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Amnesty International about Baloch killings in Pakistan

Same logic can be applied to so-called mass graves/human rights violations in Indian kashmir.

You can but never forget to add administered or occupied between Kashmir and India. That means it is a disputed territory.

Hope you know the difference between a main land and disputed territory.
You can but never forget to add administered or occupied between Kashmir and India. That means it is a disputed territory.

Hope you know the difference between a main land and disputed territory.

india consider kashmir as a mainland not a disputed territory.how many times u will hear that kashmir is integral part of india
You can but never forget to add administered or occupied between Kashmir and India. That means it is a disputed territory.

Hope you know the difference between a main land and disputed territory.

Human right violations in disputed territory = Human rights violations in undisputed territory.


Humans in disputed territory = Humans in undisputed territory


Murderers in disputed territory = Murderers in undisputed territory

End of discussion:wave:
Then we have no right to accuse India of anything..
after all.. Kashmir is under their control.. and its an internal matter.:coffee:

The population of the other three provinces must pressurize their elites and themselves go on a Baloch rights campaign.. lest another 71 happens.

First of all IOK is a globally recognized disputed territory not it's internal matter. Having control doesn't mean that it is their territory. Even Omar Abdullah also says Paksitan is a party in Kashmir issue.

On the other hand let's talk about these killings. Who is going to prove that these guys were killed by Pakistani forces and not by BLA terrorists themselves. Weren't several Baloch activists were killed by BLA in the past. Isn't it true that several Baloch are afraid to go in Balochistan because of the fear that they might get killed by BLA.

And talking about human rights what about the rights of those poor non balochis by these terrorists. When Amenesty International is going to issue a report about them. Or just because they were killed by non religious "secular" BLA they don't have any human rights.

Got to agree with Patriot being leftist doesn't mean you always behave like Najam Sethi all the time.

However, Bangladesh was not a disputed territory either..

And Balochistan is not BD and this is not 1971. Get out of nostalgia. I always wonder why this so called liberation movement dies in the areas like Chamalang, rekodiq, Sandek etc etc. Why govt installations aren't bombed in those areas. If you know about Balochistan, I also know about Balochistan. And deep down their heart BLA activists also know the time has changed. This is not 1971.

Human right violations in disputed territory = Human rights violations in undisputed territory.


Humans in disputed territory = Humans in undisputed territory


Murderers in disputed territory = Murderers in undisputed territory

End of discussion:wave:

If the killings are proved against the state forces than yes and human rights apply to all. And that includes those who were killed by BLA terrorists too. Hopefully you would understand the point.
Such killing often take place in India, Kashmir is a different Issue, dont you even compare it with Baluchistan, or I will derail this thread with such killings in India :what:
Well is Baluchistan disputed on any map or in UN like IOK?Is there any territorial dispute regarding Baluchistan with any country?It's okay to be leftist heck even i am tilted towards center-left but just because you are leftist does not mean you have to act like Najam Sethi.

it is not disputed because we don't want it to be disputed....we don't go hammer and tongs about Baluchistan and have always said that it is for Pakistan to clean it's act in Balochistan...in spite of being invited to act on the behalf of certain Balochi groups by the so-called Balochi leaders!
A disputed territory is a thorn in your side...no one knows this better than us.
we all are hypocrites as per convenience...you guys used to worship Amnesty when it was producing reports of violation Kashmir...
Why not. The so called killings haven't been proved. It isn't proved that whether they were killed by Pakistani forces or terrorists themselves for some differences. On the other hand terrorists have killed dozens of non balochis and many Balochis too, hopefully Amnesty International would issue a report about those human rights violations too. It goes both ways. You want violence you will get it. This is the message to BLA and other terrorists.


can you broaden your vision and see the Kashmiri separatists in the same light?
No national dispute is settled in a day...you actually are lucky that no country is lobbying for Balochistan the way you guys are lobbying for Balochistan...
Such killing often take place in India, Kashmir is a different Issue, dont you even compare it with Baluchistan, or I will derail this thread with such killings in India :what:

such killings take place in a lot of places...
are you threatening to troll???I don't understand that...
Balochistan IS comparable to Kashmir...in...
a)people are being forced to abide by a govt. and it's legislature
b)people want international support for their cause...
c)Human rights violations take place in both areas..
Balochistan is not as big a problem as is Kashmir...but don't take it as a pat on the back..
The true international champion for the cause of human rights violations absolutely needs to have it's slate clean.period.
can you broaden your vision and see the Kashmiri separatists in the same light?


No national dispute is settled in a day...

Yup I know.

you actually are lucky that no country is lobbying for Balochistan the way you guys are lobbying for Balochistan...

I know that too and those BLA terrorists know that too. They are just completing the tasks given by their father sitting in Afghanistan. Just to keep unrest in Balochistan so Pakistan can't move forward with grand projects in Balochistan province. Nothing more than that.

I know that too and those BLA terrorists know that too. They are just completing the tasks given by their father sitting in Afghanistan. Just to keep unrest in Balochistan so Pakistan can't move forward with grand projects in Balochistan province. Nothing more than that.


Areesh...we all grow up thinking that our countries are perfect models of how people initially decided to inculcate civilization when they first settled down
but it's an eye-wash...I know you'd like to believe all of the above....but surely there is something actually wrong with Balochistan that is making the people unhappy?
I would like to believe that the Kashmiri separatists are on Pakistan's bankroll and are brain-washed by you people so that the world turns against us and GoP gets Kashmir....I am sure this is not exactly true either...
My father would call these alternate theories as lies....while I am willing to hear the other guy out....
such killings take place in a lot of places...
are you threatening to troll???I don't understand that...
Balochistan IS comparable to Kashmir...in...
a)people are being forced to abide by a govt. and it's legislature
b)people want international support for their cause...
c)Human rights violations take place in both areas..
Balochistan is not as big a problem as is Kashmir...but don't take it as a pat on the back..
The true international champion for the cause of human rights violations absolutely needs to have it's slate clean.period.


Terrorism in Baluchistan is done by terrorists, but terrorism in Kashmir is done by Indian army :agree:
First of all IOK is a globally recognized disputed territory not it's internal matter. Having control doesn't mean that it is their territory. Even Omar Abdullah also says Paksitan is a party in Kashmir issue.

On the other hand let's talk about these killings. Who is going to prove that these guys were killed by Pakistani forces and not by BLA terrorists themselves. Weren't several Baloch activists were killed by BLA in the past. Isn't it true that several Baloch are afraid to go in Balochistan because of the fear that they might get killed by BLA.

And talking about human rights what about the rights of those poor non balochis by these terrorists. When Amenesty International is going to issue a report about them. Or just because they were killed by non religious "secular" BLA they don't have any human rights.

Got to agree with Patriot being leftist doesn't mean you always behave like Najam Sethi all the time.

And Balochistan is not BD and this is not 1971. Get out of nostalgia. I always wonder why this so called liberation movement dies in the areas like Chamalang, rekodiq, Sandek etc etc. Why govt installations aren't bombed in those areas. If you know about Balochistan, I also know about Balochistan. And deep down their heart BLA activists also know the time has changed. This is not 1971.


Nostalgia about 71..
It was opinions similar to yours that gave the nation its greatest shock.
Back then too, it seemed all ok to people and the problem was isolated to the Professors of Dhaka and a few border areas.
The difference is that the Baloch have no assistance from any neighbor.
The problem does stop in those areas since Tribal rivalries come into play.
There is no condition similar to BD yet.. and cant be either.. since Balochistan is surrounded on all sides with countries as such uninterested in supporting the cause(limited as it may be in your view). So even a widespread insurgency wont achieve much.. except hostile lands for the rest of Pakistan. And the natural resources in that province will have to be constantly guarded from attacks.. (as they are now). What is better.. a friendly people where you can move and live amongst amicably.. or a place where like today you move in constant fear of kidnapping.
But the idea of sitting around and depending on policing actions for such elements is idiotic.. pardon my french.
If the swat debacle has given any lesson is that when injustice exists people will look to any deluded fool for help.. and crown him a hero.
A Slam bam thank you maam approach needs to be coupled with a development drive.. so that even those elements aligned with the BLA and its cohorts feel its better being a Pakistani first than a Baloch.
The ranks and file of all these organization will crumple if the men that they are composed of are offered better alternatives.. something the PA should be lauded for trying..
the hardcore elements will keep trying... but when they cant offer anything better than the government.. they will die out.

Had the Bangladeshi separatist elements been without popular support ..in the ancient times of 71 would have gone differently. And btw, the whole prehistoric event of 71 started after the Bengali intellectuals started publicly asking for a way out.
Its started in Balochistan now...take a drive down the coastal highway.. then make a trip to quetta.. and talk to the people.

and does anyone remember from historical records that have gathered dust the killings of non-Bengali elements in Bangladesh..?
deja vu?.. albeit without the catalyst that was India..

I better start reading Mr Najam Sethi if he and I think so alike.

Terrorism in Baluchistan is done by terrorists, but terrorism in Kashmir is done by Indian army :agree:

you mean to say that the armed forces in Balochistan do not discharge their weapons and have never killed any one?Terrorist is a subjective label...
Indian army gets tried...there is no media blackout in Kashmir.
You get to hear things out as soon as they happen.
A bad defense...try harder.
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