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Animal cruelty in Model Town, Lahore

gotcha:rofl: @jamahir another sanghi exposed
now coming to the rest----------ho gea8-)-------now plz let bygones be bygones

In other words, u couldnt find anything sensible and related to the topic in his long rantings.

That proves my point.

U can enjoy beating around the bush :)

lo bhai, abhi sanghion se duniya mashvara legi. :rolleyes:

but as you say :
Na na tumse legi mashwara duniya.

bade teer jo maare hain tumne zindagi me o_O
Animals rights are appalling in Muslim countries

All rights end after the Juma sermon

In other words, u couldnt find anything sensible and related to the topic in his long rantings.

That proves my point.

U can enjoy beating around the bush :)

Na na tumse legi mashwara duniya.

bade teer jo maare hain tumne zindagi me o_O
y so serious pandey g ,chill out, its just internet:D
umm hi there, i am an intern from dawn newspaper Lahore and i would like to help you out to spread awareness on this topic of purposeless dog killing. is there a way i could contact you and get details of this incident for my article. i would like to interview you maybe through email or something. please reply asap
I am all for love for animals and dogs especially who are so sensitive and full of emotions . However , we should find some way to reduce the number of these street dogs ; even from their perspective, their life is miserable . They don't get to eat proper food and many days they simply starve . The water in the drains is their only source of drinking water . Most of these dogs end their lives with some painful disease . In India municipality people catch them to sterilize them which has not yielded good results due to ineffective and insufficient implementation of that program . It may sound inhuman but they only way to get rid of these dogs (their pain to themselves and the bites which people suffer from them ) is to putting them to death by some painless method . My mom once told me that municipal people used to do it when she was a child . Whenever a municipal van used to come to catch them , they used to get panic it seems . Do we want some millions of dogs to suffer like this even in the future or should we completely get rid of them by killing them at once ?
There is one animal cruelty incident from my childhood that I'll never forget. A chameleon was found by a bunch of kids in our local area and someone started spewing religious nonsense about how Islam commands us to kill a lizard, and how it is supposedly a good deed. Upon hearing this all the kids started to stone the chameleon. I tried to stop the kids, but no one would listen. Even the adults were saying the same thing and encouraging it. It was distressing to see this as a child.

It's then I realised that these people are complete barbarians. It also opened my eyes to some of these dangerous teachings of Islam.
We should export these stray dogs to China.
Cruelty against all living beings is wrong but the dog owners should ensure that they are properly tied. I have on several occasions been scared into running from chasing dogs.
Islam does not encourage the killing of animals for no reason, and a chameleon isnt even a lizard for gods sake! people are just stupid, they cant pray five times a day but they can easily do any cruel deed in the name of Islam...despicable really!

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