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Amid Cyclone Idai's devastation, Indian navy stepped in to help those in need

later they will send the bill of expenses to the same people they are helping.
I am not sure what you guys would have done assuming your "Navy" even has the capability of undergoing such operations shown in the video, but we have conducted humanitarian operations like this in many countries. We are a country whose armed forces show compassion and professionalism in these missions.
We are not in distress like your poor country is, our economy is not collapsing unlike yours so we dont have to bill those we help.

On topic:

Good job Indian navy.
Regarding your armed forces; they were able to show what they were capable of last month. Facts speak louder than words. Lets not forget that the Pakistan Navy successfully evacuated several Indian nationals and other nationals when the Yemen conflict started.
Regarding your armed forces; they were able to show what they were capable of last month. Facts speak louder than words. Lets not forget that the Pakistan Navy successfully evacuated several Indian nationals and other nations when the Yemen conflict started.

They showed what they are capable of in the last four wars, dont be very happy after downing an ancient aircraft, for your jubilation might not last long, wars have never have ended well for you.
Regarding your armed forces; they were able to show what they were capable of last month. Facts speak louder than words. Lets not forget that the Pakistan Navy successfully evacuated several Indian nationals and other nationals when the Yemen conflict started.
the Indian navy also played a major part in evacuating hundreds of Indian nationals and several Pakistani nationals from Yemen. In fact, our Coast guard once rescued several Pakistani sailors who had gotten into an accident at sea.
They showed what they are capable of in the last four wars, dont be very happy after downing an ancient aircraft, for your jubilation might not last long, wars have never have ended well for you.
Talking about ‘48, we took one third of Kashmir, do you really want to see news articles from ‘65? We were attacked off guard and we still defended ourself, infact we entered into Indian territory and hosted our national flag. Weren’t you meant to drink tea in Lahore? ‘99 read up about it, talk about Point. 5353 & how we cut your supply lines.

You lot need to stop dilatory planning for a start.

the Indian navy also played a major part in evacuating hundreds of Indian nationals and several Pakistani nationals from Yemen. In fact, our Coast guard once rescued several Pakistani sailors who had gotten into an accident at sea.
That’s great, it’s great if our (Pakistani & Indian) forces are used for humanitarian purposes more and less in conflicts between eachother.
Talking about ‘48, we took one third of Kashmir, do you really want to see news articles from ‘65? We were attacked off guard and we still defended ourself, infact we entered into Indian territory and hosted our national flag. Weren’t you meant to drink tea in Lahore? ‘99 read up about it, talk about Point. 5353 & how we cut your supply lines.

You lot need to stop dilatory planning for a start.
you took one third of kashmir from a weak princely state that barely had an army. As soon as the IS arrived, you had to retreat.

65 you attempted to take kashmir, and ended up barely defending Lahore. in 1999 we captures all the points you took, including three peaks on your side(point 4281, point 5310, point 3770) 5335 was not even occupied nor on our side when you took it to make up for the peaks that you lost. and you failed to cut off siachen highway, which means the defeat you suffered was for nothing.

Now can you please stop going off topic?
China-Tanzania negotiations for $11b port for BRI, China-Mozambique MoUs signed for infrastructure project. "Noble" Indian Navy shows up to "help" cyclone victims just south of Tanzania. :what:
:enjoy:I wonder how you managed to have a straight face typing this.
You weren't attacked off guard, you came in to take Kashmir by force, ended up defending Lahore from Indian invasion.
Kashmir is disputed territory, both countries have conducted military operations there without the conflict escalating into the international boarder. The IA were cowards, they saw Kashmir falling out of their hands and decided to attack Lahore instead. It was off guard.

you took one third of kashmir from a weak princely state that barely had an army. As soon as the IS arrived, you had to retreat.

65 you attempted to take kashmir, and ended up barely defending Lahore. in 1999 we captures all the points you took, including three peaks on your side(point 4281, point 5310, point 3770) 5335 was not even occupied nor on our side when you took it to make up for the peaks that you lost. and you failed to cut off siachen highway, which means the defeat you suffered was for nothing.

Now can you please stop going off topic?
Firstly, I didn't go off topic, it was your friend.

In Kargail you lost two fighter jets & a chopper. Pakistan army was able to cut off NH1, from Point 4590. We infiltrated several sectors without the Indian even knowing. Our Chief of Army Staff spent 24 hours inside Indian territory.

You took revenge on 11 Aug 1999, by shooting down an unarmed, defenceless aircraft of the Pakistan Navy, a good few months after the war ended. For your information, I knew someone on that aircraft. Your armed forces have always acted cowardly, taking steps to escalate a situation further than needed.
Kashmir is disputed territory, both countries have conducted military operations there without the conflict escalating into the international boarder. The IA were cowards, they saw Kashmir falling out of their hands and decided to attack Lahore instead. It was off guard.

Firstly, I didn't go off topic, it was your friend.

In Kargail you lost two fighter jets & a chopper. Pakistan army was able to cut off NH1, from Point 4590. We infiltrated several sectors without the Indian even knowing. Our Chief of Army Staff spent 24 hours inside Indian territory.

You took revenge on 11 Aug 1999, by shooting down an unarmed, defenceless aircraft of the Pakistan Navy, a good few months after the war ended. For your information, I knew someone on that aircraft. Your armed forces have always acted cowardly, taking steps to escalate a situation further than needed.
First of all, I am really sorry about your friend.
Second of all, you are right. @The wheel of time , you make some good points, but you need to stop causing unnecessary provocations on non controversial threads.

As for Kargil, yes you were able to catch us by surprise. Key word is "were." What matters is we were able to take back every peak you captured, and even take some of your own in the process. Today, Siachen is fully operational, and the peaks are so secure they are now tourist attractions. Tell me, what did Pakistan get out of it other than losing hundreds of men? Also, the reason this occurred in the first place was because India and Pak agreed to vacate the peaks to prevent deaths from natural conditions during the winter. So basically, you snuck in after both our armies made a deal. Does not really reflect well on you, so don't act as if you are squeaky clean.

And although it is sad 16 men lost their lives, the Atlantique was flying right next to the Rann of Kutch, a disputed border, and ignored warnings by the IAF to turn back. Not to mention, it was a reconnassaince plane flying close to sensitive Indian military institutions in an area that had previously witnessed conflict between India and Pakistan. The IAF did not have many other options, as sad as it seems.
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First of all, I am really sorry about your friend.
Second of all, you are right. @wheel of time, you make some good points, but you need to stop causing unnecessary provocations on non controversial threads.

As for Kargil, yes you were able to catch us by surprise. Key word is "were." What matters is we were able to take back every peak you captured, and even take some of your own in the process. Today, Siachen is fully operational, and the peaks are so secure they are now tourist attractions. Tell me, what did Pakistan get out of it other than losing hundreds of men? Also, the reason this occurred in the first place was because India and Pak agreed to vacate the peaks to prevent deaths from natural conditions during the winter. So basically, you snuck in after both our armies made a deal. Does not really reflect well on you, so don't act as if you are squeaky clean.
I would never be fruitful of accepting war easily, both nations need to take steps to reduce the risk. We both use protectionism a lot against each other, the more dependent we are on each other, the less risk of war. Secondly Kashmir needs to be solved, lets let the locals decide.

Kargail can be seen as a well planned military intervention however poorly managed diplomatically on the world stage. Gen Musharraf did his part well however the same can not be said about Nawaz Sharif. Siachin is strategically important to both nations, who ever controls Siachin has the power to control the river. That's why the location was chosen.
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