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Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

There's no kidnapping in Gaza at all, lol. It's a very safe place as long as there's no tensions in the region. Only danger is having Israel attack. I'm American and I've been there plenty of times there are Americans in the Islamic university in Gaza...

While what you say above may be true today, at any moment things can change for the worse for an American in Gaza. Non-Muslim Americans who are there working or traveling, represent a target of opportunity for a variety of groups, including Hamas, to seize or kill to make some anti-American or anti-Israel point.
Israeli forces open fire on Gaza protesters, 9 injured | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian protesters in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, injuring nine people, witnesses said.

They opened fire east of Jabaliya in north Gaza, injuring one person seriously. Seven other people were lightly injured after being hit by tear gas canisters.

The wounded were taken to Kamal Adwan hospital for treatment.
An Israeli army spokeswoman confirmed the shooting but did not say if anyone was injured.

"Hundreds of Palestinians were throwing stones to try to damage the security fence between Gaza and Israel," said the spokeswoman.

"Our soldiers tried to keep the crowd at bay by using anti-riot methods and by firing live bullets towards the legs of the main instigators," she added.

On Thursday, Israeli soldiers shot dead Ibrahim Suleiman Mansour, 26, and injured another man after shooting him in the foot.

A Ma'an reporter said that the two men were collecting rubble near the border when they were shot.

Israeli forces frequently shoot at farmers and other civilians inside the Gaza Strip if they approach large swathes of land near the border that the Israeli military has deemed off-limits to Palestinians.

The "security buffer zone" extends between 500 meters and 1500 meters into the Strip, effectively turning local farms into no-go zones.


Man killed, another injured by Israeli forces in Gaza | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian man was shot dead and another injured on Thursday by Israeli forces east of Gaza city.
Spokesman for the Gaza ministry of health Ashraf al-Qidra said that Ibrahim

Suleiman Mansour, 26, from an area east of al-Shujaiyeh died from injuries sustained after Israeli forces shot him in the head in nearby al-Montar east of Gaza City.

Al-Qidra added that another man, 21, was moderately injured after being shot in the foot.

Medics told Ma'an earlier that two people were taken to a hospital after the shooting at the border.

A Ma'an reporter said that the two men were collecting pebbles near the border when they were shot.

An Israeli army spokesman, however, told Ma'an that "several Palestinians approached the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip and began tampering with (the) fence."

"The soldiers operated in order to distance the suspects and after exhausting all possible means to do so fired at the main instigator," he added.
Recent weeks have witnessed an increase in tensions on the Gaza Strip, as

Israeli forces have repeatedly opened fire on Palestinian protests near the border and launched a number of airstrikes. Palestinian militants have responded with rockets, which have not caused any injuries in Israel.

Israeli forces frequently shoot at farmers and other civilians inside the Gaza Strip if they approach large swathes of land near the border that the Israeli military has deemed off-limits to Palestinians.

The "security buffer zone" extends between 500 meters and 1500 meters into the Strip, effectively turning local farms into no-go zones.

According to UNOCHA, 17 percent of Gaza's total land area and 35 percent of its agricultural land were within the buffer zone as of 2010, directly affecting the lives and livelihoods of more than 100,000 Gazans.


Two Gaza rockets hit southern Israel - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Two Gaza rockets hit southern Israel
Rockets explode in open areas, causing no casualties or damage; earlier, IDF soldiers clash with Palestinian protesters on Gaza border.


You see how this happens? They kill and injure whomever they want and the Palestinians respond then tomorrow they will say they were responding to Palestinian rocket attacks without mentioning the 6 Palestinians killed or dozens more injured in this recent period of violence.

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@Hazzy997 yes Israel is building up for offensive against gaza, and usual your Arab brothers are going to do nothing to help the Palestinians. Money doesn't help dead or imprisoned people.:toast_sign:

What's your opinion on this recent development? And read this btw...:

وكـالــة مـعـا الاخباريـة: حماس لـ معا: جاهزون للرد على إسرائيل

بيت لحم- خاص معا - قال المتحدث باسم حركة حماس سامي أبو زهري إن الحركة تتابع مع بقية قيادات المقاومة في غزة كافة الخروقات الإسرائيلية تجاه القطاع، مؤكداً جاهزيتهم الكاملة للرد ولمواجهة أي تصعيد إسرائيلي محتمل.
وفي حديثه لغرفة تحرير وكالة معا حمل أبو زهري الإحتلال المسؤولية عن جميع عمليات التصعيد الاخيرة بحق القطاع، في اعقاب تحذيرات منسق الأمم المتحدة الخاص لعملية السلام روبرت سيري من أن اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار بين إسرائيل وحركة حماس آخذ بالانهيار،

@al-Hasani اكتب شو رأيك

@Hazzy997 yes Israel is building up for offensive against gaza, and usual your Arab brothers are going to do nothing to help the Palestinians. Money doesn't help dead or imprisoned people.:toast_sign:

Why do you rush to condemn Arabs(even though we don't know how they would respond as of yet) when your nation gives the green light for Israel to attack a sieged strip of land and supplies them with their arsenal and resupplies them munitions?
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What's your opinion on this recent development? And read this btw...:

وكـالــة مـعـا الاخباريـة: حماس لـ معا: جاهزون للرد على إسرائيل

بيت لحم- خاص معا - قال المتحدث باسم حركة حماس سامي أبو زهري إن الحركة تتابع مع بقية قيادات المقاومة في غزة كافة الخروقات الإسرائيلية تجاه القطاع، مؤكداً جاهزيتهم الكاملة للرد ولمواجهة أي تصعيد إسرائيلي محتمل.
وفي حديثه لغرفة تحرير وكالة معا حمل أبو زهري الإحتلال المسؤولية عن جميع عمليات التصعيد الاخيرة بحق القطاع، في اعقاب تحذيرات منسق الأمم المتحدة الخاص لعملية السلام روبرت سيري من أن اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار بين إسرائيل وحركة حماس آخذ بالانهيار،


Why do you rush to condemn Arabs(even though we don't know how they would respond as of yet) when your nation gives the green light for Israel to attack and sieged strip of land and supplies them with their arsenal and resupplies them munitions?
hey man I just said their not going to help the Palestinians until after they get destroyed by Israeli bombs that's all. There will be no Jordanian or Saudi help their new weapons are just for show only.

Or the Egyptians either, they will probably help Israel smother the Palestinians in the gaza crossing.:cheers:
israel left gaza and instead of building a state there the pallys did something for what they are famous:

destruction of the jewish infrastructure in gaza instead of using it and firing rockets at israel.

there is not a single reason why israel should give up even a inch more land. for what? for getting rockets as "thank you"?

israel gave up sinai, gaza, parts of westbank, south lebanon and got only rockets, war, hate in response.

no wonder israel is sceptical about any land handover in westbank.
hey man I just said their not going to help the Palestinians until after they get destroyed by Israeli bombs that's all. There will be no Jordanian or Saudi help their new weapons are just for show only.

Or the Egyptians either, they will probably help Israel smother the Palestinians in the gaza crossing.:cheers:

That's why the resistance fighters have prepared for scenarios where they would have no outside support including from Egypt.

I hope you aren't cheering on either, there's nothing funny about it.

israel left gaza and instead of building a state there the pallys did something for what they are famous:

destruction of the jewish infrastructure in gaza instead of using it and firing rockets at israel.

there is not a single reason why israel should give up even a inch more land. for what? for getting rockets as "thank you"?

israel gave up sinai, gaza, parts of westbank, south lebanon and got only rockets, war, hate in response.

no wonder israel is sceptical about any land handover in westbank.

There's so many things wrong with your perspective, first of all, how do you give up something that isn't you're in the first place? :crazy:

Try to base this off actual events and facts rather than your assertions.
arab aggressores attack israel in 1967 and 1973 and lose land when they are defeated. suck it down mate. aggressors always lose land.

your luck as pally is that your enemy is israel and not assad or king hussein (ever heard about black september and thens of thousends slaughterd pallys by their "arab brothers" dude?). you can thank your god that your enemy israel is so stuppid and gives up strategic depth for arab or UN promisses which are pretty worthless.

now this stuppid and naive israel gives back "land for peace" and we speak about 2/3 of the areas israel had after the 1973 arab aggression war. in return israel gets a cold peace with egypt and terror from lebanon, gaza, sinai, westbank.

now why in gods name should israel trust your again and give up more "land for rockets"?
arab aggressores attack israel in 1967 and 1973 and lose land when they are defeated. suck it down mate. aggressors always lose land.

This is not true, Israel attacked in 1967 and Egyptian went to regain their land in 1973. Gaza and the West Bank aren't 'Arabs' land, they're Palestinian land. Aggression started back with the British, they took matters into their hands and promised to give us independence. In the end, they were preparing to partition our land for European Jews long before the holocaust. The Israeli prime minister declared Israel's independence and not the UN even though the UN plan was based off of British parameters. They seized land through ethnic cleansing during that year and illegal immigration at high rates is 'aggression' as you call it. No mention of that of course by you.

your luck as pally is that your enemy is israel and not assad or king hussein (ever heard about black september and thens of thousends slaughterd pallys by their "arab brothers" dude?). you can thank your god that your enemy israel is so stuppid and gives up strategic depth for arab or UN promisses which are pretty worthless.

The numbers are way over exaggerated and had problems to do with PLO, however in the end it was all wrong. However, playing the game of 'what if's' won't get you anywhere. Because a dictator(installed by colonialist France) does worse than Israel shouldn't be something you should be proud of.

now this stuppid and naive israel gives back "land for peace" and we speak about 2/3 of the areas israel had after the 1973 arab aggression war. in return israel gets a cold peace with egypt and terror from lebanon, gaza, sinai, westbank.

You seem very misinformed, this isn't about Israeli land, it's about Palestinian land. You also make no mention of Israeli aggression in 67 or 56. The occupation is immoral, if a state with legitimate functions of an actual state is formed then this will be what gets us to have peace. However, a state that doesn't function like a state, that's under a siege, that can't export, that can't control what goes in or out of their borders, that can't have economic progress is obviously not going to succeed for peace.

now why in gods name should israel trust your again and give up more "land for rockets"?

Israel should end its occupation if it doesn't want Palestinians to rightfully resist it. Even when there weren't rockets thousands of Palestinians were being killed in several intifada's in which Israel instigated. They aren't an innocent bunch, neither are Arabic dictators, but that's a weak argument if you ask me.
israeli aggression in 1956 and 1967? sure about that my dear pallywood mate?

not a single word that nassar abused sinai and gaza as bases for fedajin terrorists going to israeli and killing jewish civilians? that alone is a war reason. add to that nassars blocakde of straits of tiran by egypt and the troop buildup in sinai which was clearly against the UN securty guarantee for israel.

a blocade, supporting terrorists and giving them bases in sinai and gaza are by any law of nations war declerations.

the ball is in your field my pally friend. you must convince israel that giving away more land will not (like in the past when israel gave land to arabs) result in more rockets, terror and hate against jews.

but its cheaper and easier to play the victim and to get more financial aid from US, EU, arab countries, japan, china......per person then any other ethnic group in the world ever instead of trying to prove the world that pallys are not only able to destroy but also to build a peacefull own state.

as long you countinue terror and hate speech against the jewish state you will never be able to get a single inch more back from israel.

btw: why there was not a "pally state" in westbank, gaza and east jerusalem between 1948-1967 as the areas were occupied by arabs and were made "jew free" via arab antisemitism and butchery? now i am curios to hear the answer of this question.
not a single word that nassar abused sinai and gaza as bases for fedajin terrorists going to israeli and killing jewish civilians? that alone is a war reason. add to that nassars blocakde of straits of tiran by egypt and the troop buildup in sinai which was clearly against the UN securty guarantee for israel.

It's Egypt's land they choose what to do with it in response to British and Israeli threats against Egypt and actually believe militants were prevented from going into Israel, where's your mention of Jewish terrorists committing ethnic cleansing anywhere?

@Frogman knows more about this.

the ball is in your field my pally friend. you must convince israel that giving away more land will not (like in the past when israel gave land to arabs) result in more rockets, terror and hate against jews.

No it isn't, we aren't the occupying power, btw, your arguments are weak and attempt to cover up the reality. Don't play that card, are you Jewish anyways?

You didn't really respond to me btw, I mentioned many things pre-48 era which you looked past.

And would you consider a blockade an act of war if Israel was behind it? I doubt it.
"Jewish terrorists committing ethnic cleansing....."

sure pallywood?

arabs in israel in 1948: 150.000
arabs in israel now: 1.600.000

jews in arab world in 1948: over 1.000.000
jews in arab world now: lesser then 20.000.

talking about ethnic cleansing...but its typical for pallywoodniks like you: zero facts, 100% propaganda.

about me beeging jewish or not. wha thats important? is the word "jew" an insult for you too like for so many antisemitic people in the arab world?

about pre 1948. the UN voted to divide the british colony into 2 states. one for jews and one (number 23) for arabs. the jews suckd it down and accepted. the arabs refused and attacked to finish the job of their ally adolf hitler (read about muft of jerusalem al husseini and his alliance with hitler/himmler and also muslim waffen SS troops). this arab mistake was the cause of the conflict.

and arabs need this conflict to cover the backwardness of the arab world when compared with the rest of the world. its always cheaper to blame outsiders for own caused problems.

i mean how many noble price winners does the tiny jewish community have? and how many the large arab community? got the point? i doubt it.

and why you dont answer my question?

why there was not a "pally state" in westbank, gaza and east jerusalem between 1948-1967 as the areas were occupied by arabs and were made "jew free" via arab antisemitism and butchery so not a single jew was in westbank, gaza and east jerusalem.
I'm starting to consider you a troll, now mention the displaced....

Britons protest over Israel plan to remove up to 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins | World news | The Guardian

Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


August 20, 1937 - June 29, 1939. During this period, the Zionists carried out a series of attacks against Arab buses, resulting in the death of 24 persons and wounding 25 others.

November 25, 1940. S.S.Patria was blown up by Jewish terrorists in Haifa harbour, killing 268 illegal Jewish immigrants (see below).

November 6, 1944. Zionist terrorists of the Stern Gang assassinated the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo.

July 22, 1946. Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the central offices of the civilian administration of the government of Palestine, killing or injuring more than 200 persons. The Irgun officially claimed responsibility for the incident, but subsequent evidence indicated that both the Haganah and the Jewish Agency were involved.

October 1, 1946. The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.

June 1947. Letters sent to British Cabinet Ministers were found to contain bombs.

September 3, 1947. A postal bomb addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs. (The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p.8)

December 11, 1947. Six Arabs were killed and 30 wounded when bombs were thrown from Jewish trucks at Arab buses in Haifa; 12 Arabs were killed and others injured in an attack by armed Zionists on an Arab coastal village near Haifa.


It's unfortunate hired propagandists are allowed to roam forums freely, an Iranian living in Germany doesn't come out of the blue and start dedicating his time to defending Israel from past to present and demonizing Palestinians.
as i said. typical pallywood. 0% facts, 100% propaganda. the only thing you radical pallys are good in is propaganda. beside that you can only destroy, hate and fire rockets but are not able to build anything positive.

there must be a reason why the big majority of arabs in israel wants to stay in the state of israel and not live under a arab regime.

arabs caused the conflict and they fuel it and keep it running.

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