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Amit Shah indirectly warns China by quoting surgical strike over Pak

That statement alone confirms that China has taken land.


All Bhakhts, Sanghis, liberals, seculars... Take note.

Wrong example Amit

It is fake dramas like surgical strike that encouraged China to do what it has done in ladakh

If India would have actually taken some concrete action against Pakistan other than fake strikes then China might not have done this

You are raising the points to a nation which has lost its ability to think intellectually.

The so called Bollywood surgical strikes failed to achieve what they were meant to. The deterrence, on all fronts. Even Nepal is gobbling up Indian claimed territory.

Its just a political statement for domestic consumption. The perception of bravado has to be maintained, otherwise the unstable, hate filled bhakts will start a rape festival and get on top of each other to vent their frustration.

You are raising the points to a nation which has lost its ability to think intellectually.

The so called Bollywood surgical strikes failed to achieve what they were meant to. The deterrence, on all fronts. Even Nepal is gobbling up Indian claimed territory.

I know

It is simple logic

If fake strikes and gimmicks are the best you can come up with against a smaller nation like Pakistan then a nation like China which enjoys clear military, numerical and economical superiority would be definitely encouraged to take the kind of action that it has taken in ladakh

And this idiot is giving example of same fake strikes to China
Amit Shah indirectly warns China by quoting surgical strike over Pak
Amit Shah was addressing in Odisha when he warned China of mending its ways. He said, "Terror attacks happened in our time too, in Uri & Pulwama, but PM Modi didn't waste time, Pakistan was punished by airstrikes & surgical strikes. It made the whole world realise that encroaching India's borders is not child's play, you will be punished."

Chinese Knows how genuine surgical strikes was and also the response of 27 Feb.....

Pakistan do it well but very limited scale....If you dare with China they will hit them very hard....Mr Amit Shah should not forget 1962 war with China....India tested China and their response was massive......Try it once more... @silent_poison
When nationalism becomes identified by loyalty to one person, it is only natural that Sanghis will defend that one person, instead of the country.
I know

It is simple logic

If fake strikes and gimmicks are the best you can come up with against a smaller nation like Pakistan then a nation like China which enjoys clear military, numerical and economical superiority would be definitely encouraged to take the kind of action that it has taken in ladakh

And this idiot is giving example of same fake strikes to China

This latest threat from Indian interior minister should be pasted all over Chinese social media. :D
We are waiting for the Civilian Indian Armies.
Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at 2.10.56 PM.png

Last time isnt enough....
And once again, it is proven Indians are infatuated by Pakistan. Chinese troops are sitting inside the Bharat Land yet instead of confronting them, this bald tadipard is harping about Pakistan. I wonder if he can eat without taking Pakistans name. He also made the claims that after US and Israel, India is the only country with an impenetrable comprehensive defence capability, too bad all you need is a pigeon or a camel or at times a goat to beat that so called capability.
Amit Shah indirectly warns China by quoting surgical strike over Pak
Amit Shah was addressing in Odisha when he warned China of mending its ways. He said, "Terror attacks happened in our time too, in Uri & Pulwama, but PM Modi didn't waste time, Pakistan was punished by airstrikes & surgical strikes. It made the whole world realise that encroaching India's borders is not child's play, you will be punished."

Yeah, its not child's play. The cowards!

Rules by Invaders for centuries. Never dared to challenge them or claim the throne back. Had there be no Muslims in subcontinent, Indias would still be part of the British empire.
Too many bollywood wet dreams these days lolz these people have lost their damn minds.
come on do it. dont just talk about it. just do it.
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