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An untold story - 1962 war


Mar 18, 2010
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United Kingdom
We gained independence under a deal in which our 24 lakhs soldiers defended Britain in Second World War. 87000 soldiers died or were wounded for our freedom. Lakhs of these soldiers were de-mobilised after the war and were given grants and good pensions to ensure that they do not revolt against British Govt even then few units revolted creating fear in Britsh minds like first war for independence in 1857.

2. Nehru, who was imposed as first PM by British and Mahatma Gandhi did not have a good relations with Military leaders. He always behaved towards them with contempt and rather used soldiers as labour force for many so called development projects.

3. It is very surprising, the Indian Military Leaders were kept totally out of Foreign Policy loop and no worthwhile military modernisation plans were undertaken ( I suspect it as a conspiracy)

4. China border was managed by Intelligence Bureau (IB) under police officers. They were advising Govt on all Military Affairs and military was totally kept out of loop. A great innovation indeed by Nehru.

5. India adopted forward policy on eastern borders without taking its military into confidence.

6. General Thimayya, then army chief fearing military retaliation from China and unpreparedness of own military wrote to Nehru to undertake military modernisation on priority. Then defence minister didn’t like it and it led to an unpleasant situation where in General Thimayya resigned. He later on in national interest withdrew his
resignation on Nehru’s request but it didn’t alter the situation.

7. When govt shared military plans as made by IB under police officers to advance Indian Military into Arunanchal Pradesh, General Thimayya advised the Defence Minister to have a consultation with General Thorat who was then Eastern Army Chief.

8. General Thorat, the true hero, advised Govt against their plans and told them not to move army beyond a line which was named after his name as Thorat Line. His argument was that beyond this line due to poor logistics and communication network army cannot sustain itself and manage a military conflict with China. He also told Menon; Defence Minister, that Indian Military is not trained and equipped to conduct a war with China. He apprehended that military movement in Arunanchal Pradesh under forward policy will be conceived as an open military threat by China and will
trigger war. Menon and Nehru under advice from IB, overruled military leaders. Their opinion was that any military movement in Arunachal Pradesh will not trigger war and Military’s fears are unfounded.

9. Nehru and Menon didn’t like the frank advice of the two great military leaders. They waited for both General Thimayya and Gen Thorat to retire in mid 1961 and Appointed General Thapar who was the relative of Nehru as Army Chief.

10. With General Thapar as Chief, Govt pushed the plans made by IB under its forward policy and deployed military on China border without due preparations. The worst, one brigade was deployed on Thagla Ridge which in fact is part of Tibet even as per our own maps.

11. Indian Military deployment on Thagla Ridge ( a territory of Tibet) was seen as an act of open military aggression by China and naturally they retaliated.

12. As it comes out now, Mao was not keen in a total war with India. He had ordered their military to evict Indian Military from their territory at Thagla ridge and also gain maximum territory in Leh region (claimed as their territory) for strategic advantage.
Any military movement beyond that was part of exploitation battles which are planned and conducted as part of any military offensive.

13. In ensuing battles as expected by military leaders, much warned and expected debacle happened. Worst was when General Kaul an officer from Army Supply Corps was given command of fighting troops ( an unique and exceptional appointment not
heard in any military history).

14. But surely it was not a military defeat as portrayed. It is part of military tactics to withdraw from unfavourable positions by fighting limited tactical battles to over stretch enemy and bring them in a killing ground of own choosing to annihilate them. But yes in this case some of these withdrawing battles went wrong which resulted in debacle at Sela Pass. But then who was in command? An Army Supply Corps officer; General Kaul a very close confident of Nehru. He had a unique privilege to talk to Nehru directly even by passing General Thapar the then Chief.

15. The debacle sent shock waves. Nehru was nervous. USA intervened. They positioned their few Generals in South Block. Modern Military equipment’s were air lifted on priority. Very few people may know that a counter offensive plans were made which
were as under:

a. Raise new 45 Mountain Divisions with soldiers from India and equipment from USA.

b. Launch counter offensive under cover of US Air Force.

c. The military objective was to liberate Tibet from China by capturing Lahsa.d. Reinstate Dalai Lama’s Govt in Tibet to create a buffer state between India and China.

e. Military strategist understand that China had no answer to it and would have given away as her military was overstretched, weak and not in position to face such a huge military force. In fact this plans of India and USA forced China to go nuclear.

16. Coward Nehru developed a cold feet and his mind was frozen. To hold Pakistan back, USA wanted some commitment on Kashmir from Indian Govt. Nehru was too sensitive to it and he knew nothing about managing such demands. He ordered USA military Advisors and Generals to leave South Block overnight throwing away such an excellent military plan in air. This is where I suspect Nehru to be a double agent for Russia. Russia stepped in and China withdrew which in any case it had too as its military been without a strong logistic support and was overstretched. Winters were
approaching. Passes would have closed due to heavy snow falls cutting and isolating Chinese Army leaving it at the mercy of Indian Army.

17. India missed an opportunity to liberate Tibet from China as a coward and weak PM advised by police officers was leading the country during war. Military leaders were totally side lined.
18. 1962 war, in my opinion should be remembered not for debacle at Sela but for a missed opportunity to liberate Tibet to create a buffer state between Indian and China. We must understand that on entire war front it was only at Sela, debacle happened. At all other fronts Indian Military conducted withdrawing battle so
professionally. Unfortunately due to Sela Debacle the whole war is seen as a defeat but it was not so. Withdrawal battles were part of military strategy as was done by allies in Second World War against Japan before launching a fatal counter attack. It
is a well-established military strategy and most of the professional armies conduct war in such manner. The NATO Plans in Europe against Russia are similar. But our unfounded fixation with seeing victory and defeat in terms of loss and gains of territories create such biased opinions. The same needs to be corrected. Withdrawal
is very much part of a military strategy. In 1962 where actually we faulted was that India did not mobilise to launch counter offensive? Why that needs an investigation and answer?

Source: Facebook Account [Indian Air Force]
Indian governance , planning and policies are always the weak point..see it in 62, or in 99 as well..I hear Mush was in Indian territory in 99 and stayed a night there
Indian governance , planning and policies are always the weak point..see it in 62, or in 99 as well..I hear Mush was in Indian territory in 99 and stayed a night there

no relation what so ever at all.. rather than trolling try to see what actually transpired.. The same general didn't even had the guts to accept the dead bodies of his comrades who were killed in those battles.

After 10 years PA finally gave away bravery awards to the regulars who fought at kargil heights.. The general never even had the courage to accept that he was there during the kargil war. All this facts were coming out after about 10 years of that war.. Why did he had the balls to accept it ? Simply because he didnt know whether it would be a victory or loss..

And since it was a loss, so all this bravado stories never made headlines after the war.. Rather what was happening in GHQ was blame game going on..

The reality is that general when he was a brigadier got his *** spanked real hard in siachen :D
After the coup in Pakistan, Nehru was afraid of giving too much power to the military ..he deliberately did not give the equipments and training needed, many generals were promoted because they appeased Nehru.. He was afraid that if army became too powerful or popular then this would lead to a coup.. Pathetic Nehru...ruined it ....
By celebrating Nehru's bday as children's day, every Indian kid is force fed to believe that Nehru was the greatest human to have walked this earth or something...

We should first scrap that asap. !
Back then there was a talk of not needing a large standing army , MPs even went to suggest using soldiers for harvesting crops and construction.

Such was the level of maturity of the leadership, add sycophancy to this and pour a dash of fear the Govt had for the army.

It was a disaster waiting to happen.

The silver lining was that the shake up the nation got then stood it in good stead three years later in 65 and nine years later the army and political leadership had the physical and mental strength to create a new nation.
Indian governance , planning and policies are always the weak point..see it in 62, or in 99 as well..I hear Mush was in Indian territory in 99 and stayed a night there

Yes you are correct and our politicians are too weak to take a strong decision. And things were even worse before except at the time of Indira Gandhi.
cmon guys....every leader makes mistake....

yes there were hell lotta faults in nehru's governance

but i will always praise him (along with sardar vallabhai patel) that they removed the jagirdari n zamindari system ryt after independance
cmon guys....every leader makes mistake....

yes there were hell lotta faults in nehru's governance

but i will always praise him (along with sardar vallabhai patel) that they removed the jagirdari n zamindari system ryt after independance

I am a patriotic Indian and I will NOT stand for this pussyfooting! Nehru was weak and he believed in showoff, something that brought him his decline. UK vacated India because they could NOT AFFORD a colony for up-keeping that big after WW2 not any satyagraha. Regarding China , they turned a fertile country :-)china:) into drug addicts of opium by harassing Indian farmers to grow poppy.

An army is the thread that binds a weak bundle of grass to make it a staff. Unlike Pakistan or any nation our army puts nation before self, and is willing to go to hell to make India a better place. IA has the highest UN record of professionalism despite ethnic and language barriers. Next time you go to any cantonment atleast smile and be courteous to the guy checking your ID, who knows what troubles he has to go through to keep you safe!

Stop this Cong supporting prick! Recently 2 ministers were sacked in a day to save PMO, are ye daft?
Thanks to China in 1962, sluggish beauracracy woke up to modernisation of army

Thanks to China in 2013, foreign office woke up to reality that China can not be trusted and you would need USA and Japan to counter China' s bully behaviour.

Also, Thanks to economic boom in China, many Indians started to believe that India can also develop at fast pace
Thanks to China in 1962, sluggish beauracracy woke up to modernisation of army

Thanks to China in 2013, foreign office woke up to reality that China can not be trusted and you would need USA and Japan to counter China' s bully behaviour.

Also, Thanks to economic boom in China, many Indians started to believe that India can also develop at fast pace

We should also thank the fact that economic and demographic heartland of china lies in its eastern part
When Nehru was strong, army was weak and ill equipped.
When army is strong and well equipped, Manmohan singh is weak.
The only time both were powerful was during Indira. She dragged pakistan to hell.

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