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ANA Commandos - Trailer

^^ Lols, Once a lier, always a lier...

They claim 100% of operations led by ANA, but actually 60% (and that too debateable).

Have you ever seen a hollywood movie, the movie they make is much better.. doesn't mean the actors can fight in real life :p

Peace Out

"A spokesman for the Afghan Defense Ministry said that including conventional operations, about 60 percent are now Afghan-led. Gen. Dawlat Waziri said that this means Afghans are deciding when and where to strike, but that coalition forces help with air power or ground forces if needed."

Done talking with you troll, seek some help jealousy isn't good for health ;)
"A spokesman for the Afghan Defense Ministry said that including conventional operations, about 60 percent are now Afghan-led. Gen. Dawlat Waziri said that this means Afghans are deciding when and where to strike, but that coalition forces help with air power or ground forces if needed."

Done talking with you troll, seek some help jealousy isn't good for health ;)
Yeah Buddy we are jealous of your Armed Forces - Wish we had strong Armed Forces like Afghan Armed Forces :lol: :lol:

Training the Afghans (Funny) - YouTube

Afghan Soldiers Fishing with an RPG - Alternative Use of Weapons Systems for Aquaculture - YouTube
The way in most cases Taliban have defeated the Afghan National Army I think Afghan Army should get training from the Taliban rather than Nato and America which are also not really happy with Afghan Army these days because of their loses first at the hands of Taliban and now Afghan Army men

Could you please elaborate what do you mean by that? They can only conduct hit and run attacks, which are proving a big failure as latest incidents show. They got decimated at a 37:8 ratio, do you call that success? The Taliban has been able to give Pakistan army a bloody nose in numerous instances GHQ,Mehran Base and the latest jail break without a shot being fired by the guards, just to name afew... Perhaps hakimullah mehsud should be given the task of training your forces :smokin:
Yeah Buddy we are jealous of your Armed Forces - Wish we had strong Armed Forces like Afghan Armed Forces :lol: :lol:

Training the Afghans (Funny) - YouTube

Afghan Soldiers Fishing with an RPG - Alternative Use of Weapons Systems for Aquaculture - YouTube

Ahh the same videos all over again, not even worth discussing. I believe it's good that our enemies underestimate our capabilites, last time i checked the Arabs did the same mistake regarding Israel :D On a side-not atleast our forces don't surrender in their dozens to a bunch of cavemen with aks ;)
Ahh the same videos all over again, not even worth discussing. I believe it's good that our enemies underestimate our capabilites, last time i checked the Arabs did the same mistake regarding Israel :D On a side-not atleast our forces don't surrender in their dozens to a bunch of cavemen with aks ;)

i think the world known very much that what these cavemen with aks doing it with ur forces ...... and can also put some videos with 10s of ur forces surrendering there weapon ammunition and vehicles to these cavemen with out firing a single bullets so let this discussion ur forces have a long way to go so wish them luch against these cavemen................:tup:
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Good for Aghanistan. Hopefully the US troops will go back home and live in a nation with high living standards while Afghan goes back into a civil war.

Win Win. The equalibrium is maintained.
Yes, very good training. http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...n-soldier-kills-us-special-forces-mentor.html For Once I salute the elite soldier who did this yesterday!

Another good video of the highly motivated ANA army who wants to fight alongside the occupiers:

Yes, very good training. http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...n-soldier-kills-us-special-forces-mentor.html For Once I salute the elite soldier who did this yesterday!

Another good video of the highly motivated ANA army who wants to fight alongside the occupiers:

Could you stop derailing the thread, ya lil weasel. The Afghan National Army is under constant observation from international media, issues which are brushed under the carpet in the armies of the region are put under microscope in their case but atleast they don't shy away from facing the savages. Unlike the PA :p

More than 200 infantry supported by Armour, Artillery and gunships are running for the door, with the tank commander shaken :p

Surrendering in their dozens, not the first or last time without a shot.

Only to be ridiculed by TTP.

See people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, PA's performance hasn't exactly been exemplary and I don't mean just the last couple of years ;)
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When the American's leave, the Taliban are gonna take over, and this ANA won't be able to do anything about it.

That's unfortunate truly, but still a fact.
i think the world known very much that what these cavemen with aks doing it with ur forces ...... and can also put some videos with 10s of ur forces surrendering there weapon ammunition and vehicles to these cavemen with out firing a single bullets so let this discussion ur forces have a long way to go so wish them luch against these cavemen................:tup:

Please do so, remember we are talking about the Armies of the two countries not another force. I have no desire for a **** measuring contest here, but afew insecure, jealous and selfish members can't tolerate the progress of the Afghan Armed forces, throwing garbage at their image give them satisfication so I have to correct them...
When the American's leave, the Taliban are gonna take over, and this ANA won't be able to do anything about it.

That's unfortunate truly, but still a fact.

What do you base this "fact" on?
Let me tell you what I think. Something very similar happend in Afghanistan approx 23 years ago. When the soviets decided to withdraw, everybody thought soon after their withdrawl the Dr.Najib regime is gonna fall immediately. Well without soviet forces the morale of the then Afghan Army surprisingly got a boost! They defeated the Mujahideen in their major offensive of Jalalabad. They successfully held the Mujahideens abay for three years, untile internal conflicts within the regime led to a breakdown of C&C giving the some Mujahideen commanders to conduct a Coup with their new allies of the former regime. The Afghan Army was never militarily defeated. Now consider this, the then Afghan army was less than 50,000 made up of mostly conscripts helped by gov militias. The mujahideen was a much larger insurgent force than the current Taliban with support from many countries worldwide The soviet union stopping financial help was also one of the reasons of the anarchy within the regime. Now by the end of 2012 we will have 352,000 security forces, the US-Afghan strategic partnership deal is gonna guarantee support to Afghan gov beyond 2014. The afghan gov has total international support apart from maybe one or two countries. So all the people thinking 2014 is gonna mark the end of the current Afghan gov and its forces are in for a major surprise.
What do you base this "fact" on?
Let me tell you what I think. Something very similar happend in Afghanistan approx 23 years ago. When the soviets decided to withdraw, everybody thought soon after their withdrawl the Dr.Najib regime is gonna fall immediately. Well without soviet forces the morale of the then Afghan Army surprisingly got a boost! They defeated the Mujahideen in their major offensive of Jalalabad. They successfully held the Mujahideens abay for three years, untile internal conflicts within the regime led to a breakdown of C&C giving the some Mujahideen commanders to conduct a Coup with their new allies of the former regime. The Afghan Army was never militarily defeated. Now consider this, the then Afghan army was less than 50,000 made up of mostly conscripts helped by gov militias. The mujahideen was a much larger insurgent force than the current Taliban with support from many countries worldwide The soviet union stopping financial help was also one of the reasons of the anarchy within the regime. Now by the end of 2012 we will have 352,000 security forces, the US-Afghan strategic partnership deal is gonna guarantee support to Afghan gov beyond 2014. The afghan gov has total international support apart from maybe one or two countries. So all the people thinking 2014 is gonna mark the end of the current Afghan gov and its forces are in for a major surprise.

Guess you guys were much better off with Najibullah regime eh?

I mean you had modern power, infrastructure, strong economic backing and good technological support from USSR like we did. See what happened today.

It is unfortunate that Najibullah was caught and brutally mutilated to death. He was a good friend of India.

For the 30 years your nation has suffered, you should resolve never to let any other country enter your territory without your approval. I know this might sound ironic but the NAO forces are needed to keep the steady rise of ANA numbers for now. The US support at times looks bossy and meddling but right now your objective is of a much greater enemy: your immediate neighbor and his pet militants.

So ANA will need to be resilient, strong and patient till you become self reliant.

Resilience is the key to becoming what you've carefully planned to become.

Till your military and economy are weak, you will struggle because your neighbor will push you around. Because an strong independent Afghanistan means good ties with "evil India" and trouble for your immediate neighbor.

So arm with patience, train with dedication and rise above these odds.

We Indians will continue to assist you wherever you need it. :)
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