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An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India


Aug 4, 2009
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An insurgency swells, but Pakistan focuses on India

PAKISTAN REELS from almost daily bombings, and its cities, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, and Islamabad are cited in news reports as once were Ramadi, Najaf, Samarra, and Baghdad when Iraq was on the boil.

The Pakistani army is now engaged in the frontier tribal areas as never before, and its intelligence officers are admitting to an increasingly coordinated threat from the Taliban and Punjabi militants, both with links to Al Qaeda. Most worrying is the rise of Islamic militancy in the Punjabi heartland, showing that the growing insurgency cannot be limited to the Afghan frontier.

Americans have been telling the Pakistanis that the real threat came from this insurgency nexus, not from Pakistan’s traditional enemy, India, and that Pakistan should wake up to the danger. Yet the bulk of Pakistan’s armed forces are still focused on the Indian border.

After three Indo-Pakistani wars since the British partitioned the sub-continent in 1947, two of them over Kashmir, old fears of India run deep in the Pakistani psyche. So is distrust of America, which uses Pakistan and then discards it “like a used condom,’’ as bitter Pakistanis are wont to say. Pakistanis particularly remember how the United States simply walked away when the Russians were defeated in Afghanistan, leaving Pakistan with the chaos on its border.

Too many Pakistanis view the fight against Islamic militants and the battle for Afghanistan as America’s struggle - not really theirs. Elements in the Pakistani military and intelligence service have long tolerated the Taliban as an ace up the sleeve, and as a counter to Indian influence in Afghanistan.

But haven’t the provocations, the Mumbai hotel bombings, the attack on the Indian parliament, and the bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul, come from the Pakistani side, and hasn’t India shown restraint? Yet, from Pakistan’s vantage point, every Indian consulate opened in Afghanistan is an encirclement, and every move has a hidden anti-Pakistani agenda.

Communal violence between Muslim and Hindu was the midwife to the birth of Pakistan, and there is a feeling that India has never really recognized the legitimacy of the homeland for Muslims that Pakistan was intended to be.

In 1971, when the Bengalis of East Pakistan sought to establish an independent country, it was an Indian invasion that accomplished the birth of Bangladesh. But, as Henry Kissinger discovered when he tried to prevent that war, it was the dismemberment of Pakistan that India really wanted.

No doubt the Pakistani military’s brutal behavior in east Bengal, and an intolerable flow of refugees into India were part of the drama. Millions were hemorrhaging out of East Pakistan. You could track their columns by the flocks of vultures overhead. But independence for Bangladesh was becoming inevitable. It did not need an Indian invasion.

India’s prime minister, Indira Gandhi, according to Kissinger’s memoirs, held the belief that “Pakistan was a jerry-built structure held together by its hatred for India. . .’’ Neither Baluchistan nor the Northwest Frontier properly belonged to Pakistan, she told Kissinger and President Nixon. They too wanted and deserved greater autonomy; they should never have been part of the original (partition) settlement and were among the “ congenital defects ’’of Pakistan. She implied that confining her demands to the secession of East Pakistan amounted to Indian restraint; that “the continued existence of West Pakistan reflected Indian forbearance, ’’ Kissinger wrote.

Times change, and serious Indians have little desire today to dismember Pakistan. Indeed, India’s greatest fear is shared by the United States: that Pakistan will disintegrate into chaos. But old fears die hard, and it isn’t likely that Pakistan is going to let down its guard to concentrate all its resources on the home-grown insurgents that are threatening the state.

Like so many of the world’s hot spots that have bedeviled the United States - Vietnam, Iraq, Israel-Palestine - the India-Pakistan conflict was spawned in the break-up of European colonial empires after World War II.

Pakistan is far more important than Afghanistan will ever be, and if the United States wants to see it remain a viable ally, nothing could help more than a concerted diplomatic effort to lessen the continuing tensions between Pakistan and India that so hinder efforts to contain Islamic militants.

Yes, we need a lesson from US where 80% of its Armed Forces are sitting in barracks...and Afghanistan is up in flames due to these bastards.Indira Gandhi that ***** should be censored here glad she got what she deserved.
The article is completely misleading and a distortion of facts. Pakistan does not remain focus on India but at the same time cannot turn a blind eye towards an enemy that is known for back stabbing and sponsoring terrorism and has threaten to attack on numerous occasions.
Pakistan is mature enough to understand the multiple threats it faces today and certainly we dont need advice over our threat perceptions. We are fully capable of understanding the changing dynamics of the region and adopt accordingly.
US has its own interest in the region and hence sees things according to that and wants others to see through their glasses. Moreover its not a hidden secret anymore that US has a strategic interest developed in India due to China and hence where ever US can exert its influence, it will try to neutralize any so called threats for India to make it fully focus on China. This is the same case we are seeing today.
Yes, we need a lesson from US where 80% of its Armed Forces are sitting in barracks...and Afghanistan is up in flames due to these bastards.Indira Gandhi that ***** should be censored here glad she got what she deserved.

I understand... but the main point remains that instead of going against the militants, Pakistani military continues to focus on military posturing against India. Pakistan needs to set its priorities straight before it is too late.

And I'm saying this for the welfare of entire South Asia and not just Pakistan. Obviously India wants to deal with a democratic, liberal and progressive Pakistan rather than one run by Taliban militants.
I understand... but the main point remains that instead of going against the militants, Pakistani military continues to focus on military posturing against India. Pakistan needs to set its priorities straight before it is too late.

And I'm saying this for the welfare of entire South Asia and not just Pakistan. Obviously India wants to deal with a democratic, liberal and progressive Pakistan rather than one run by Taliban militants.

Pakistan does not run accordingly to Indian wishes. So India should better learn to deal with Pakistan as it is and not the way it wants Pakistan to be because that's not going to happen.
Pakistan does not run accordingly to Indian wishes. So India should better learn to deal with Pakistan as it is and not the way it wants Pakistan to be because that's not going to happen.

Uhh... so in other words you do not share the opinion of India in this regard? To be specific, you would rather prefer an ultra-conservative Pakistan rather than a democratic, liberal and progressive Pakistan? Hmm.....
Uhh... so in other words you do not share the opinion of India in this regard? To be specific, you would rather prefer an ultra-conservative Pakistan rather than a democratic, liberal and progressive Pakistan? Hmm.....

Don't try to twist my words. The only thing i said and let me repeat for you is that Pakistan is not run according to Indian wishes, so India better learn to deal with that rather then copying USA.
For the last part, I'll give you a hint Taliban hardly enjoy 5% support( I for one even doubt that) so rest you can imagine how likely are the chances of Pakistan being run by Taliban unless of course the whole nation turns into a Mullah or PA disappears suddenly and Taliban take over.
Don't try to twist my words. The only thing i said and let me repeat for you is that Pakistan is not run according to Indian wishes, so India better learn to deal with that rather then copying USA.

Hmm... but it seems you are keen to twist my words. I never suggested that Pakistan should "run according to Indian wishes". Read my comment again if you wish.

For the last part, I'll give you a hint Taliban hardly enjoy 5% support( I for one even doubt that) so rest you can imagine how likely are the chances of Pakistan being run by Taliban unless of course the whole nation turns into a Mullah or PA disappears suddenly and Taliban take over.

Glad to hear that. Fact remains that it is not primarily about Taliban overrunning your nation... it is also about the scores of innocent people being killed in the attacks orchestrated by these militants. The sooner and more decisively PA acts against these militants, the more innocent lives can be saved.
Hmm... but it seems you are keen to twist my words. I never suggested that Pakistan should "run according to Indian wishes". Read my comment again if you wish.

Obviously you are suggesting:

Obviously India wants to deal with a democratic, liberal and progressive Pakistan rather than one run by Taliban militants.

So i don't think i am twisting any words here.

Glad to hear that. Fact remains that it is not primarily about Taliban overrunning your nation... it is also about the scores of innocent people being killed in the attacks orchestrated by these militants. The sooner and more decisively PA acts against these militants, the more innocent lives can be saved.

Pakistan is already doing that. These things take time and that is exactly why it is called a long war.
I understand... but the main point remains that instead of going against the militants, Pakistani military continues to focus on military posturing against India. Pakistan needs to set its priorities straight before it is too late.

Yeah we will leave the eastern border undefended so you can have a happy time sniping the civilians on the border; happy now :angel:
The article is completely misleading and a distortion of facts. Pakistan does not remain focus on India but at the same time cannot turn a blind eye towards an enemy that is known for back stabbing and sponsoring terrorism and has threaten to attack on numerous occasions.

Care to provide evidence for backstabbing and sponsering terrorism, dont try to make the world dark by closing your eyes. The above mentioned things suits your country to the T.
Pakistan is mature enough to understand the multiple threats it faces today and certainly we dont need advice over our threat perceptions. We are fully capable of understanding the changing dynamics of the region and adopt accordingly.
I doubt it. And you becoming an ally in the WOT according to me is purely because of US armtwisting and not based on any proper ideology. If you had that in first place, you wouldnt have such situations in your country like, huge presense of taliban terorirsts, multiple military coups and a not so good economy.
US has its own interest in the region and hence sees things according to that and wants others to see through their glasses. Moreover its not a hidden secret anymore that US has a strategic interest developed in India due to China and hence where ever US can exert its influence, it will try to neutralize any so called threats for India to make it fully focus on China. This is the same case we are seeing today.
You are answering your questions, so we are focusing on china more right, and your deployment of troops in your eastern border is based on unwarrented fears.

Well lets hope commense prevail. And you finish of the menace of terrorism from your country once and for all, only then there would be proper ground for the growth of a proper system.
Both India and Pakistan have played the terrorism card against each other since independence.

The only reason the West is focussing on Pakistan and ignoring the skeletons in India's closet is because
- the AQ guys attacked the US
- the West is propping up India as a counter to China

The Boston Globe editorial pandering to India is in line with these facts.
Both India and Pakistan have played the terrorism card against each other since independence.
It has not been a "card" rather a state policy in case of Pakistan. Conventional warfare was a risky and expensive proposaition.
Some of the proven incidents:
1947 - "tribals" supported and armed by Pakistan entered Kasmir
1965 - insurgents enter India for an ambitious "Operation Gibraltar"
1989 - present - Terrorist trained in pakistani terror camps pushed into Kashmir.
1999 - Kargil Conflict Again independent Kashmiri insurgents(Lol)
The acts stated above WERE STATE SPONSORED and proven to be so.
these date way before AQ attacked US or China was worthy of a proxy.

Please spare me all the LTTE Gyaan against India. Even Sri Lanka has never bothered to officially accuse us.

Can you quote any proven incident of India Terrorism in Pakistan??
(1971 was not one - gotcha)

The only reason the West is focussing on Pakistan and ignoring the skeletons in India's closet is because
- the AQ guys attacked the US
- the West is propping up India as a counter to China
There are no skeletons in this closet.
FYI: We have no concrete evidence of Indian hand in Waziristan
The Boston Globe editorial pandering to India is in line with these facts.
What you have stated are better referred to as hot air rather than Facts.
Check definition of the word in dictionary in case you are still in doubt.
You are answering your questions, so we are focusing on china more right, and your deployment of troops in your eastern border is based on unwarrented fears.

So what do you say "General"; you remove your troops; we remove ours. Until you have troops on the other side of the border; our fears are not "Unwarranted".
1947 - "tribals" supported and armed by Pakistan entered Kasmir

It was a liberation force dispatched at the request of the Kashmiri people themselves when their Hindu tyrant betrayed his own people.

1989 - present - Terrorist trained in pakistani terror camps pushed into Kashmir.

Pakistan provdes moral support to Kashmiris freedom fighters. The fact that the West, as stated above, has decided to parrot the Indian spin does not make the Indian blather any more credible.

1965 - insurgents enter India for an ambitious "Operation Gibraltar"
1999 - Kargil Conflict Again independent Kashmiri insurgents(Lol)

These were military incusrions and, effectively, acts of war. You better go find that dictionary of yours to educate yourself on the difference.

these date way before AQ attacked US or China was worthy of a proxy.

The issue is not when an event occured but why India gets a pass on its terrorism.

Do try to keep up.

Please spare me all the LTTE Gyaan against India.

On the contrary, India's support for LTTE terrorists, its forceful annexation of Sikkim, and bullying of Nepal are only some of the skeletons in India's closet.

Even Sri Lanka has never bothered to officially accuse us.

Sri Lanka depends totally on India for many critical resource, including oil. They have been bullied by India long enough, which is one of the reasons they are so friendly with Pakistan and China.

Can you quote any proven incident of India Terrorism in Pakistan??
(1971 was not one - gotcha)

The Bangaldeshis have been quite vocal about Indian terrorism within their country even before 1971.



What you have stated are better referred to as hot air rather than Facts.
Check definition of the word in dictionary in case you are still in doubt.

Uh huh. Next time you get your "Incredible India" bubble burst, try not to take it so personally.

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