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and now, a China-Pakistan-Iran-Russia axis?

China and Russia are not known for aiding other countries

Pakistan has to keep on benefiting these two giants to keep them interested in their country.

The point is, beside access to warm waters thru CPEC what else Pakistan can offer.

What if Iran start providing the same services through Chabahar ? :azn:

Different national interests and geography. Overall it can seem possible, but no one in this will bent themselves after a certain point. so, it is not possible. Even it started happens, it will not last long
Unbelievable responses from Indians... really butt hurt you Indians:omghaha:
The more India desperately trying to isolate Pakistan, the more we are finding new friends and axis. The article is actually giving a view of failed Indian diplomacy that is only based on Pakistan centric.
despite all efforts to isolate Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism, South Block has been spectacularly unsuccessful
Iran-russia makes sense but Iran- Turkey?
Then what about relation with GCC?
In that case, I guess you know why I made that quip.
i know that reason very well but article is about indian diplomacy under modi. most part of the article are the words from the former indian diplomat and his assessment about the indian diplomacy under modi.
If EU has taught us anything, it is that multilateral forums are slow, inefficient and fragile. I guess the model which will emerge and work out is going to be China running the entire show in this 'axis'. Wonder how long Putin will play along.

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