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ANALYSIS: Hitler’s revenge

I just can't really put 2 and 2 together and buy the "so called case against Mr Hitler"

I mean did he wanted to be in Germany that was under severe sanctions ? No
Did he decided Germans should pay Billion and billions in Ransom money to Britain and Allies post world war 2 ? No

All and all - his movement was in simplest form was a legitimate right of Germans to live with Honor and dignity in their own country , post world war 1 , they were put under sanctions

a) You can't have army
b) You can't have navy
c) You have to pay money to allied forces

So we had a situation in Germany where ppl , economy was dieing

So what did this guy called Hitler did , well he organized the nation, and gave them a mandate

a) Sovereignty and respect
b) He said well we will build an armed forces
(to which Britain replied we will go in a contract with you as allies believe it or not but you know backstabbers that Britain is )
c) He said we will construct a navy

- This was happening to Germany on the other side , Japan was under sanctions for oil and resources, they were running out of oil to run their economy , can you imagine a country with no oil and energy resources that was japan because japan of old was under similar sanctions as their are sanctions on Iran

What kind of people would put sanctions on free people , and put them under sanctions to pay 80% of their income to them , and in case of Japan get no oil/gas to fire their stove and run their industry ??

The case against Hitler is nothing more then a creation of a myth - sensationalized by Media of that time , and politicians and governments

Did they viewed their own actions as "questionable" nope !!!

Allied forces - had their own questionable death of German soldiers did anyone stand trial for these ? Not really
Allied forces bombed German cities unquestionably with no holding back is that war crime ? By world standard no one asks any questions
Allied forces used nuclear bombs , with radioactive deaths ? Nope they took no responsibility it was an act of "cannibalistic rage"

We are shown pictures of alleged graves

FACT : Graves and death was very common in world war 2 , there were Millions died , and it was common practice to bury the dead in order to
not face , plague related complications - how convenient it was to snap some shots and credit it to all under Hitler's name

Reality of world at that time was


Now as I made the case, that Germany was already under sanctions , so how could they feed , anyone when their own economy was so poor
and they had no food ? Its not like they had roasted chicken , and 4 meals a day for average Germany they barely had any bread - so logically its possible that they just did not had any food for prisoners

Admittance of Allied forces war crimes

While - in story books we are told Germans were this evil and Allied forces were all angels

Here is another video clearly showing Allied forces committing war crimes straight out executions

I mean when they kill civilians , may be in Pakistan , Iraq, Libya or else where do you really think they will tell anyone only 1 % of their crimes make it media and news ....

NATO forces have no rules , they kill and hide the bodies

How many civilians will die , in Pakistan , Libya before our governments would step in ?

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Here you go more doubt about the gas chambers

Fairly stright forward on myth vs reality

Biggest flaw in story !! If you kill people in death chamber how can you do it in a chamber that is not air tight and no chimney ?

A video that logically compares the validity of numbers and false stories

Hitler created 6 million jobs , and Jews changed it into 6 million jewis a counter story to discredit hard work done by Hitler to create jobs in Germany fascinating stuff

A fairly good - fact based video that looks at population demographics , and various reports by word bodies to discredit 6 million Jews death lies which were wrongfully credited to Hitler to make him into a monster

Its fascinating how the figures have changed in history

Notice start of the video !!! The population is listed for jews in world , and that does not changes world wide ? wait a second ? did Hitler not kill some jews ?
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Balfour Declaration
This is a copy of the letter :P

Jews were assigned to bring in USA into world war 1 , to side with British , it was a secret pact , where the jews would conjure up stories in media to persuade USA to join war.

One of the main reasons why Hitler did not trust Jewish leaders were due to the secret pack that jews had with Britain behind Germany's backs

If we compare the reaction of Hitler with that of Americans against Japanese - we don't really see any difference

The Arabs of course - thought that Britain was on their side so they revolted against Ottomans

Just like how we see revolts in Libya

Here is what the Jewish group in USA stated to Britain


"You forget that you did not give us Palestine as an unsolicited gift (Balfour Declaration). It was handed over as the result of a secret bargain concluded between ourselves. We have scrupulously observed our part in bringing America into the war on your side. We call on you to fulfil your obligations in turn. You are aware of our power in the United States: take care that you do not attract the hostility of Israel, otherwise you will come up against grave international difficulties."

So now - picture yourself in Mr Hitler's shoes , here you are you have a broken down economy , and the people who back stabbed you are living on your tax payer money

Did Hitler go to Jews and asked them to sign a treaty with Britain in secret ? No

Obviously all Germans had to pay Billion dollars to Britain and Allied forces as Ransom and obviously it was in part due to American getting into war, when Germany had no beef with USA.

The irony was that Britain / US had been fighting in past and were bitter rivals but due to Newspaper Media people were told "DEMOCRACY" was at danger

They created this story of Hitler for no apparent reason starting wars ....

Forgetting first world war , and Germany Economy's plight etc

And later of course anything positive associated with Hitler was gradually painted in blood , and what we had in end was a picture of a man who was ANTICHRIST

The perfect villan that can be sold to public it was packaged deal -

‘It is only when we realize that France was invaded by hundreds of thousands of inhabitants from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois, Wyoming, California, Louisiana, and subsequently from Ontario, Manitoba, Rhodesia and New South Wales, whose only possible motive was to hasten the triumph of democracy, that we begin to understand something of the power of Israel. The power to stir up a whole nation of solid, egotistical and utilitarian individuals, and to persuade them that their greatest privilege is to set out and get themselves killed at the uttermost ends of the earth, with no hope of gain for themselves or their children and almost without their understanding against or for whom they are fighting, or why, is a simply incredible phenomenon which makes one afraid when one comes to think about it.’ (E. Malynski: La Démocratie victorieuse)


Its really hard to believe , that a Positive Economic Minded man like Hitler whose top goals were

a) Economy
b) Jobs
c) Self respect for Germans

** I already pointed out he was animal lover kind man , and of course anti tobacco campaigner , and vegetarian
as he disliked animal meat for that purpose.

Could be really the big bad wolf that the western world portrays him to be ....

Had there been no Balfour Declaration do you think Hitler would care ? About Jews ? No
he infact was fan of Jewish comedians (by some accounts) his own mother was patient of jewish doctor.

Had there been no treaty of versailles do you think Germany would be humiliated ...to point they decided to go to war to win back their right to live as humans ?

As for the pictures of ppl , corpses etc I think we all know food was scarce in Germany and that was the main reason , and also most of the stories about death chambers were including number of casualties were "fabricated" to keep numbers high initially and actual figures were far far less

I view Mr Hitler as a successful reformer who created 6 million jobs for Germans and who helped revived their economy and that led to a war with Britain

If Mr Hitler was guilty

Then US (Allied member) is also guilty of running concentration camps (for japanese)
They (US/Britain) are also guilty of war crimes against Japan (Hiroshima/Nagasaki) ppl burned to ashes

If Hitler is also guilty of preferential treatment (racism) , then what do you call Patriot Act or other codes introduced to put Muslims in Prisons ? For what specially the ones that are innocent

Hitler was stated he was mad man , then what do you call French (who tested Nuclear weapons in Algeria )

Red cross report that , puts doubt in 6 million figure - there were only barely 270,000 jews in europe due to migrations and other elements

Of course the main purpose of the discussion is to really view

The fundamental flaws in how things are being presented , and then being "INCREASED" over time I checked wiki pedia now the figure of dead people is 18 million Jewish pp who died and of course its all on Hitler's head

As you can see careful manipulation of facts - is diluting the evidence (real figure is under 100k ), and ppl argue that the chambers can't even be used as chambers they are just open huts.

The bottom line is Hitler was just a leader who wanted economic reform

I think there is a fundamental flaw in accusing all guilt on one person , while both parties committed crimes
Stalin and Churchill too

1- roosevelt (past and present US empire)
2. british empire - churchill/tony blair and US puppets to present day
3. soviets - russians
4- japanese empire
i dont think hitler killed jews, hitler's driver was a jew
You are the first Indian to talk logic in this thread!

I find it really amazing how non-whites can be brainwashed into hating Hitler. End of the day WW2 was a virtually all-white civil war(bar the involvement of the Japanese) but it had the unintended consequence of setting billions non-whites free(or their numbers now anyway).

White people never inteneded to live in equality with non-whites on this planet and they would have never set any country free if they did not virtually destroy each other in WW2.

It was bound to happen. The course and consequences of ww2 strengthened the freedom movement across the world against imperialistic powers. If we want to distinguish between Hitler and Allied forces, It was just the sake of self esteem, prestige of Germans lost in ww1 according to Hitler. On other side of story they all were evils for us. I feel down, when I use to see there are still lots of people in our continent with slave mentality. Not a single western culture and tradition could have a match with ours.. Still we guys feel proud in adopting western culture by naming it modernisation.
Jews were assigned to bring in USA into world war 1 , to side with British , it was a secret pact , where the jews would conjure up stories in media to persuade USA to join war.

One of the main reasons why Hitler did not trust Jewish leaders were due to the secret pack that jews had with Britain behind Germany's backs
No... Usa had its own interests lying behind the scence. That was the period which marked the Rise of USA .. Now read this...
The final break in isolationism began with the Lend Lease Act (1941) whereby America was allowed to "sell, transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of, to any such government....any defense article." Great Britain promised not to export any of the lend lease materials. After this, America built a base on Greenland and then issued the Atlantic Charter (August 14, 1941) - a joint declaration between Great Britain and the US about the purposes of war against fascism. The Battle of the Atlantic began with German U-Boats wreaking havoc. This battle would last throughout the war.

The real event that changed America into a nation actively at war was the attack on Pearl Harbor. This was precipitated in July 1939 when Franklin Roosevelt announced that the US would no longer trade items such as gasoline and iron to Japan who needed it for their war with China. In July 1941, the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis was created. The Japanese began occupying French Indo-China and the Philippines. All Japanese assets were frozen in the US. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor killing over 2,000 people and damaging or destroying eight battleships greatly harming the Pacific fleet. America officially entered the war and now had to fight on two fronts: Europe and the Pacific.

If we compare the reaction of Hitler with that of Americans against Japanese - we don't really see any difference


Its really hard to believe , that a Positive Economic Minded man like Hitler whose top goals were

a) Economy
b) Jobs
c) Self respect for Germans
Add point D as Imerialistic .

** I already pointed out he was animal lover kind man , and of course anti tobacco campaigner , and vegetarian
as he disliked animal meat for that purpose.

Could be really the big bad wolf that the western world portrays him to be ....

Had there been no Balfour Declaration do you think Hitler would care ? About Jews ? No
he infact was fan of Jewish comedians (by some accounts) his own mother was patient of jewish doctor.

Had there been no treaty of versailles do you think Germany would be humiliated ...to point they decided to go to war to win back their right to live as humans ?

As for the pictures of ppl , corpses etc I think we all know food was scarce in Germany and that was the main reason , and also most of the stories about death chambers were including number of casualties were "fabricated" to keep numbers high initially and actual figures were far far less

I view Mr Hitler as a successful reformer who created 6 million jobs for Germans and who helped revived their economy and that led to a war with Britain

Still, what is the use of it, when he bacame the reason of destruction of Germany again?

If Mr Hitler was guilty

Then US (Allied member) is also guilty of running concentration camps (for japanese)
They (US/Britain) are also guilty of war crimes against Japan (Hiroshima/Nagasaki) ppl burned to ashes

If Hitler is also guilty of preferential treatment (racism) , then what do you call Patriot Act or other codes introduced to put Muslims in Prisons ? For what specially the ones that are innocent

Hitler was stated he was mad man , then what do you call French (who tested Nuclear weapons in Algeria )

Red cross report that , puts doubt in 6 million figure - there were only barely 270,000 jews in europe due to migrations and other elements

Of course the main purpose of the discussion is to really view

The fundamental flaws in how things are being presented , and then being "INCREASED" over time I checked wiki pedia now the figure of dead people is 18 million Jewish pp who died and of course its all on Hitler's head

As you can see careful manipulation of facts - is diluting the evidence (real figure is under 100k ), and ppl argue that the chambers can't even be used as chambers they are just open huts.
No side have clean collar......

The bottom line is Hitler was just a leader who wanted economic reform
No, he wanted German pride ruling over the world.
I think there is a fundamental flaw in accusing all guilt on one person , while both parties committed crimes

Again agree!!
Balfour Declaration

The bottom line is Hitler was just a leader who wanted economic reform

I think there is a fundamental flaw in accusing all guilt on one person , while both parties committed crimes
LOL... Then you are agreeing Narendra Modi is a gerat man too and one who only wanted economic improvement. Thanks, please go and say this to you fellow pakistanis and save us all a lot of keystrokes.
Not only Hitler was a psycho he was an idiot too, he would never let his generals do things their way, he would stick his dirty nose in every plan. Consider this, the soviets had almost lost the war and were not too keen to fight, but hitler wanted to attack soviet union, so he decided to attack stalingard when moscow could be easily taken. The luftwaffe made the army's path clear, but then came the feared russian winter. Hitler's tanks were stuck and mud was frozen, his soldiers were dying of hypothermia, the russians sensed this, the amassed a huge infantry of locals, the objectives were clear,kick the facists out and it was done, the blow was great and germany never recovered, if hitler had let the generals do their work, the situation could be different.ITS ALSO IRONICAL, THE ARYAN WAS SO STUPID lol.
Not only Hitler was a psycho he was an idiot too, he would never let his generals do things their way, he would stick his dirty nose in every plan. Consider this, the soviets had almost lost the war and were not too keen to fight, but hitler wanted to attack soviet union, so he decided to attack stalingard when moscow could be easily taken. The luftwaffe made the army's path clear, but then came the feared russian winter. Hitler's tanks were stuck and mud was frozen, his soldiers were dying of hypothermia, the russians sensed this, the amassed a huge infantry of locals, the objectives were clear,kick the facists out and it was done, the blow was great and germany never recovered, if hitler had let the generals do their work, the situation could be different.ITS ALSO IRONICAL, THE ARYAN WAS SO STUPID lol.

For the bolded part, one of his general also tried a plan to assasinate Hitler..Rest part of your post is as true as day and night..:agree:
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