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America's ridiculous stance on Kashmir

Are you joking? Partition happened for good. No Indian in the rigth mind desires integration. 'The Republic of South Asia' would be a hell to live. We are only interested in peace so that India can concentrate on economic development.
Of course I'm joking. It's just that the U.S. is not as wedded to arms sales as some here believe. I have never witnessed any evidence nor heard any allegation from a government or industry official, that the U.S. promotes conflicts and divisions so as to sell arms, so I don't believe prospective arms sales drive America's policies in South Asia.
it seems like a pipe dream for Pakistan if they actually believe they will ever get an inch of Kashmir which is with us . no diplomacy or military option will ever be able to do it .
as to kashmiries wanting to go and join Pakistan . that may have been true , and i say MAY . but given the current situation NO one want to be in Pakistan . remember the people killing your citizens are Muslims too , dont say its sponsored by CIA RAW and MOSSAD . no one believe that except Pakistan .
America is evil and its on its way out. Every empire has its day. Americans are evil unjust and have no morals. Why should we care what americans and america think
every freedom has its own cause..they cannot and will not be lumped together......

kashmiri valley muslims account for 0.3 or less % of the total indian population....was it the same % in libya and syria ?

i guess 0.3% of any nation in the world will want freedom from the parent country....so can all countries be divided ?

If you're so confident in your stance, allow us to exercise our Human Right of self-determination which, Nehru himself promised all those years ago.
Of course I'm joking. It's just that the U.S. is not as wedded to arms sales as some here believe. I have never witnessed any evidence nor heard any allegation from a government or industry official, that the U.S. promotes conflicts and divisions so as to sell arms, so I don't believe prospective arms sales drive America's policies in South Asia.

Of course America doesn't, but that doesn't mean the lobbyists lining the pocket's of its politician's don't.
it seems like a pipe dream for Pakistan if they actually believe they will ever get an inch of Kashmir which is with us . no diplomacy or military option will ever be able to do it .
as to kashmiries wanting to go and join Pakistan . that may have been true , and i say MAY . but given the current situation NO one want to be in Pakistan . remember the people killing your citizens are Muslims too , dont say its sponsored by CIA RAW and MOSSAD . no one believe that except Pakistan .

You're missing the point of this thread: the Kashmiri Point-Of-View. The majority of Kashmiris prefer an independent state of Kashmir, maybe you should get your head out of the sand, look around and finally realize that there's something troublesome going on in Kashmir for years now, fostered by the Indian Army and its counter-parts in New Delhi.
Make the disputed territories the international border. And walla!! the problem is solved between India, Pakistan and China.

All three countries have nukes.. so there's no way any country is gonna go to war with one another.

Maybe we, the Kashmiris, don't want to be in either India nor Pakistan but as our own nation?
What would they all do without Kashmir? The Pakistani Army needs a cause to justify dominating Pakistan; the Indians need something for the Pakistanis to throw themselves at and weaken themselves; and the Chinese want Pakistan to remain a thorn in India's side. Resolution of the Kashmir issue would spoil everything!

Pakistan's problems with India are long and many, so is the Army's dominance. Only a blind man would tribute it to solely Kashmir.
^^^^ what the hell are you trying to say man...........

So in truth a final outcome here has to be okay-ed by USA.

bs.....the final outcome has to be okayed by indian people........not americans.....americans neither have the intent nor the resources to enforce their will on us.........

The Indian people have zilch to do with the people of Kashmir. How so, you may ask? It is the right of the Kashmiri people to chose their own fate (self-determination) and the meddling of any foriegn entity in this is simply put, tyranny.
What would they all do without Kashmir? The Pakistani Army needs a cause to justify dominating Pakistan; the Indians need something for the Pakistanis to throw themselves at and weaken themselves; and the Chinese want Pakistan to remain a thorn in India's side. Resolution of the Kashmir issue would spoil everything!

A resolution is not possible, Pakistan's existence is meaningless without the Kashmir conflict, their army, economy and social structure is built around this one issue. For India it is also a easy means to keep Pakistan in check and keep the world's attention on the country, let the Kashmir issue live and watch Pakistan kill itself, we dont want a resolution also. Keeping the good/bad terrorist ideology alive is in India prime interest.
You're missing the point of this thread: the Kashmiri Point-Of-View. The majority of Kashmiris prefer an independent state of Kashmir, maybe you should get your head out of the sand, look around and finally realize that there's something troublesome going on in Kashmir for years now, fostered by the Indian Army and its counter-parts in New Delhi.

That is rather interesting, how about the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits? How do you justify throwing them out of the valley after -700- years of living there? Or is the cleansing of a minority no problem for the majority?

And before you say I have no idea about what I'm saying, I'm a Kashmiri Pandit and lot of us still live in refugee camps in Jammu. I also know what I'm talking about.
You're missing the point of this thread: the Kashmiri Point-Of-View. The majority of Kashmiris prefer an independent state of Kashmir, maybe you should get your head out of the sand, look around and finally realize that there's something troublesome going on in Kashmir for years now, fostered by the Indian Army and its counter-parts in New Delhi.

i believe you are missing the point of my post . even if, and that is a big IF , they want independence how will they achieve it ? or for that matter what can you guys do which is realistic possible to make that happen ?
the kashmir valley's muslims alone cannot determine the fate of J&K. All people including kashmiri pandiths and ladhakis and China ceded part of kashmir should be allowed to vote which I think is not possible at all since the pandits were thrown away from their motherland.

Also, why should kashmir be treated any differently then other princely state ? muslims in rajasthan/guj and other parts had to sell their ancestral land if they wanted to go to pakistan. The same option should be applicable to Kashmir Valley muslims.

As far as land is concerned, not even an inch is going to pakistan/ independent state. PERIOD.
US has realized that India will never compromise on Kashmir, hence it has wisely taken a pro-India stance. Separatists in J&K have also realized that India cannot be defeated through violence, diplomacy or any other means, hence they have given up militancy and are now reduced to stone throwing at their own police. It is high time that Pakistan also realizes that bleeding India by a thousand cuts has not worked, and that it is time to make peace and respect the status quo.
Does not matter what the americans stand is. Tyranny and opression never succeed in the long term.
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