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Angela Merkel agrees to prosecution of comedian over Erdoğan poem


Mar 14, 2015
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The German chancellor has authorised the prosecution of comedian Jan Böhmermann for reading out an offensive poem about the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Angela Merkel insisted her government’s decision did not amount to a verdict on whether the comedian was guilty or not, but should be understood as a reaffirmation of the judiciary’s independence.

“In a constitutional democracy, weighing up personal rights against freedom of the press and freedom of expression is not a matter for governments, but for public prosecutors and courts,” Merkel said in a press conference on Friday.

Merkel was left with the final decision on whether Germany’s state prosecutor should start proceedings against Böhmermann, after Erdoğan requested the comedian be prosecuted.

Under an obscure paragraph of Germany’s criminal code, prosecutions for insults against organs or representatives of foreign states requires both a notification from the offended party and an authorisation from the government.

Merkel confirmed reports that there had been disagreements on the Böhmermann affair between the foreign ministry, interior ministry, justice ministry and her own office.

The chancellor also announced that she considered the paragraph of the German legal code that had allowed the Turkish president to request the prosecution to be unnecessary, and that legal steps would be taken towards scrapping it. Paragraph 103 of the German criminal code criminalises insults against organs or representatives of foreign states.

The chancellor expressed “grave concerns” about the prosecution of individual journalists in Turkey, as well as growing limitations to the right to protest, but emphasised Germany’s close diplomatic ties with the country.

The poem was read in a short clip on a late-night programme screened on the German state broadcaster ZDF at the end of last month, where Böhmermann sat in front of a Turkish flag beneath a small, framed portrait of Erdoğan, reading out a poem that accused the Turkish president of, among other things, “repressing minorities, kicking Kurds and slapping Christians while watching child ****”.

The scene was broadcast shortly after it emerged that Turkey had demanded the deletion of another satirical song from the German comedy show extra3, and Böhmermann’s poem was deliberately framed as a test of the boundaries of satire.

Throughout his reading, the comedian is advised by a “media lawyer” who tells him this is precisely the sort of thing that does not qualify as satire.
What a joke. Who does Erdogan think he is? God?
saw his other sketches.. one about liberal germans is quite good ... :)
He will never get a conviction.The more they pursue this,the more Germans would hop on the bash Erdogan bandwagon,he'll be ridiculed even further.All this fuss for a butthurt wannabe sultan.
He will never get a conviction.The more they pursue this,the more Germans would hop on the bash Erdogan bandwagon,he'll be ridiculed even further.All this fuss for a butthurt wannabe sultan.

It's against German law to insult a Foriegn head of state ...joking about Molesting kids isn't really funny...

As for Sultan .. The Ottomans might just occupy romania again.. Becareful what you wish for ..:lol:
It's against German law to insult a Foriegn head of state ...joking about Molesting kids isn't really funny...

As for Sultan .. The Ottomans might just occupy romania again.. Becareful what you wish for ..:lol:

No ......
He will never get a conviction.The more they pursue this,the more Germans would hop on the bash Erdogan bandwagon,he'll be ridiculed even further.All this fuss for a butthurt wannabe sultan.

All this butthurt scene for a video.... In fact,if Erdogan didn't give a fuss about it,nobody would have heard about this video.
There are tons of similar videos against François Hollande,he's literally getting lynched everydays in the press,yet he doesn't give a fuss about it.... If he was like Erdogan,he would close all newspapers and launch witchunts against the one that created and posted videos of him/against him.
All this butthurt scene for a video.... In fact,if Erdogan didn't give a fuss about it,nobody would have heard about this video.
There are tons of similar videos against François Hollande,he's literally getting lynched everydays in the press,yet he doesn't give a fuss about it.... If he was like Erdogan,he would close all newspapers and launch witchunts against the one that created and posted videos of him/against him.

I've talked with Germans,saw German opinions on forums.The more they push this,the more people will make jokes about the sultan and there's no way he can get a conviction unless they want the public opinion in Germany to rise up.Merkel did it just to show Erdogan she's on his side but nothing will come of it.
All this butthurt scene for a video.... In fact,if Erdogan didn't give a fuss about it,nobody would have heard about this video.
There are tons of similar videos against François Hollande,he's literally getting lynched everydays in the press,yet he doesn't give a fuss about it.... If he was like Erdogan,he would close all newspapers and launch witchunts against the one that created and posted videos of him/against him.

Not only has Erdogan helped in advertising this video the world over but he has also invited more Ridicule onto himself...
Best thing that could happen. Now Erdogan is overwhelmed with jokes, blatant insults and the full satiricial spectrum all over eurrope. EU parlamentarian Martin Sonneborn called Erdogan "the mad man from the bosporus. A crazy and deluded old man similar to Hitler in his last days."

So Erdogan now became more ridiculed than Kim Jong Un in europe.

Congratulations. :D

I think the old men is deeply disturbed and simply doesn´t understand european culture and values. Bohmermann wont get any penalty. His media place ZDF already said they will fully support him, so that already means its null and void. Meanwhile Erdogan becomes the target of 100% jokes, satiricial belittlement and attacks from all sides.

If that was his goal...congratulation

Well he obviously broke the law, its German internal issue.

He broke no law. It may not be common in oriental culture, but here in europe a cout decides if you broke a law or not. :)
I think the old men is deeply disturbed and simply doesn´t understand european culture and values.
He broke no law. It may not be common in oriental culture

If your European culture freely allows anyone insults anyone without restriction, " fvck you small brain, your shthole country, your dirty civilization ".. Now do I sound civilized enough according to European standarts?
If your European culture freely allows anyone insults anyone without restriction, " fvck you small brain, your shthole country, your dirty civilization ".. Now do I sound civilized enough according to European standarts?

I dont care. I´m not an oriental like you, so this concept to freak out about jokes is alien for me. I´m a european. Satire and nasty jokes are part of our culture and were even back so in the roman empire.
I dont care. I´m not an oriental like you, so this concept to freak out about jokes is alien for me. I´m a european. Satire and nasty jokes are part of our culture and were even back so in the roman empire.

dude you are an ego-maniac.
dude you are an ego-maniac.

No, you simply dont understand satire. Evrything is allowed in satire.

Btw are you aware what will happen in courtroom? The judge himself will read the entire poem. Thats the normal process. Then evry single point must be discussed. They will actually discuss in a german court if Erdogan has sex with goats and watchs child ****.

With all due respect...do you really believe that helps Erdogan in any way? He makes himself the projection for a satiricial fest of unknown proportions.

Why is Erdogan so angry? Why does he sue so many people for insulting him? Has he nothing better to do? I dont understand this oriental behavior so, feel free to explain to me.

We have much worse satire in italy about Renzi and nobody cares.

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