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Amitabh Bachchan in legaltrouble over Quran remark

why Indian courts waste time on such non sense? they are supposed to be holy meritorious non-corrupt super efficient people.
I guess he will have to prove that in court, that the book was ''created'' using some mysterious method and not composed by someone, and religious fairytale believers can not prove squat to even kindergarten students, hence they have to catch them at 3 years of age and indoctrinate them.

The proof is all around us, the sheer weight of intellect and rationalism is hitting us right in the face daily on the forum. Yesterday i learned kashmir is a historically muslim region where pundits have been the trouble makers and nothing grew there until islam arrived. No I'm serious. Comparatively the lawsuit sounds serious business eh?
Name dropping... nothing else. Try to take panga with a famous name... & you have made a name for yourself.
lol trolling k naye naye tarikey :D

bachhan should send this ghetto dweller where he belongs. maan hani ka case thok ke jail me daaldo injaisey chutiy@ logon ko.
The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.
The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.

I would have heard it from anyone else but not from a Pakistani.

Our courts and constitution embodies the will of our nation, which made of Indian society.

If you have pointed out something wrong the way Indian posters are posting then quote them out and let us all see the context they are talking. There is no point making sweeping statements when your own nation is not backing you up, rather more deleterious on universal accepted notion of secularism.
The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.

I agree. Looking at comments of Indian members here on this thread is outright disgusting, its full of hatred against Muslims.
I would have heard it from anyone else but not from a Pakistani.

Our courts and constitution embodies the will of our nation, which made of Indian society.

If you have pointed out something wrong the way Indian posters are posting then quote them out and let us all see the context they are talking. There is no point making sweeping statements when your own nation is not backing you up, rather more deleterious on universal accepted notion of secularism.

The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.

Typical Pakistani reflecting the nation's urge to justify its existence everyday. Looks like the effort is getting more desperate by the day.
@Don Jaguar @Windjammer

Another case of Secular India.

Aren't terrorist from RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP threatening your own country men, superstars who happen to be Muslims to leave the country or get killed? I just read about it like two minutes ago. It also said that one of the star's family fought for the creation of India......??????????????? Whatever happened to the slogan of the 'oldest democracy'??

Oh wait, it's the oldest HINDU democracy where Christians and Muslims shouldn't exist!
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Aren't terrorist from RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP threatening your own country men, superstars who happen to be Muslims to leave the country or get killed? I just read about it like two minutes ago. It also said that one of the star's family fought for the creation of India......??????????????? Whatever happened to the slogan of the 'oldest democracy'??

Oh wait, it's the oldest HINDU democracy where Christians and Muslims shouldn't exist!
Same old cheap banter from a false flag over a stupid thread.....
The court has rejected this stupid petition.


The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.

I agree. Looking at comments of Indian members here on this thread is outright disgusting, its full of hatred against Muslims.

If you expect 'secularism' from individuals - who are religious people, then that means you dont know the meaning of 'secularism'.

Secularism by definition was intended only for courts and institutions.

Individuals are not mandated to be secular, anywhere.
Aren't terrorist from RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP threatening your own country men, superstars who happen to be Muslims to leave the country or get killed? I just read about it like two minutes ago. It also said that one of the star's family fought for the creation of India......??????????????? Whatever happened to the slogan of the 'oldest democracy'??

Oh wait, it's the oldest HINDU democracy where Christians and Muslims shouldn't exist!

yup we should follow exapmples 4m pakistan and kill those with diff of opinion. Hazara, ahmadi shia are shining example.
The "secularism" really is confined to the courts and institution of India.. The members here are proof that it has no place in actual Indian society.

If we start entertaining such a cases, then it will be gross violation of secularism. Being an agnostic, I have right to call all religious scriptures as fairy tales. In secular constitution it's my individual right and nobody can force me to say that his religious scripture is correct.

It's responsibility of believer to prove me wrong in court with scientific and factual evidences.

Tomorrow any other Tom, Dick or Harry from other faith will file the case for same reason. It's well know fact that different religions exist today because people believe in their own scriptures while regarding others as fairy tales. Problem arises only when members from particular religion take offence when others call their scripture as fairy tale.
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