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Amnesty offer only for ‘good’ Taliban: minister

We should offer peace but understand that the core of TTP/ISISK are foreign proxies. They now serve Amrullah Saleh's NDS remnants in Tajikistan with RAW help. Amrullah Saleh's and the NDS remnants have reverted to terrorism against Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban. They also back ISISK as the new AQ against the west as well.
Can we block of Afghan food supply? till they cooperate with us on TTP?, show some initiative
Crazy talk. TTP and ISIS-K are attacking the Taliban as well. They are controlled by NDS remnants in exile.
slow clap for the choice of words.
what a moronic statement.
Amnesty? the TTP says that Pakistanis state must surrender first then they will think of a dialogue.
there is no comparison between this TTP and Afghan Taliban. if Imran's government wants to use the US- Afghan negotiation and settlement in Afghanistan.

Afghan Taliban were fighting against an occupation force which removed them from rule of Kabul. TTP on the other hand is mixture of sectarian terrorists belonging mainly of Deobandi school who don't recognize the state of Pakistan and express their affiliation with Daesh and want to establish their rule on Pakistan and see the state institutions and its people as enemies and legitimate targets.

talking with these Hounds of hell wont work. TTP are those who have spilled the blood of people in schools, mosques, churches , shops etc and are proud of it. since the original announcement by Shah Mehmood Querashi and Imran's interview the TTP has attacked and killed law enforcement members and in the pst one month and a half have conducted back to back attacks on Chinese. Daesh, TTP, Sipah Sahabah, Lashkar Jhangvi or whatever name they chose they are all one and the same and use different title when it suits them.
its only a matter of time that TTP is going to conduct a major terror attack since it is already emboldened by the victory of its (so called) ideological brothers in Afghanistan.

Your talking with emotions not logic.
How do you plan on turning families who have relatives in ttp pro pak?
How do you plan on making tribal areas pro pak?
How do you plan on making waziristan pro pak?
How do you plan on making Mehsud and Wazir tribes pro pak?
How do you plan on crushing their ideology for which they can find thousands of fighters to fight for?
How do you plan on maintaining relations with neighbouring afghan Taliban keeping ttp in mind?
How do you plan on doing all this without negotiating with ttp?
Army operations is easy you go in and kill ttp foot soldiers even leadership but their ideology doesn’t die and since Waziristan is mostly pro ttp and Mehsud and Wazir tribes have tribal loyalties to ttp they’ll always supply ttp with fighters and help them. Are you going to do a genocide in waziristan? Because that’s what it’s going to take to end ttp unless we can have dialogue with them and come up with a long term peaceful solution.
Military operations won’t end the tribal loyalties, ideologies or social problems the people there face. Maybe stop neglecting tribal areas do development there give them jobs and rights and hold dialogue with ttp, we’ll end insurgency in those areas permanently.
We have to ask our selfs also what led these ttp fighters to join ttp. Until 2014 tribal areas didn’t even have basic rights we neglected them for 70 years we left the system British put in place remain there we did 0 development there so it became a natural breading ground for terrorists.
These issues can’t be solved using emotions rather you have to solve them logically
I know right? How based are we. Now cope and bow down to your true masters.
Ask this question to your ancestors who bowed down or spread their legs in front of the invaders…. We were a proud Hindu… we are proud Hindu and will be proud Hindu… send as many of your masters you want…
This was probably discussed during the recent NAP meeting.

There is general mistrust between the government and the people. I have not come across anyone who is prepared to offer the government any sort of amnesty.

Arguably the amnesty offered to economic terrorist is far worse than these misguided tribes.
So the concept of the "good" and the "bad" Taliban persists at the "highest levels". What a pity.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Your talking with emotions not logic.
How do you plan on turning families who have relatives in ttp pro pak?
How do you plan on making tribal areas pro pak?
How do you plan on making waziristan pro pak?
How do you plan on making Mehsud and Wazir tribes pro pak?

If someone has no remorse for innocent people dieing in Pakistan regardless of reason and trust me there is no justification for going on a killing spree then the answer is simple.

They now serve Amrullah Saleh's NDS

How do you plan on maintaining relations with neighbouring afghan Taliban keeping TTP in mind?

According to the genius above that should be absolutely easy peasy.

Since the TTP ( according to the genius above) fights for Amarulah Saleh and NDS and RAW and also ISIS(K).
Those are sworn enemies of the Taliban and surely they would kill the TTP but instead their leaders JOINTLY celebrated their victory over the Americans TOGETHER in Kabul !!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know about you, but don't you think CrazyZ is really crazy
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

In this case, it may be due to determination to stay on the same course, born of an unshakable conviction that this is the correct decision, to the exclusion of all else.
Come on Fellows, why are you responding to these pathetic indians who are trying to derail this thread?? SIMPLY IGNORE THEM !!
Please allow me to explain. The pity I was was referring to here is that Pakistan still does not realize that raising snakes in the backyard is always a losing proposition since one cannot control who they bite in the long run. This is regardless of what bills are presented and passed in the US Senate, or not.
This implicit reliance on non-state actors also exposes capacity weaknesses. It means our core state can't directly fight for its interests (fair), but is unwilling to ever "own" the cause (a big red flag). To "own" the cause you need to build a nation, its economy and institutions. So, no need to "build" if we ain't owning....

According to the genius above that should be absolutely easy peasy.

Since the TTP ( according to the genius above) fights for Amarulah Saleh and NDS and RAW and also ISIS(K).
Those are sworn enemies of the Taliban and surely they would kill the TTP but instead their leaders JOINTLY celebrated their victory over the Americans TOGETHER in Kabul !!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know about you, but don't you think CrazyZ is really crazy
ISIS-K is an offshoot of TTP. Links between NDS and TTP/ISIS-K are long and deep. USA special forces captured TTP third in command while he was meeting NDS in Afghanistan (the most damming parts of this were toned down in the media for diplomatic reasons).

TTP and ISIS-K were groomed by NDS/RAW as proxies to use against Pakistan the the Taliban. They have recently added the USA to the target list....for betraying the previous idiot regime in Kabul. TTP making a paper proclamation against the USA and ISIS-K attacking USA soldiers is evidence of working with the Taliban??? The Hindutva Afghans all blame the USA for the fall of Kabul to the Taliban.

ISIS-K/TTP were largely quiet earlier this year but has soon as the Taliban take Kabul........they have made a huge terror push. The crumbs all lead back the Amrullah Saleh-NDS remnants in exile working with RAW.
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This implicit reliance on non-state actors also exposes capacity weaknesses. It means our core state can't directly fight for its interests (fair), but is unwilling to ever "own" the cause (a big red flag). To "own" the cause you need to build a nation, its economy and institutions. So, no need to "build" if we ain't owning....

One could argue that there is no longer a core state, but a cabal that determines policies, but ain't nobody got time fer dat. :D
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