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Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

@faithful guy she wasn't trafficked she was legally hired in the country. Also she was paid not enslaved. While the minimum wage law was broken the diplomat did not deserve the treatment she received. It appears that irrespective of how many times I tell you it is not going to penetrative your thick skull that we can be concerned for both at the same time. Either that or you are a troll. In the past American courts have also freed people despite much graver crimes. In the OJ Simpson case he was freed despite overwhelming proof of murder because he was a celebrity. In Notre Dame football players were let free after raping a woman because they were stars. Do not judge other countries without looking at your own. Our country is messed up but it's not the only one. Thank fully most americans aren't this stupid. If you read my earlier posts you can clearly see that I expressed disdain that the diplomat was receiving preferential treatment over the maid. But when I found out that the maid had run off and the diplomat had been humiliated I had to agree that the US was wrong. How do you know that the maid didn't lie just so she would get a green card ? As ludicrous as that sounds it's possible. Given that she now refuses to return and that her family was snuck out of the country it seems likely that that is what happened. Anyway it's late and I have no more interest in arguing with trolls
India has other options to get diplomat out - Hindustan Times

With the US hardening its stand on the row over Devyani Khobragade’s arrest, India is looking at other options to get its diplomat out of the country even as it presses for greater immunity.

Getting Khobragade declared persona non grata (personally unacceptable or unwelcome) is an option that is on the table, according to diplomatic sources.

Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a receiving state can declare any member of a diplomatic staff persona non grata. A person so declared is considered unacceptable and is usually recalled to his or her home nation.

If India chooses this path, it could bring an end to the impasse over the case o
f the diplomat being charged visa fraud and underpaying her domestic help

Once declared persona non grata, Khobragade will not be able to visit the US as a private citizen, but can have diplomatic assignment there later.

India has gone down this path in the past. In 2003, India had declared Jalil Abbas Jilani, then deputy high commissioner of Pakistan in New Delhi a persona non grata along with three others.

Subsequently, Pakistan had declared five Indian diplomats personae non gratae.

India, however, hosted Jilani as foreign secretary of Pakistan in 2012.

This route is available, but India is keen on the US agreeing to greater immunity for Khobragade following her transfer to India's Permanent Mission to the UN.

The US state department, however, has asserted that Khobragade’s transfer to India’s UN mission will not protect her from the criminal charges that led to her arrest last week. What’s more, the charges will not be dropped.

But it’s not up to the state department now. If the judge dealing with the case is convinced of Khobragade’s changed immunity status, the case will be dismissed.

Moreover, even if the charges are pressed, Khobragade can stay from the court procedures citing the diplomatic immunity, according to the diplomatic sources. :lol:

For India the best way to end the impasse is to get the US to issue a G1 visa to the diplomat for UN posting.

Sure u are the only one who has not visited the US Govt website and read her indictment?

link it .....
the counselor made an "mistake" and someone in US took advantage of it and sued her. it was stupid to treat her the way they did.

Committed a crime is a mistake? falsify visa application is a federal crime, no one take advantage of the defendant, she did it herself.
@faithful guy she wasn't trafficked she was legally hired in the country. Also she was paid not enslaved. While the minimum wage law was broken the diplomat did not deserve the treatment she received. It appears that irrespective of how many times I tell you it is not going to penetrative your thick skull that we can be concerned for both at the same time. Either that or you are a troll. In the past American courts have also freed people despite much graver crimes. In the OJ Simpson case he was freed despite overwhelming proof of murder because he was a celebrity. In Notre Dame football players were let free after raping a woman because they were stars. Do not judge other countries without looking at your own. Our country is messed up but it's not the only one. Thank fully most americans aren't this stupid. If you read my earlier posts you can clearly see that I expressed disdain that the diplomat was receiving preferential treatment over the maid. But when I found out that the maid had run off and the diplomat had been humiliated I had to agree that the US was wrong. How do you know that the maid didn't lie just so she would get a green card ? As ludicrous as that sounds it's possible. Given that she now refuses to return and that her family was snuck out of the country it seems likely that that is what happened. Anyway it's late and I have no more interest in arguing with trolls

OJ went through the trial and he was acquitted. So this diplomat is not guilty until she is proven so. But she should not avoid going to trial because she is a consulate worker.

As for how she was frisked, that would be the local procedure. In more dangerous places, the frisking could be more extensive than safer areas. But that is local procedure so don't make too big of a fuss over that.

Committed a crime is a mistake? falsify visa application is a federal crime, no one take advantage of the defendant, she did it herself.

That is right, she willfully lied to the US government. She is charged for this crime and lets wait and see what the court says.

In India, I don't know how the legal system works. But in the US, she maybe found to be innocent if there its not beyond reasonable doubt that she committed a crime. So if she is found innocent, she will be free to go. But you need to trust the US legal system on this one.
lying in official application is in itself a crime. She should be charge with that count as well.

She might find herself in a situation in which she may go back to her country. The thing is that the false information she gave to the federal Gov't wasn't co-related to her work but personal life.
link it .....

Normally I would say google it but you seem sincere

This is about the properties she owns and now we know from the two Judges lied about


This is the real side of the story as there are so many CCTV's there including the car she sat it in that P Bharara an Indian origin guy would loose his job if he lied.


Will send you indictment tomorrow to or post it here. You guys should have shown the same outrage for kalam not this witch
@faithful guy...hmm... I may have answered too rashly on my previous comment sorry for that. In India the legal system works pretty much the same way. You are innocent until proven guilty with the burden of proof lying with the prosecution and not the defence. I think both countries messed up and that this whole thing had been blown way out of proportion. I also do not think that this is a case of racism or that the charges if valid should simply be dropped. However the strip search and public arrest (if true) were wrong and the US should apologise for this. I agree that she should be tried in American courts however and that she shouldn't be let off just because of her immunity. However the US should have been more considerate and the Indian and American foreign ministers should have been informed. The arrest of a diplomat usually raises a hue and cry albeit a smaller one such as in the case of the Kuwait diplomat or other such cases. Hence it should have been handled better. Anyway just know that most of us do feel really bad for the maid too. It is not right for someone to be severely underpaid and what she was paid was too little to survive given the cost of living in the US. We're just angry at the way this was handled. Most Indian's like the US and harbor no ill will towards it.
She might find herself in a situation in which she may go back to her country. The thing is that the false information she gave to the federal Gov't wasn't co-related to her work but personal life.

Violated labor law can punish with a fine or criminal charge depend on severity of the charge, falsify visa application to bring the maid into US that considered smuggling illegal immigrant into the US since the Visa should void for it fraudulent application.
Committed a crime is a mistake? falsify visa application is a federal crime, no one take advantage of the defendant, she did it herself.

there are far bigger troubles diplomat officials have been in and most are solved through backdoors. Therefore, this minor issue could have been solved in a "better" way.
Normally I would say google it but you seem sincere

This is about the properties she owns and now we know from the two Judges state that she lied about the adarsh property


This is the real side of the story as there are so many CCTV's there including the car she sat in that P Bharara an Indian origin guy would loose his job if he lied.


Will send you indictment tomorrow to or post it here. You guys should have shown the same outrage for kalam not this witch
Committed a crime is a mistake? falsify visa application is a federal crime, no one take advantage of the defendant, she did it herself.

I just check CNN, she didn't lie to the federal Gov't solely, but also violated the US laws by enforcing her employee to sign another document wherein it says she will get $3 per hour instead the average wages New Yorkers' receive for babysitting/home-care which is $9.75 per hour.

I also liked the kind of treatment the US authority gave to her family by granting them an unconditional temporarily visa to come to the US over fears of retaliation back home by the local authority.
OJ went through the trial and he was acquitted. So this diplomat is not guilty until she is proven so. But she should not avoid going to trial because she is a consulate worker.

As for how she was frisked, that would be the local procedure. In more dangerous places, the frisking could be more extensive than safer areas. But that is local procedure so don't make too big of a fuss over that.

That is right, she willfully lied to the US government. She is charged for this crime and lets wait and see what the court says.

In India, I don't know how the legal system works. But in the US, she maybe found to be innocent if there its not beyond reasonable doubt that she committed a crime. So if she is found innocent, she will be free to go. But you need to trust the US legal system on this one.

Why should we trust US legal system, when the maids family was moved to US 2 days before the arrest.
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