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American Women raped at gunpoint in Hyderabad, India

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Sep 8, 2008
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An American national was allegedly raped at her residence in the posh Banjara Hills area in Hyderabad on Wednesday.

The 23-year-old victim was working with an NGO at Hyderabad as a nutritionist. She has been staying at the rented house at Banjara Hills for over a year now.

According to commissioner of police, Hyderabad city, AK Khan, the victim was allegedly overpowered early Wednesday morning.

It was alleged that the accused had a gun with him and had threatened her at gun-point. He had threatened to shoot her down if she raised her voice. In the statement to the police, the owners of the house said that the woman came down to their house at around 5 am and narrated the incident to them.

Later, she called her friends who took her to the hospital, which referred the matter to the police.

The commissioner said that two teams have been formed to look into the matter and also nab the culprit. The dog squad has also been pressed into service. A sketch of the culprit has also been prepared on the basis of the description given by the victim.
American woman raped at gunpoint in Hyderabad: Rediff.com India News
There is really no way to stop these beasts :rolleyes:

May she get Justice
25-yr-old American raped in Hyderabad​

TNN, Jul 8, 2010, 02.48am IST

HYDERABAD: Sending shockwaves through the expat community residing in the city, a 25-year-old American national was blindfolded and raped at gunpoint at her residence in the upmarket area of Banjara Hills here on early Wednesday morning. The incident occurred between 3 am and 4 am when the assailant barged into her house, threatened her with a pistol and raped her repeatedly. By Wednesday evening, the police rounded up around five `suspects' for interrogation.

The girl, a nutritionist with an international NGO, had rented this accommodation (penthouse of a two-storey independent house) on Road No. 11 Banjara Hills, over a year ago. While she lives alone in the penthouse, the house owner's family of five lives in the ground floor portion. While it remains uncertain how the assailant gained entry into her house, there is a theory doing rounds that he simply used the main gate to enter at around 3 am on Wednesday. He then took the metallic spiral staircase to reach the first floor, where the girl stays. And this is where the police investigation has hit a roadblock. As per the FIR, the victim was in deep sleep when the assailant allegedly blindfolded her, which means she did not realise when he had entered her house. The assailant had his face covered with a mask and apparently spoke in broken English as per the FIR.

After he allegedly raped her, he threatened her to keep Rs 5 lakh cash ready and said he would revisit her on Thursday morning to collect the same.

The victim, in her account given to doctors and police, said that she pleaded with the assailant to take money but leave her alone, a plea that went unheeded. The police said the assailant left her house at 4.15 am following which, it is learnt, she called a friend who suggested that she inform her house owners.

According to the owner, she came to their house at around 5.15 am and narrated the incident. She then called her friends who took her to Apollo Hospitals at around 7.30 am. She was given first aid, but given the medico-legal nature of the case, the hospital authorities called the Banjara Hills police. The police then came to the hospital, recorded her statement and took her to Niloufer for medical examination.

Sources at the hospital said that there were visible signs of a scuffle on the victim's body with her hands, legs and neck covered with bruises.

The police have now registered a case under section 376 IPC and are still verifying the details given by the victim. While sources in the police stated the alleged rapist had used her friend's name to enter the house, officials said it was still uncertain how he gained entry. ``We are still ascertaining how this fellow entered her house. Did he use the staircase or came from behind the house,'' said west zone DCP Stephen Ravindra. He said it was a case of sexual assault. The police have set up two teams to probe the case. Within hours of the case being registered, senior police officials, including city police commissioner A K Khan, visited the victim's house. The clues team too visited the scene of crime and sniffer dogs were also brought in.

Those who are familiar with the victim said she had a bunch of local friends from work who would visit her often. They said she would also tour districts in the state as part of her. Her house owners said they had never had a problem with her conduct and that she always paid her rent on time.

25-yr-old American raped in Hyderabad - Hyderabad - City - The Times of India
sad incident, may her get proper justice and the culprits get proper punishment.
Hope that The culprets are soon behind bars.. Though indian police will have to do something different.

We need a change in Punishment for Rape. Really these beasts should be hanged for murdering a womens pride.
U.S. Department of State Travel Warning for India

U.S. Department of State said:
U.S. citizens, particularly women, are cautioned not to travel alone in India. Western women continue to report incidents of verbal and physical harassment by groups of men. Known in India as “Eve-teasing,” these incidents can be quite frightening. While India is generally safe for foreign visitors, according to the latest figures by Indian authorities, rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Among large cities, Delhi experienced the highest number of crimes against women. Although most victims have been local residents, recent sexual attacks against female visitors in tourist areas underline the fact that foreign women are also at risk and should exercise vigilance.

Women should observe stringent security precautions, including avoiding using public transport after dark without the company of known and trustworthy companions; restricting evening entertainment to well known venues; and avoiding walking in isolated areas alone at any time of day. Female travelers are advised to respect local dress and customs. Women should also ensure their hotel room numbers remain confidential and insist the doors of their hotel rooms have chains, deadlocks, and spy-holes. In addition, it is advisable for women to hire reliable cars and drivers and avoid traveling alone in hired taxis, especially during the hours of darkness. It is preferable to obtain taxis from hotels and pre-paid taxis at airports rather than hailing them on the street. If women encounter threatening situations, they can call 100 for police assistance.

Yes the foreigners needs to be careful while travelling in Delhi and some other places.. but most of the tourist destinations are free from this menace.
Its sad.....

Sadly in South Asia we have no shortage of such animals...
very sad and shameful act!! i hope the culprits are brought to justice!
Or women need to arm with the following

A DOCTOR in South Africa has invented a female condom lined with teeth-like hooks and is handing them out at World Cup venues.
Dr Sonnet Ehlers sold her home and car to develop the female condom known as Rape-aXe in 2005. The condoms will be available after the trial period for about $2 each.


Rape-aXe condom with 'teeth' to fight rape | News.com.au
Its not about any revolution or change.What we need the most is an excellent people driven police force,atmosphere of security and the good implementation of law and order
very sad and shameful act!! i hope the culprits are brought to justice!
Or women need to arm with the following

A DOCTOR in South Africa has invented a female condom lined with teeth-like hooks and is handing them out at World Cup venues.
Dr Sonnet Ehlers sold her home and car to develop the female condom known as Rape-aXe in 2005. The condoms will be available after the trial period for about $2 each.


Rape-aXe condom with 'teeth' to fight rape | News.com.au

I heard of this thing a couple of years ago and I thought it was the worst idea ever. It basically turns attempted rape into murder.

Given the proclivity of rapes turning violent when the attacker can't consummate the act, this is a virtual death sentence for the woman who wears it.
What a shame for India because of few idiots.

Thank God it didn't happen in Pakistan or the media would have been calling it the "Sexual Terrorism" :rolleyes:
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