jayenge,jab takhat giraye jayenge.Vote out the corrupt.
history has proven record that domestic unstablity never benifited the countries economy as the investers takes a step back ...

is anna hajare's attitude to over throw the paliamentery systems and trying to dectate term is justified ?

is it correct to compare anna hajare with gandhi ?

who going to benifited by this aggitatio/nandollan , india public or those who are looking envy towards indian growing economic status ?
Rahul Gandhi , the youth icon? Nothing can be farther from truth. Right now , the youih is looking at a frail old man as a ray of hope and rallying round him and seeking inspiration from him. Jai ho Anna.

---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 AM ----------

this movement will defiantly inspire nationalism in this region.
history has proven record that domestic unstablity never benifited the countries economy as the investers takes a step back ...

is anna hajare's attitude to over throw the paliamentery systems and trying to dectate term is justified ?

is it correct to compare anna hajare with gandhi ?

who going to benifited by this aggitatio/nandollan , india public or those who are looking envy towards indian growing economic status ?

I can smell a Kongressi here... Anna's movement is based on non-violence... If I am an investor I won't get afraid of non-violent movement...

Anna has never said that He want to throw the parliamentary system. Constitution has given us right to peaceful assembly and protest.. His point is "Kongress' Lokpal bill is "made by corrupts, made for corrupts", We all (Including Anna) wants a stronger bill. Bill will definitely made by MPs.

Yes it is not bad to compare two leaders, Anna is following gandhian way, so he can be compared by Gandhi... Non-violence and democracy are slow , but there is no alternative of it...

Every one will be benefited by this agitation.. Remember this kind of agitation made "Right to information act possible" and much more, This kind of agitation only gave us independence...
growing economy....? here richer is becoming more richer and poorer becoming more poorer......
unless or untill we didnt solve the corruption in our bureaucracy majority of our people wont get the benefit of our growing economy....

my 2 cents
Its all crap...there's no damage being done to economy by this protest. These peaceful march nobody even blocked the roads untill Anna was arrested. All this is crazy, Congress is just trying to divert the attention. They just want to complete their term in a peaceful maner. Passing this bill will cause alot of uproar among bureaucratic and will even put all the politicians in danger (i mean in danger of getting arrested for corruption ) which nobody wants.
This is where I differ from you.
1) Anna Hazare's campaign has not destabilized the nation.All schools, colleges,offices are functioning the way they are. Infact, even the finicky stock markets continue to be stable and investors continue to come in.
2) Anna Hazare did not disrupt parliamentary proceedings. The opposition did citing the govt's conduct as unconstitutional. If any one is trying to dictate terms,it's the UPA govt. They shoud've rallied all parties with them, but choose to make it a govt. vs civil society fight.
3) If you look at any investors guide around the world,corruption in India and lack of laws to check it is cited as the biggest hurdle of operating in India.
4) Anna Hazare wants his draft to be presented in the parliament and debated. He has not and cannot dictate for only that bill to be passed. What stopped the govt.from presenting it?
5)If you don't believe this is going to benefit the public then that's your opinion and I respect that. But try not to belittle people who passionately believe and support this cause.
Majority of western media reporting this, it’s not good to India for Negative publicity , like I said Internal stability key to Economic Growth.
No publicity is bad publicity. Besides, there is no instability associated with this campaign. That's the difference between a non-violent protest and an uprising.
one bill/law can not eliminate corruption ...
it you and me who did and encurage it ...
I think this revolt won't go long. Anna Hazaare's movement is now took over by BJP and Rightwing as they hope they can dethrown the Congress led Government. Polticial instability will affect Country's economic growth.

The Evil "Kangressis" and Italian mafia somehow saved country's stability as well as economic growth. Minorities also feel safe not ruled by Golwalkar's Ideology supporters. :)
This is where I differ from you.
1) ..
2) ...
3) ..
4) Anna Hazare wants his draft to be presented in the parliament and debated. He has not and cannot dictate for only that bill to be passed. What stopped the govt.from presenting it?

that's the main point , is anna hajare a consitutional expert ,
how then he can force the govt to pass/present only his bill ?
then whoes bill is he pushing , shanti bhushan and prakash bhushan's bill >>>
what is the back ground of bhushan family , they made over 500crores in last 15 years , how ?

when in april anna haare comes to delhi , it was just a anshan against corruption , then suddenlly from no where bhushan family comes in and change the agenda towards lokpal bill , why ?....
why the US had made that statement ?
isn't it raise suspision ?
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