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An eye on India’s outrageous nuclear infrastructure

Have you guys wondered about the timing of this article coinciding with the Nuclear Security Summit.
With the whole world questioning about the security of nuclear weapons/material in Pakistan....Pakistan is acting nothing but like a small kid....pointing finger at India stating that they too have security problems. So that they both are equated at parity.....
The article stinks of nothing but childish propaganda.
every country advances their agenda in ways like this. India also brought forward their concerns regarding pakistan's nuclear safety/proliferation issues.
I say it's only fair that they try to put forth their concerns/interests.
salute to guy who wrote that. Double salute to guys who read the whole Rticle. You cud have pointed us to the website. Scrolling on iphone , mu thumbs r sore.
hmmm lets see who wrote this Ahmed Quraishi, a Pakistani, A political activist and Pakistani journalist. Credibility down the drain, case closed. Its obvious even to the blind why this article has been written, nice try by mr.Quaraishi but unfortunately he forgot that no one wants to listen to him.

I could not get myself to read the whole article. Just after a couple of sentences, I scrolled down to check desiman's comments. It saved 10 mins of my life going waste.


lol thank you, i feel good that i saved 10 mins of your life today :P
Have you guys wondered about the timing of this article coinciding with the Nuclear Security Summit.
With the whole world questioning about the security of nuclear weapons/material in Pakistan....Pakistan is acting nothing but like a small kid....pointing finger at India stating that they too have security problems. So that they both are equated at parity.....
The article stinks of nothing but childish propaganda.
Do Pakistani nuclear scientists wind up dead in rivers?
In India toxic gas, methyl isocyanate, seeped from Union Carbide insecticide plant, killing more than 2,000 and injuring about 150,000 in 1980's
Are radio active wastes( kaiga nuclear reactor issue) found in drinking water in Pakistan

Please remind me of a similar nuclear or chemical incidents in Pakistan other then baseless concerns about them falling into wrong hands.

If Pakistan is acting like a kid then India is being nothing but a spoiled brat who even whines at Pakistan acquiring 18 f-16's but then tend to mask 126 on offer
^^^ points well made Peregrine. Pakistan has every right to push its agenda on NS Summit (just like every other country). like I mentioned earlier, India's or for that matter any other country's nuclear track record in not perfect. we've all made mistakes and on world stage politics it's expected that nations (try to) hide their own issues and convince people to see their side of the story.
dont troll when u dont have valid points. I know certain things are hard for u to digest so deal with them instead of mouthing obscenity

You have no idea how dumb you sound with your second excuse.

Something happened which no one can deny , we are taking of nuclear safety here so that counts, no need for your personal excuses

Obsession with AQ khan makes more sense however, it doesn't show how Pakistani Nuclear assets are unsafe.

Really Pakistan was an ally in war on terror from 60's-90. LoL :cheesy:
This is the most ridiculous remark i have seen on this thread from an Indian, actually sanctions were lifted from Pakistan because of cooperation in WOT, and these new f-16's are because of that. please dont bother replying if you don't have anything concrete to back your statements
To ALL Dear Indian Members..
please Do not reply to this BS India bashing thread...It is another way of trolling.So i request you all not to waste your precious time and energy on this crap article..
Lately too many Pakistanis have been making crazy efforts to shout on top of their voices that India is a unsafe nuclear country...but alas...no one in the world really cares for their rhetorics.....world is busy making money form Indian Nuclear deals.....and all this Pakistani crying is falling on deaf ears.....Good luck to Pakistani bloggers and Media men for their " India Is an unsafe nuclear state" propaganda campaign.
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