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Anna Hazare released from jail after India-wide protests, begins fasting

Jan Lokapl Bill

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Yes I agree with you that government in currently nervous with the massive support the movement is gaining. At the same time you and me were pretty sure that such a thing was expected if the government dared to make such a move. However now that they have done it, it may be that there is some kind of a counter plan by the government, I am sure the people at the helm are not fools to make such a move which is more or less harakiri.

Well i believe they wanted to act tough...They did know about the fact that there will be anger among public but i think they made a mistake in calculating how big the opposition would be....Now they have no other option but to take back the blunder...However this has further emboldened Anna and his supporters(like me).....Tough times for congress...

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

ISI , CIA or Mossad ? :rofl:
Don't bother...they have lost it mate...
to all my indian friends from Delhi. plz don't vote for *** h o le like Kapil sible in coming elections. Here in Gujarat things are calm and vigil. Congress already have no face here and u know wht we did in India. For me both parties are *** hole. and Rahul Gandhi is biggest idiot i ever come across.
ISI , CIA or Mossad ? :rofl:

Im not saying that there is an outside hand involved in what is going on india. However in all countries there may be a minority opinion which in this day and age of internet and global media with financial and other support can easily be exploited by external forces.

For example in Iran lets say there is a 20% support against the regime, 50% who dont care and are a political and 30% who support the regime. It wouldnt take much outside interference to make it look as if the maijority were against the regime and destabalise a country.

We already know that the west uses these psy ops etc
Im not saying that there is an outside hand involved in what is going on india. However in all countries there may be a minority opinion which in this day and age of internet and global media with financial and other support can easily be exploited by external forces.

For example in Iran lets say there is a 20% support against the regime, 50% who dont care and are a political and 30% who support the regime. It wouldnt take much outside interference to make it look as if the maijority were against the regime.

We already know that the west uses these psy ops etc
what you say is correct, but the case with corruption is different. Ask any common man the question "Are you intereted in abolishing corruption from the system?" his answer would be YES.
and INDIA is on the move against corruption, the UPA stands no chance in crubbing the masses.
what you say is correct, but the case with corruption is different. Ask any common man the question "Are you intereted in abolishing corruption from the system?" his answer would be YES.
and INDIA is on the move against corruption, the UPA stands no chance in crubbing the masses.

Well I hope that this movement that has started in india catches on in Pakistan we deserve in both countries to get rid of these corrupt politicos.
Well I hope that this movement that has started in india catches on in Pakistan we deserve in both countries to get rid of these corrupt politicos.
We wish that some one in Pakistan starts the way for the People to follow like Anna did here in INDIA.
We wish that some one in Pakistan starts the way for the People to follow like Anna did here in INDIA.

I think imran khan has tried but its very difficult without money and an organisation of people to sustain a campaign against the establishment and the corrupt politicos. For example Zardari has inherited a party where there are people who are blindly loyal to their own detriment and he has also knicked a few billion, I think education will help in both countries and when people stop supporting these corrupt politics and personalities. I mean how insulting can you get in a country of 1.2 billion there are people in india will do wateva some italian woman says you would think we could find our own role models. If you look at Libya, gadaffi introduced free education 40 odd years ago he propbably never realised the consequences that forty years later people would be able to see through his propaganda and want freedom etc
The reaction and protest are spontaneous in our case. this doesn't require fund or money. You only need to create the awareness among the masses. show a bigger than life picture to media ofcourse for right causes, media will also follow the suit.

Awareness and leadership are the keys.
The reaction and protest are spontaneous in our case. this doesn't require fund or money. You only need to create the awareness among the masses. show a bigger than life picture to media ofcourse for right causes, media will also follow the suit.

Awareness and leadership are the keys.

I hope it works out for you guys and inspires our people to do the same.
I think imran khan has tried but its very difficult without money and an organisation of people to sustain a campaign against the establishment and the corrupt politicos. For example Zardari has inherited a party where there are people who are blindly loyal to their own detriment and he has also knicked a few billion, I think education will help in both countries and when people stop supporting these corrupt politics and personalities. I mean how insulting can you get in a country of 1.2 billion there are people in india will do wateva some italian woman says you would think we could find our own role models. If you look at Libya, gadaffi introduced free education 40 odd years ago he propbably never realised the consequences that forty years later people would be able to see through his propaganda and want freedom etc
I agree with you. but only the blind congress supporters are there to back up the italian bitc* for any thing she says and does.
The rest of the nation, as a whole as improved. The reasoning ability of people is high. Every election sees a lot of new young voters, who are well aware of the course the nation is going through. They see the odds of a elected government before giving them another chance.
For example DMK used to be the largest party in TN, this time they did not even achieve the opposition status. its because people are well aware of what he(Karunanidhi) is capable of doing(which is nothing)
Corruption exists everywhere but I must say that I am impressed with first their harsh punishment for corruption Last time I was in China I remember reading in the paper that a banker had been up to some no good and had stolen about a million dollars but the chinese courts gave him the death penalty. In pakistan he could prob buy himself out of the punishment for prob half the amount. How do they deal with corruption in india relative to pak and china?
Corruption exists everywhere but I must say that I am impressed with first their harsh punishment for corruption Last time I was in China I remember reading in the paper that a banker had been up to some no good and had stolen about a million dollars but the chinese courts gave him the death penalty. In pakistan he could prob buy himself out of the punishment for prob half the amount. How do they deal with corruption in india relative to pak and china?
The same how its handled in Pakistan, the Democratic setup leaves a lot a chance for the culprits to prove their innocence(which they do not have) but during the legal battle, either they die of old age or bribe a way out.
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