They will remain in service, technically they did get the same AL-ZARRAR electronic upgrade package where it was technically possible.
The T-85IIIAP is stationed all over Pakistan, I have seen pictures of this Tank presented in Peshawar, Lahore, and Taxila. It is was also used extensively in the desert.
My logic conclusions, is that NOW since we have inducted ca. 400 Alkhalids, the half of the T-85IIIAP units are concentrated in Sindh with Alkhalid (they can share the same logistics, ammunition, items etc. which save maintenance and logistical time, and the other half in Punjab to boost the Type-59IIM and Al-zarrar formations, while the home of the T-80UD remains Multan. I could be also wrong and Pakistan Army is using the PANZER KEIL tactic. where an attack regiment is formed with a mix of old and new Tank!
panzerkeil is an offensive formation used by armoured corps. The tanks would form into a
wedge-shaped formation, with the most heavily armed and armoured Tanks forming the tip, that are the Al-Khalid and T-80UD Tanks, ,T-85IIMP upgraded the base (where available), with the Al-Zarrar the wings.
follow that topic from 2013!