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Analysts see Pakistan behind growing unrest


Jan 20, 2013
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I guess the name calling beings

Article here, excerpts below:

KABUL (Pajhwok): Political experts believe the security situation in eastern and northern provinces has deteriorated because Pakistan wants to take revenge on the Afghans for the recent terrorist attack on a Pakistan Airforce base near Peshawar.

Political commentator Mohammad Yunus Fakor told Pajhwok Afghan News Pakistan wanted to take revenge on Afghanistan for the Peshawar attack.

Military affairs expert General Abdul Wahid Taqat also blamed the increasing insecurity in Nangarhar and Kunduz province on Pakistan seeking to avenge the Peshawar attack.

A number of gunmen operate in Nangarhar in the name of Islamic State, but Taqat said there were no Daesh fighters in Nangarhar and those disguised as IS gunmen were members of the Pakistani security forces.
Kabul should just hand over the government back to Taliban. It'll be a lot easier for them.
I feel sorry for Afghans, I really do.

You know I thought I was beyond feeling sorry for Afghans but when this news came out I felt a deep unsettling feeling in my stomach.

Bickering with Afghans aside -- the suffering of the common people caught in the middle must be unimaginable.

Just imagine being stuck in a city with your family where the Taliban have taken over -- are refusing to let you and your family leave and may start conscripting young men and boys to fight. Since this was a surprise attack people are probably not stocked up on food. What misery.
Just imagine being stuck in a city with your family where the Taliban have taken over -- are refusing to let you and your family leave and may start conscripting young men and boys to fight. Since this was a surprise attack people are probably not stocked up on food. What misery.

I wish more people thought like you, my friend. Corrupt politicians, and in this case uneducated braindead mullahs, play their dirty games and common people pay the price. I feel bad for the average guy on the street in Kunduz struggling to keep his family safe and his honor intact.

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