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Ancient Hindu-Buddhist civilization seal discovered in Pakistan

you cant argue with some people ...... :rolleyes:
Argument happens between two fools who do not wish to accept each others claim.
what should be happening is a free flow of thoughts and ideas between two or a group in search of a consise. when it comes to Hindus and Muslims both are fools so are the other religion.
Its better that we accept who we are and tend to live with each other in harmoney.
i am taking about leaving Islam not accepting Hinduism :lol:

they could have followed Christianity during British Raj. Some of them if not all

Exactly , i was talking about the same. And there's is no conversion to Hinduism for your information.
First of all 'rest of the world' is a big word. you could have used rest of the 'Muslim world'.(rest of the world doesn't care)

And what is this Muslim World actually???

hint millions of Muslim live in USA
So a thread is opened to highlight an archaeological find in Pakistan.

But Indians hijack the thread.

No wonder they are legendary trolls.......even as far as in Australia...(4-nil anyone?)

Epic Troll.

Indians are getting all worked up for nothing in this thread. Pakistan preserves a lot of ancient artifacts, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu, and people from all over the world come to Pakistan to see them:

Tourists in Gandhara Heritage Steam Safari
Its a good development ancient history should be respected be it Hindu or Buddhists its part of a rich heritage that Pakistan has got there is nothing to feel uncomfortable about it by appreciating the pre- Islamic history we don't become any less Muslims, Egypt cherishes it's history, Iraq did so does Iran & all of them are Muslims the case of Iran is for everybody to see. Remember it doesn't matter what our ancestors were what was their blood what matter's is be it by birth or conversions they were Muslims & so are we & we are proud of it & nobody can change that period. but this should not stop us from being proud of our civilizational history & heritages whether Islamic,Buddhist or Hindu for eg "arthashastra" was compiled & written by chanakya in taxila its a great book for treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy which should be studied it can be of great help just because of the notion of India following the chanakya theory doesn't take away the fact that chanakya was a great strategist in fact if India has come this far by studying it then think what Pakistan can do considering the fact that this masterpiece book on strategies originate,written & compiled in from there. after all chanakya was a very senior teacher in the gurkul of taxila, chandragupta received his education & training in taxila & went on to become the king of India these heritages should be preserved for they are of great value these heritages & history has been given to us by Allah the One & Only & there are blessings in it, & its high time we appreciated it along with the glorious Islamic history of ours
Along with the converts ( i.e local Punjabis and Sindhis) there are many families and clans espeacialy in South Punjab which settled from other areas, in the North there are Punjabi Pushtuns and Lahore and Sialkot is itself home to 40% Kashmiri Biradiri (Dardic people...different from Punjabis..their ancestors migrated to Punjab a few hundred years ago from Kashmir).

For those who converted like Gujjars, Rajputs or the Jatts...let me tell u......the mind evolves with time...no offence though but Hindu elite of the time was brutal towards women (burning widows etc) and moreover Pakistan was home to one of the biggest Buddhist Civilization..the Gandhara Civilization (after which new Islamabad airport will be named)...it is a stated fact that these bhuddists were persecuted by Hindu elite..that is how in the end barely a few Buddhists remained in what is today's Pakistan !!!

Pakistan doesn't deny any of this identity that's why as i said the new airport will be named after the great civilization. It is the nature of human being that they evolve, learn something better and adapt it that is the reason CNN, CBC, ABC all major channels continue to repeat that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world at this moment !!!

Even the people of Mecca believed in a pagan polythiestic belief before accepting Islam.

Muslim is not a race. Any human being can become Muslim. Islam is for everyone. Even Arabs, Pakhtuns, and Baloch were not Muslims 1400 years ago. This is a fact.
this is a great discovery and part of an ancient heritage of pakistan just one of many discoveries found there and it will be protected and well looked after .We know there was great hindu/buddhist ancient civilization in pakistan long before islam it maybe a muslim country now but regardless pakistan will still appreciate and protect it's history.
Budhist and Hindu are not same.
How come same seal represent both?

DAWN news as usual showing its Hindu affiliation, without checking the history and facts.
It's a good discovery I hope it will boost your tourism as Pakistan Indus Valley is on par like Egypt if promoted the right way can draw in huge numbers to see it.

---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

wdf was that nonsense? where did Egypt and all that come into this?
It's a good discovery I hope it will boost your tourism as Pakistan Indus Valley is on par like Egypt if promoted the right way can draw in huge numbers to see it.

---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

wdf was that nonsense? where did Egypt and all that come into this?

Im talking in regards to ancient civilisations like Egypt, Indus valley etc

---------- Post added at 02:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 AM ----------

Budhist and Hindu are not same.
How come same seal represent both?

DAWN news as usual showing its Hindu affiliation, without checking the history and facts.

Both have similar culture like the use of Swastika etc
Actually, it is more convenient for you, not me. No Islamic society can afford to allow free debate on doctrines.

yeah yeah, you talk a lot but say nothing.

I have repeatedly asked you for proof and your best answer was "look it up" :rolleyes:

Everyone here realizes that you are just a joker and not to be taken seriously.
yeah yeah, you talk a lot but say nothing.

I have repeatedly asked you for proof and your best answer was "look it up" :rolleyes:

Everyone here realizes that you are just a joker and not to be taken seriously.

It's not me who is banning religious discussions on this forum.

Individuals can be extremely rigid and fossilized. Change happens when the older generation dies out and is replaced by a newer generation. Already, you are marginally better that your parents' generation. In the information age, you will not be able to censor ideas reaching the next generation, despite your best efforts.
It's not me who is banning religious discussions on this forum.

Individuals can be extremely rigid and fossilized. Change happens when the older generation dies out and is replaced by a newer generation. Already, you are marginally better that your parents' generation. In the information age, you will not be able to censor ideas reaching the next generation, despite your best efforts.

C'mon man give me a break
Like a coward, you are taking pot shots at Islam but when I call you a lier to your face, you just run behind "oh religious discussion is banned"

If you truly respected the ban you would not be making your cowardly attacks on Islam in the first place.

As for your crap about censorship, I am going to post a few verses from the Quran to shut you up.

“And these examples We present to the people, but none will understand them except those of knowledge.” [Qur'an, 29:43]

“My Lord, increase me in knowledge.” [Qur'an, 20:114]

“Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts which are in their breasts.” (22:46)

I have provided just a few bits of proof that Islam encourages learning and the free trade of ideas.

Of course you won't provide me with any evidence form the Quran yourself because you are a coward.

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