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Ancient Civilizations, Empires & Kingdoms of the Arab World

The wonderful "Semitic Museum" Youtube channel.

Located along the Egyptian coast of the Red Sea, Wadi al-Jarf is considered the oldest known harbor in the world. This exceptional 4,600-year-old site dates to the beginning of the Fourth Dynasty, the “golden age” of ancient Egypt. Gregory Marouard will discuss recent archaeological excavations at Wadi al-Jarf, including the discovery of hundreds of papyrus fragments that provide important details about the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza and insights into the complex organization and well-structured logistics of royal Egyptian projects.

The 5,000 year old historic FORT OF BAHRAIN (QAL'AT AL-BAHRAIN), Arabian Gulf

Less than 1% has been covered in this thread as it is such a monumental work. The pre-historic part and the human migration part is second to none for instance. Let alone all the rest!

The "Samalqi" dam in #Taif is one of the oldest dams in the world. Over 2000 years old, it stands at 11 meters high and is 210 meters long. The dam was built with very large stones that are held together with cement plaster. A water well behind the dam still works to this day!





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Beautiful thread of the holy land, of course prior to the advent of Islam as well and it's still great.
Just out of curiosity bro do they still have the idols that used to be be worshipped there somewhere? @Saif al-Arab
I don't call them the old Gods as the people of Hijaz are the sons of Ishmael(AS) and the Lord he worshipped is our majesty Allah(SWT).
Beautiful thread of the holy land, of course prior to the advent of Islam as well and it's still great.
Just out of curiosity bro do they still have the idols that used to be be worshipped there somewhere? @Saif al-Arab
I don't call them the old Gods as the people of Hijaz are the sons of Ishmael(AS) and the Lord he worshipped is our majesty Allah(SWT).
Our prophet destroyed the main ones that were in the Kabaa.. other Muslims destroyed the rest..
Beautiful thread of the holy land, of course prior to the advent of Islam as well and it's still great.
Just out of curiosity bro do they still have the idols that used to be be worshipped there somewhere? @Saif al-Arab
I don't call them the old Gods as the people of Hijaz are the sons of Ishmael(AS) and the Lord he worshipped is our majesty Allah(SWT).

Brother, sorry for the late reply.

There are plenty of ancient Semitic Gods (the oldest known Gods in the world) depicted all across the Arab world. They can be found at ancient historical sites ranging from the Pyramids, Petra, Mada'in Saleh, Palmyra, Hatra, Babylon etc. (list is endless) or the many famous artifacts that are scattered across the leading museums of the world.

Some examples.

In KSA such statues have been found by private people and some (few) can be found in museums.






Names of some Gods.

@Saif al-Arab

Repost as per your request.

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"I tore down... their towns and set fire to them, and turned them into forgotten mounds" - Assyrian Ruler Sennacherib, on a revolt by the Chaldaeans, 703 BCE


In ancient warfare, fighting methods and organization were generally more important to success than technological superiority. The Assyrians conquered an empire with the world's first permanent professional army, in the 1st millennium BCE, and the Romans ruled the most famous of ancient empires with an army of professional legionnaires who also excelled as military engineers, building roads, bridges, forts and frontier fortifications.

From SMITHSONIAN MILITARY HISTORY (The Definitive Visual Guide to the Objects of Warfare)




By around 1000 BCE, iron being stronger than bronze, was becoming the metal of choice for weapons. It was exploited to lethal effect by the Assyrians (see pp.20-21). During the reign of Tiglath-Pileser III (745-27 BCE), Assyria established the world's first standing army, which, when boosted by drafting, numbered over 100,000 men. They wielded the longer swords that iron made possible, and were protected bu knee-length metal tunics. Assyrian tactics combined the well-orchestrated push of a heavy phalanx of infantry, with supporting fire from archers and slingers, and assaults by auxiliary units of heavy cavarly and charioteers. With a clear chain of command and a reputation for ferocity and cruelty against their enemies, the Assyrian army was the most formidable fighting force the ancient world had yet produced.

From SMITHSONIAN MILITARY HISTORY (The Definitive Visual Guide to the Objects of Warfare)


Assyrian tools and technologies of warfare explained in this link: https://assyrianmilitarywarfare2014.weebly.com/units-and-weapons.html


Assyria began as a small trading community centered at the ancient city of Ashur and grew to become the greatest empire in the ancient world prior to the conquests of Alexander the Great and, after him, the Roman Empire. While the Assyrians' administrative skills were impressive, and they could be adept at diplomacy when necessary, these were not the means by which the empire grew to rule the ancient world from Egypt in the south, through the Levant and Mesopotamia, and over to Asia Minor; it was their skill in warfare.

The Assyrian war machine was the most efficient military force in the ancient world up until the fall of the empire in 612 BCE. The secret to its success was a professionally trained standing army, iron weapons, advanced engineering skills, effective tactics, and, most importantly, a complete ruthlessness which came to characterize the Assyrians to their neighbors and subjects and still attaches itself to the reputation of Assyria in the modern day. A phrase oft-repeated by Assyrian kings in their inscriptions regarding military conquests is "I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire" those cities, towns, and regions which resisted Assyrian rule.

The Assyrian kings were not to be trifled with and their inscriptions vividly depict the fate which was certain for those who defied them. The historian Simon Anglim writes:

The Assyrians created the world's first great army and the world's first great empire. This was held together by two factors: their superior abilities in siege warfare and their reliance on sheer, unadulterated terror. It was Assyrian policy always to demand that examples be made of those who resisted them; this included deportations of entire peoples and horrific physical punishments. One inscription from a temple in the city of Nimrod records the fate of the leaders of the city of Suru on the Euphrates River, who rebelled from, and were reconquered by, King Ashurbanipal:

I built a pillar at the city gate and I flayed all the chief men who had revolted and I covered the pillar with their skins; some I walled up inside the pillar, some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes." Such punishments were not uncommon. Furthermore, inscriptions recording these vicious acts of retribution were displayed throughout the empire to serve as a warning. Yet this officially sanctioned cruelty seems to have had the opposite effect: though the Assyrians and their army were respected and feared, they were most of all hated and the subjects of their empire were in an almost constant state of rebellion. (185-186)

Since the subject states did try to break away from the empire whenever they felt they had a chance of success, a standing army was necessary to ensure the stability of the empire from enemies within and, as neighboring kingdoms like Urartu and Elam were often making incursions into Assyrian territory, a professional army was also required for national defense. These considerations, however, did not result in practical changes in the military until the rule of Tiglath Pileser III (745-727 BCE).


The Assyrian army had been a formidable force long before Tiglath Pileser III came to the throne. As far back as the reign of Shamashi-Adad (1813-1791 BCE) the Assyrian military had shown itself an effective fighting force. In the period known as the Middle Empire, kings like Ashur-Uballit I (1353-1318 BCE) were employing the army with great efficacy in the conquest of the region of the Mitanni and the king Adad Nirari I (1307-1275 BCE) expanded the empire through military conquest and crushed internal rebellions swiftly.

Adad Nirari I completely conquered the Mitanni and began what would become standard policy under the Assyrian Empire: the deportation of large segments of the population. With Mitanni under Assyrian control, Adad Nirari I decided the best way to prevent any future uprising was to remove the former occupants of the land and replace them with Assyrians. This should not be understood, however, as a cruel treatment of captives. Writing on this, the historian Karen Radner states:

The deportees, their labour and their abilities were extremely valuable to the Assyrian state, and their relocation was carefully planned and organised. We must not imagine treks of destitute fugitives who were easy prey for famine and disease: the deportees were meant to travel as comfortably and safely as possible in order to reach their destination in good physical shape. Whenever deportations are depicted in Assyrian imperial art, men, women and children are shown travelling in groups, often riding on vehicles or animals and never in bonds. There is no reason to doubt these depictions as Assyrian narrative art does not otherwise shy away from the graphic display of extreme violence. (1)

Deportees were carefully chosen for their abilities and sent to regions which could make the most of their talents. Not everyone in the conquered populace was chosen for deportation and families were never separated. Those segments of the population that had actively resisted the Assyrians were killed or sold into slavery, but the general populaces became absorbed into the growing empire and were thought of as Assyrians. This policy would be followed by the kings who succeeded Adad Nirari I until the collapse of the Assyrian Empire in 612 BCE.


Detail of the bronze casing of the Balawat gate. From Balawat (Imgur-Enlil), northern Mesopotamia, Iraq. Neo-Assyrian Period, reign of King Shalmaneser III, 858-824 BCE. (The British Museum, London)

Tiglath Pileser I (1115-1076 BCE) revitalized the military and expanded the empire further. The military successes of these kings and those who followed them are all the more impressive when one recognizes that they had only a part-time army at their disposal. Armies in the ancient world were comprised of conscripts who were largely farmers. Therefore, military campaigns were conducted in the summer between the time of planting crops in the spring and their harvest in the fall. Wars were not fought in the winter months at all.

This paradigm changed under Tiglath Pileser III who completely changed the course of how wars would be fought from then on: he created the world's first professional military. Historian D. Brendan Nagle writes:

The army was an integrated fighting force of infantry, cavalry, and such special forces as slingers and archers. It was the first army to systematically combine engineering and fighting techniques. Its engineers developed siege engines, built bridges, dug tunnels, and perfected supply and communication systems. Its widespread use of iron weaponry enabled it to put large numbers of soldiers into the field. (49)


Tiglath Pileser III decreed that now men would be hired and trained as professional soldiers and would serve in the military as a full-time job. He increased trade and the production of iron weapons and acquisition of horses as well as the construction of war chariots and siege engines.

Once he had his army functioning at peak efficiency, he put it to use. He marched north to defeat the kingdom of Urartu, which had long been a powerful enemy of the Assyrians, in 743 BCE. With Urartu under Assyrian control, he then marched west into Syria and punished the kingdom of Arpad, which had been Urartu’s ally, in 741 BCE. He lay siege to the city for three years and, when it fell, he had it destroyed and the inhabitants slaughtered. Those who survived were deported to other regions.

Campaigns such as the long siege of Arpad could only have been carried out by a professional army such as the one Tiglath Pileser III had created and, as the historian Dubovsky notes, this expansion of the Assyrian Empire could not have taken place without “the new organization of the army, improved logistics and weaponry” and, in particular, the use of iron weapons instead of bronze (153). Iron weapons could be mass produced to equip a much larger fighting force than was previously able to be put into the field and, of course, were stronger than bronze weapons.

Still, as Dubovsky explains, “Even though we can distinguish an improvement in Tiglath Pileser III’s weaponry, in particular in siege engines, the weapons alone are never able to win a war unless used in a carefully planned campaign” (153). Tiglath Pileser III’s brilliant successes in battle lay in his military strategies and his willingness to do whatever it required to succeed in his objectives.


Detail of a gypsum wall-relief showing the Assyrian King Tiglath Pileser III (recognizable by his long beard, royal head cap, and the exquisitely carved fringed robe). A charioteer stands on his left side while a royal attendant stands behind him (and holds a tasseled parasol, not shown here). The relief narrates the military campaign and capture of the city of Astartu, the Biblical Ashtaroth Karnaim in Gilead (Tell Ashtara). From the South-West palace at Nimrud, Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. (The British Museum, London).

He also had at his disposal the largest, most well-trained, and best equipped fighting force in the history of the world up to that time. The scholar Paul Kriwaczek describes how the army would have appeared to an opponent c. 740 BCE in the following passage:

He would have seen, in the centre of the formation, the main body of infantry, compact phalanxes of spearmen, their weapon points glittering in the sun, each arranged in ten files of twenty ranks. He would have marvelled – and perhaps trembled – at the discipline and precision of their maneuvering, a contrast to the relatively freewheeling manner of previous armies, for the reforms had introduced a highly developed and effective command structure. Infantrymen fought in squads of ten, each headed by an NCO, and grouped into companies of five to twenty squads under the command of a Captain. They were well protected and even better equipped, for Assyria was fielding the very first iron armies: iron swords, iron spear blades, iron helmets and even iron scales sewn as armour on to their tunics. Bronze weaponry offered no real contest: this new material, which was cheaper, harder, less brittle, could be ground sharper and kept a keener edge for far longer. Iron ore is not found in the north Mesopotamian heartland, so every effort had been made to put all nearby sources of the metal under Assyrian control. Assyrian spearmen were more mobile than their predecessors too. Rather than sandals, they now wore the Assyrian military invention that was arguably one of the most influential and long-lasting of all: the army boot. In this case the boots were knee-high leather footwear, thick-soled, hobnailed and with iron plates inserted to protect the shins, which made it possible for the first time to fight on any terrain however rough or wet, mountain or marsh, and in any season, winter or summer. This was the first all-weather, all-year army. (236)

In addition there were archers and slingers, the archers equipped with the new composite bow which could fire long-range over the advancing infantry, and, at the forefront, the siege engines of the shock troops and,

...formations of chariots, mobile missile platforms, the ancient equivalent of tanks. These were no longer drawn at a slow pace by asses, but by much faster, larger, and more rugged animals: horses. Each chariot was powered by up to four of the beasts. (Kriwaczek, 237)

With this massive army, Tiglath Pileser III firmly established the great expanse of the Assyrian Empire. By 736 BCE his empire encompassed the whole of Mesopotamia and the Levant, an area stretching from the Persian Gulf up to modern-day Iran, across to the Mediterranean Sea, and down through Israel. It was this empire and formidable army he would bequeath to his younger son Sargon II (722-705 BCE) founder of the Sargonid Dynasty and the greatest king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.


Although the siege engine had been employed earlier in the empire, it was most effectively used during the period known as the Neo-Assyrian Empire (934-610 BCE or 912-612 BCE). Anglim writes:

More than anything else, the Assyrian army excelled at siege warfare, and was probably the first force to carry a separate corps of engineers…Assault was their principal tactic against the heavily fortified cities of the Near East. They developed a great variety of methods for breaching enemy walls: sappers were employed to undermine walls or to light fires underneath wooden gates, and ramps were thrown up to allow men to go over the ramparts or to attempt a breach on the upper section of wall where it was the least thick. Mobile ladders allowed attackers to cross moats and quickly assault any point in defences. These operations were covered by masses of archers, who were the core of the infantry. But the pride of the Assyrian siege train were their engines. These were multistoried wooden towers with four wheels and a turret on top and one, or at times two, battering rams at the base. (186)

Sargon II effectively used the siege engines on his campaigns and expanded the empire further than any king before him. His reign is considered the absolute peak of the Assyrian Empire and his campaigns were models of efficiency, brilliant military tactics, courage, and ruthlessness.

The best documented Assyrian siege, however, was that of the city of Lachish under Sargon II's son Sennacherib (705-681 BCE). Sennacherib, like every other Assyrian king, was proud of his military conquests and had them depicted in detail in reliefs which lined the corridors of his palace at Nineveh.

The siege of Lachish (701 BCE) began, as such military contests often did, with Assyrian envoys riding up to the city walls to demand surrender. The people were told that, if they complied, they would be treated well while, if they resisted, they would suffer the common fate of all who had resisted before them. Even though it was well known that the Assyrians showed no mercy, the defenders of Lachish chose to take their chances and hold their city. Anglim describes the progression of the siege once the envoys returned to the Assyrian encampment:

The city was first surrounded to prevent escape. Next, archers were brought forward; under the cover of giant shields, they cleared the battlements. The king then used the tried-and-tested Assyrian method of building an earthen ramp close to the enemy wall, covering it with flat stone and wheeling forward a machine that combined a siege-tower with a battering ram. The Assyrians then staged a two-pronged assault. The tower was wheeled up the ramp and the ram was brought to bear against the mid-section of the enemy wall. Archers in the tower cleared the battlements while bowmen on the ground pushed up close to the wall to cover an infantry assault with scaling ladders. The fighting appears to have been intense, and the assault probably took several days, yet eventually the Assyrians entered the city. Archaeology has revealed that the place was looted and hundreds of men, women, and children were put to the sword. The relief of the siege [at Nineveh] shows prisoners begging for mercy at the feet of Sennacherib. Others less fortunate, perhaps the city's leaders, have been impaled upon stakes. (190)


Map of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and its expansions.

The earthen ramp which Anglim mentions can still be seen at the present day at the site of Tel Lachish in Israel. Excavations have uncovered many ancient artifacts from the siege including a vast number of arrowheads from both the Assyrians and the defenders, remnants of weaponry, and over 1500 skulls. Lachish would serve as a reminder to other cities of the futility of resisting the Assyrian army. Anglim writes:

By these methods of siege and horror, technology and terror, the Assyrians became the unrivalled masters of the Near East for five centuries. By the time of their fall, their expertise in siege technology had spread throughout the region. (188)

The fact that the siege ramp at Lachish is still in place over 2,000 years after it was built, while the city it helped conquer is long gone, is testimony to the skills of the Assyrian engineers who constructed it.

Sennacherib's son and successor, Esarhaddon (681-669 BCE) would employ the same tactics as his father and so would his son, Ashurbanipal (668-627 BCE), the last great king of the Assyrian Empire, who was so successful in battle that he laid waste to the entire country of Elam in 647 BCE. The historian Susan Wise Bauer writes, “Elamite cities burned. The temples and palaces of Susa were robbed. For no better reason than vengeance, Ashurbanipal ordered the royal tombs opened and the bones of the kings bundled off into captivity” (414). When he sacked and destroyed the city of Susa, he left behind a tablet which recorded his triumph over the Elamites:

Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed... I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.

Any Elamite who may have had even the slightest claim to the throne was brought back to Nineveh as a slave. In keeping with Assyrian policy, Ashurbanipal then re-located enormous numbers of the population throughout the region and left the cities empty and the fields barren. Bauer writes:

Ashurbanipal did not rebuild after the wrecking of the country. He installed no governors, he resettled none of the devastated cities, he made no attempt to make this new province of Assyria anything more than a wasteland. Elam lay open and undefended. (414)

This would later prove to be a mistake, as the Persians slowly took over the territory which had once been Elam and proceeded to re-build and fortify the cities. In time, they would help topple the Assyrian Empire.

Ashurbanipal's sons, Ashur-etli-Ilani and Sin-Shar-Ishkun, did not inherit his military or political skills and, even before he died, were struggling with each other for control of the empire. After his death in 627 BCE, their civil war drained the resources of the empire and provided the regions under Assyrian control with the opportunity to break free.

While the princes were struggling for control of the empire, that very empire was slipping away. The rule of the Assyrian Empire was seen as overly harsh by its subjects, in spite of whatever advancements and luxuries being an Assyrian citizen may have provided, and former vassal states rose in revolt.

With no strong king on the throne, and the empire vastly over-extended by this time, there was no way to prevent it from breaking apart. The entire region eventually rose in revolt and the great Assyrian cities such as Ashur, Kalhu, and Nineveh were sacked and burned by the Medes, Persians, Babylonians, and others. The Assyrian's historical records and Ashurbanipal's vast library of clay tablets which chronicled their advancements in medicine, literature, religion, and scientific and astronomical knowledge all lay buried beneath the ruined walls of their cities but their military technology and tactics had been firmly impressed upon the civilizations and cultures they had once conquered.

This technology and their military model was incorporated into the armies of those who succeeded them. Later Roman military might and tactics, including the siege engine and the wholesale slaughter of those who resisted Roman rule, were merely developing the model of warfare the Assyrians had created centuries before.

Source: https://www.ancient.eu/Assyrian_Warfare/


And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness. (Surah Al-Isra; verse 4)

So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled. (Surah Al-Isra; verse 5)

Original thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/assyrian-military-the-worlds-first-professional-army.574303/
Here is a documentary (in German) about the ancient city of Tayma (one of the oldest cities/settlements in the world) in Northern KSA becoming a refugee for numerous successive Babylonian kings and rulers.

@OutOfAmmo @SALMAN F @Malik Alashter

The 2700 year old Tayma stele (now displayed, after being stolen naturally, in Louvre) which is one of the best kept Assyrian inscriptions out there from this period.


This stele, known as the Tayma' stone, was found in the oasis of that name in western Arabia, in the late nineteenth century. The front of the stele is carved with a lengthy inscription describing the arrival of a religion worshipping a new god in the town. One side of the stele is carved with a representation of the god and, below this, his priest. The inscription and decoration are valuable sources of information about the links between Arabia and Mesopotamia in the fifth century BC.

Tayma': a town on the caravan trade routes
The large town of Tayma', lying by the oasis at the junction of the caravan trading routes from southern Arabia to the Fertile Crescent, was already known by the same name in antiquity. When Charles Huber visited the region as part of his missions from 1878 to1882, then again from 1882 to 1884, he saw some monumental ruins, a rampart, and the well of Ayn Haddaj. Huber was able to collect some inscriptions, a slab carved with figurative decorations, and this stele, before he was murdered. All are vital sources of information about the history of relations between Arabia and Mesopotamia.

Worshipping a new god
The stele, carved in local stone, is in the form of a flat slab rounded at the top, as is usual with Syro-Mesopotamian steles. The whole of the front of the stele is covered with an inscription which continues on one side of the stele beneath a carved relief. The letters are carved in high relief. The text recounts the arrival of the cult of the god Salm de Hagam in Tayma', with the agreement of the gods traditionally worshipped there, in the twenty-second year of the reign of an unnamed king. The new temple was to be served by the priest Salm-Shezib, son of Petosiris, and was endowed with an annual gift of twenty-one palm trees.

The god and his priest
The scene illustrated on the side of the stele is divided into an upper and lower part, carved in a fairly unsophisticated style. The lower part shows a figure with his arms raised in adoration in front of an altar, on which lies a bucranium. His name, "Salm-Shezib the priest", is carved underneath. The upper part shows a god wearing a long robe and a conical head-dress, holding a lance. Above his head is a winged disk. This scene is inspired by Babylonian art and probably refers to a statue of the god who was thus introduced into the Arabian pantheon. This important source is often considered in relation to neo-Babylonian expansion and the visit of Nabonidus to Tayma', when Aramaic, the official language of the Babylonian empire, was adopted for writing in Arabia. The stele most likely dates from the end of the neo-Babylonian period or the start of the Achaemenid Persian period.


Retracing Arab footsteps: Saudi mountains with ancient inscriptions Revealer: Ikmah Mountain is in Saudi Arabia’s al-Ula region has inscriptions from the Liḥyanites, a people in the oasis of Dedan (modern al-Ula) from around 500BC. Series explainer: Retracing Arab Footsteps “Ala Khota al-Arab” is a historical documentary show produced by Al Arabiya television channel, created and presented by Eid Al-Yahya. It is broadcast every Saturday on Al Arabiya channel. The program narrates the biographies of the most prominent Arab figures in history, and the deeply-rooted civilization of Arab ancestors, including documented events, incidents and stories that happened during their era Read More: http://ara.tv/mt4xk

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@Saif al-Arab who are the Hashimid sayyids ? I play ck2 and in the game they have complete control over entire duchy of Hijaz from start to end.
@Saif al-Arab who are the Hashimid sayyids ? I play ck2 and in the game they have complete control over entire duchy of Hijaz from start to end.

One of the longest ruling dynasties in history if not the longest ruling.

From more or less the Rashidun Caliphate 1400 years ago to the House of Saud conquest in 1925, 2 main branches of the Banu Hashim clan ruled as Sharifs of Makkah and Madinah.


I don't know a dynasty that ruled for 1300 years.

BTW the same dynasty ruled Iraq and Syria and continues to rule Jordan (a branch of it at least). In pre-Islamic Makkah and Hijaz the Banu Hashim (de facto the Qurayshi tribe that descend directly from Prophet Ibrahiam (AS) who was born 4500 years ago) were rulers as well. Equivalents to dukes and kings depending on the time period in question.
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One of the longest ruling dynasties in history if not the longest ruling.

From more or less the Rashidun Caliphate 1400 years ago to the House of Saud conquest in 1925, 2 main branches of the Banu Hashim clan ruled as Sharifs of Makkah and Madinah.


I don't know a dynasty that ruled for 1300 years.

BTW the same dynasty ruled Iraq and Syria and continues to rule Jordan (a branch of it at least). In pre-Islamic Makkah and Hijaz the Banu Hashim (de facto the Qurayshi tribe that descend directly from Prophet Ibrahiam (AS) who was born 4500 years ago) were rulers as well. Equivalents to dukes and kings depending on the time period in question.
Nice, so when thos dynesty lost the throne ? After ottoman invasion ?
Nice, so when thos dynesty lost the throne ? After ottoman invasion ?

In 1925 as I wrote when Ibn Saud incorporated Hijaz to his kingdom. Ottoman presence (2/3 of all Ottomans were Arab and Ottoman language, alphabet was almost Arabic in nature, the culture to a large extent, the system itself (Caliphate) and naturally the titles used (Caliph and Sultan) were all Arab in nature. The local population did not change much either other than Ottoman migration from all corners of it. Much of it being fellow Arab.

Ottoman jurisdiction/authority in Hijaz (Arabia as a whole) was mostly only limited to "on paper rule" and a few military barracks and official administrative buildings.

For instance the Sharif of Makkah was second to the Caliph/Sultan in terms of importance and many of the Sharifs were born and educated in Istanbul under direct tutelage of the Sultan as the Sultans always saw the Hashemites as a threat to their rule (potentially).

Ironically that eventually occurred as well. However after this there have been intermarriages between the Hijazi Hashemites and the Ottoman family.

For instance branches of the Jordanian royal family have intermarried as well as much earlier (17th, 18th and 19th century).

This Jordanian Hashemite prince for instance, he is a great-grandson of the second last Ottoman sultan.


So history is a bit complicated to put it mildly.

King Ali ibn Hussein of Hijaz was the last ruler.


One of his daughters that became Queen Consort of Iraq.


The son of this princess was the last king of Iraq (Faisal II) who died (was murdered in a coup) tragically in 1958.

A son became the Crown Prince of Iraq as well.

Anyway I am ending it here as we are a bit off-topic to put it mildly. Just write in the "Arabic Coffee Shop" if you want to ask more questions and people there might answer you, me included.
Saudi tourism authority retrieves more than 53,000 relics


The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) has undertaken registration of more than 53,000 historical artifacts and relics. (SPA)

August 14, 2018

JEDDAH: The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage (SCTH) has undertaken registration of more than 53,000 historical artifacts and relics that it successfully managed to restore from inside and outside the Kingdom as part of the National Project for Digital Recording of Antiquities.
The project follows international standards for archaeological recording and archiving. It aims to document and store all historic sites, artifacts, historical monument and urban heritage buildings in a comprehensive national digital registry linked to a multidimensional digital map, which is compatible with modern GIS technologies and digital databases, maps, images and graphics.
Director-General of Archiving and Protecting Antiquities at the SCTH, Naif Al-Qannour, said: “The new digital recording project stores detailed information and reports about 32,000 artefacts retrieved from outside the Kingdom and 20,000 returned by citizens to the SCTH since Prince Sultan bin Salman, president of SCTH, launched the campaign to retrieve national artefacts in 2011.
“Some artifacts found their way outside Saudi Arabia through foreign travelers who moved them to other countries. One of the most famous artifacts is the Tayma Stone, which was discovered by Charles Huber and later displayed at the Louvre Museum in Paris.”
Al-Qannour also explained that many employees of foreign companies, especially in the oil industry, visited many parts of Saudi Arabia to study their geology and natural manifestations, collected the artifacts they found and took them to national museums in their home countries.
“Robbers of archaeological sites sometimes dig for archaeological treasures and achieve fast financial gains,” Al-Qannour said. “By doing so, they are destroying important archaeological evidence found in these sites, be it on land or in the sea.”
Al-Qannour said the SCTH will continue to work on retrieving and protecting artifacts and has released a red list of artifacts stolen from their sites inside Saudi Arabia and information about them to make them easier to identify. The SCTH has also announced handing financial rewards to those who return artifacts or report their loss or theft.
In 2011, Prince Sultan launched a campaign for retrieving national artifacts, including media and cultural programs and initiatives that aim to enlighten and inform citizens about the value of artifacts and the importance of returning them to the SCTH.
Recently, the commission released a list of 140 names of citizens and 18 Americans who returned artifacts, reported archaeological sites or cooperated with the SCTH in protecting the country’s cultural heritage between 2013 and 2017. This was to honor them during the First Antiquities Forum, which will be launched under the patronage of King Salman on Nov. 7 at the National Museum in Riyadh.


Insane amount.

Treasures revealed: Saudi’s true nature will blow your mind away
April 7, 2018 12:00 pm


This month on ‘Inside the Middle East’, CNN uncovers the rich and diverse archaeological treasures of Saudi Arabia and how the desert Kingdom is opening itself up to international archaeologists and tourists.

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CNN explores how Saudi Arabia is putting the preservation of culture and heritage at the top of the agenda as it is ready to invest billions of dollars to promote cultural tourism. By 2030, Saudi Arabia hopes to more than double the number of world heritage sites in the country and to do that it is embarking on one of the region’s most expansive archaeological surveys.

The programme visits Mada’in Saleh – the Nabateans southernmost city and one of the Middle East’s major archaeological treasures – which became Saudi Arabia’s first world heritage site in 2008. More than 100 tombs, some over 20 meters tall, dot the landscape. Over 15 years ago, the French archaeologist, Laila Nehme became the first foreign archaeologist allowed to work in Mada’in Saleh but over the years she has uncovered that this area has a lot more secrets to be shared.

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Laila Nehme, Co-Director, Mada’in Saleh Archaeological Project explains the possibilities for further excavation and discovery: “There are huge amounts of sites which are yet to be recorded. And so, there’s a lot of work for future archaeologists.”

‘Inside the Middle East’ learns that the work at Mada’in Saleh is part of a much wider initiative, as the Kingdom embarks on one of the largest archaeological surveys ever conducted in the region.

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Robert Bewley, Project Director, Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East & North Africa, tells the programme: “In terms of Saudi Arabia, they have some of the best-preserved archaeology anywhere in the Middle East and North Africa. It’s fantastic.
What they’re trying to do in certain areas is find the best ways of not only preserving the archaeological sites but also then presenting them to the public… They’re now, obviously, thinking the future has to be … as with the whole of the Middle East, opening it up so people could come and visit.”

Abeer AlAkel, Head of Strategy, Royal Commission of Al-`Ula, shares similar insights into the finding, recording and showcasing the historic sites: “Saudi Arabia has multiple and different landscapes with amazing cultures and heritage sites. There is a particular interest in Al-`Ula and it is a key element we’re focusing more on the archaeological understanding, the heritage, the culture of the area. Trying to document, trying to identify the sites in here. It’s an undiscovered area, and we need to make sure that we do preserve and protect the land in here.”

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The Kingdom hopes to attract 30 million visitors a year by 2030 and is hoping to bring a new chapter of history to light by conquering the desert and uncovering sites for the very first time.

American archaeologist Dr. Rebecca Foote has been unearthing ancient treasures in the region for over two decades and is leading the archaeological survey. She discusses the opportunities that are opening up: “Saudi hasn’t been open to that very many Western archaeologists in recent decades. It’s very much a new frontier for archaeologists and Al-`Ula itself is a gem.”

The enthusiasm for the archaeological treasures that are still to be uncovered is described by Jamie Quartermaine, Project Manager, Royal Commission of Al-`Ula Archaeological Survey, “We are some of the first archaeologists ever to see these sites. That both gives us a lot of respect for what is going on, but at the same time, it’s just genuine excitement about the wonderful heritage that we’ve got in this part of the world.”

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Quartermaine continues and speaks about the extent of the survey and the task ahead: “In one sense it’s extremely exciting and another sense terrifying. The sheer scale of how much ground we’ve got to cover, and at the same time how much we’ve actually got to understand and appreciate all that incredible rich archaeology. We don’t know precisely the number of sites, but it could be upwards above 6,000, perhaps even greater than that, 8,000 monuments.”

CNN learns that hi-tech solutions and the latest cutting-edge technology are being used to analyze the vast site including, satellite imagery and 3D scanning.

Jamie Quartermaine discusses how drones and 3D modeling are helping them at Al-‘Ula, and how they’re employing new techniques for the first time in the region: “We’ll be able to pick out every single pebble, every single element of a structure, in three dimensions. This is something that’s never been achievable. Some of the techniques that we’re using are basically never been applied in this part of the world. Even in Western Europe, the techniques have only been applied for the last two or three years, so the techniques are very new. They’re innovative and they’re changing the way archaeology is being undertaken.”

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As the Kingdom enters a new era, the conservation and safeguarding of its ancient past are essential, as Abeer AlAkel, Head of Strategy, Royal Commission of Al-`Ula, explains: “Our vision to Al-`Ula is to basically preserve and protect the heritage site, ensure that it’s ready to welcome the visitors and tourists. By then hopefully, it will be the number one destination in the world.”

Robert Bewley, Project Director, Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East & North Africa tells CNN about the prospects for Saudi Arabia with the tourism and preservation of the ancient sites: “I think that they’ve got the opportunity to get it absolutely right. It won’t be easy. I think as a tourist destination, it will become one of the top places in the world if it really is opened up. Equally, they’re gonna have to balance the experience so that it just isn’t completely mobbed, but I’m sure they’ll get it right. Not only that, I think Saudi Arabia can teach a lot of other people about how best to do things.”

Joint Saudi-French expedition uncovers new archaeological sites in southern Riyadh

September 17, 2018
  • The expedition was operating under the mandate of the National Authority for Tourism and National Heritage
  • SPA said this was the first time sites from the Paleolithic period were discovered in Al-Kharj province

JEDDAH: A joint Saudi-French expedition has uncovered archaeological sites that date back more than 100 thousand years amid a number of mountains in southern Riyadh, specifically in the Kharj province.
The expedition was operating under the mandate of the National Authority for Tourism and National Heritage.
The field survey covered mountainous territory, where the expeditionary team discovered sites that date back to the Stone Age or Paleolithic period in Al-Kharj province, about 100 thousand years ago.
The Saudi Press Agency report said this was the first time sites from the Paleolithic period were discovered in Al-Kharj province, in addition to sites dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period.

The remains of broken pottery, and bracelets made of stained glass were discovered on site.
Also uncovered at the site of Ain Dalea, in southern Al Kharj, was evidence of early human settlement dating back 5000 years.
The 18-member expedition included scientists and archaeologists from both Saudi Arabia and France.


Saudi-French delegation reveals historical sites dating back to 100,000 years

Broken clay pots, some plain and some painted in green, and a number of broken bracelets made of glass and colored in yellow, red and blue were found. (SPA)

SPA, Riyadh
Monday, 17 September 2018

A Saudi-French delegation for archaeological exploration supervised by the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage discovered historical sites dating back to about 100,000 years in a number of mountains south of Riyadh in the city of al-Kharj.

The delegation’s field survey included the mountains surrounding al-Kharj overlooking Wadi Nisah and mountains overlooking the town of al-Shadida. The sites date back to the Paleolithic period about 100,000 years ago, and they are the first sites discovered from that period in al-Kharj.

Broken clay pots, some plain and some painted in green, and a number of broken bracelets made of glass and colored in yellow, red and blue were found, as well as pieces of stone bowls and trays.

The delegation, which was made up of 18 scientists and specialists in the field of archaeological excavations, also discovered human remains dating about 5,000 years old. A 56-centimeter long bronze sword was also found from the same period.

The delegation also discovered a number of ancient farms and architectural structures dating back to the fifth century AH, with a number of Arabic inscriptions without punctuation, which is the oldest Islamic writing in the central region of the Arabian Peninsula.

Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the chairman of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, had received the delegation at the commission’s headquarters in Riyadh.

Last Update: Monday, 17 September 2018 KSA 13:46 - GMT 10:46


Great stuff once again. So much more to uncover. Just a drop in the ocean.
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