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American thumbs down for Pakistan

What else can you expect from a nation where 99% out of 180 million population is angry with America's policy of drone strikes in Pakistan?

What do you expect when the majority of Americans are angry at Pakistan for years and didn't even trust Pakistan to participate in the mission to kill or capture Obama Bin Laden?
What do you expect when the majority of Americans are angry at Pakistan for years and didn't even trust Pakistan to participate in the mission to kill or capture Obama Bin Laden?
Why are Americans angry at Pakistanis? Pakistan is not carrying out bombing runs in the US, nor are its 'diplomats' killing US citizens in cold blood in the streets of New York.

It is the US invasion of Afghanistan that directly led to the spike in terrorism and violence in Pakistan - the thousands of terrorist attacks and tens of thousands of Pakistanis dead. It is the US and Afghan government that knowingly sheltered one of Pakistan's most wanted terrorist leaders in Afghanistan (as admitted by US diplomatic cables published by wikileaks - you can't deny your own diplomatic cables accepting your own culpability), and then assisted him in escaping to Switzerland for asylum. His group claimed responsibility for massacring 18 civilians in cold blood the other day:

The answer is that NATO will not publicly acknowledge its real motives behind the drone strikes. It is the same logic that the Israelis use against the Palestinians, and it boils down to collective punishment and terrorism.

Basically, NATO believes that the civilian population of that region is complicit in giving shelter to the terrorists and wants to punish it. Whether that is true or not, and the terrorists are "muscling in" uninvited into these villages is irrelevant to NATO. It essentially wants to terrorize the civilian population to the point where they will "eject" the terrorists from their midst. In that respect, the civilian casualties are not accidental, but an integral part of the strategy.

its very clear to whole world also, you are no scientist on this topic. but here I proposed a different strategy to tackle Afghan. that is, these Taliban and the arab origin Al Qaeda terrorists (as we know that Al Qaeda are not Afghanis) are not educated enough, capable enough, to reach western nations, who may be any threat to western society in either way. even if US/NATO leave Afghan and start improving their own home security by using the money they are wasting in Afghan then it will be more beneficial for them. as, was there any big attack on western countries since 9/11? and if no then its obvious that there is no meaning of keep losing lives of military personnel if we know that even if thousands are angry with US/West and want to reach there to attack, they are simply not capable enough. but if NATO leaves Afghan then with passage of time, Afghans will forget the past as people do forget the things quickly. but here we need to understand that continuous bombing on Afghanis only anger them, makes more hating US/West. then why dont we try to have some time to forget the wrong thing as compare to keep doing all these and have more hate? :hitwall:

May 27, 2012
A Nato airstrike in the eastern Afghanistan region killed eight civilians including six children, according to Afghan officials.

Reuters quoted the provincial spokesperson Rohullah Samon as saying on Sunday that a man, a woman and six children died in the attack.

Nato Strike Kills 8 Civilians including 6 Children in Afghanistan - International Business Times

and similar things they did in past, like dropping bombs on marriage ceremonies in hunt of just 2-3 Taliban Fighters, as below:

At least 30 members of an Afghan wedding party were killed and many more wounded when a U.S. plane bombed a village in the central province of Uruzgan today, Afghan officials and residents said.
The bombing happened today in a village in the rugged, mountainous region 175 km (105 miles) northeast of the southern city of Kandahar, residents said.
They told the local Pashtu service of the BBC at least 120 people had been either killed or wounded.

US bomb kills 30 at Afghan wedding | Mail Online

The Wedding Crashers: U.S. Jets Have Bombed Five Ceremonies in Afghanistan
July 15, 2008 (till this date only with over 300 scored, majority women/kids )

The Wedding Crashers: U.S. Jets Have Bombed Five Ceremonies in Afghanistan | World | AlterNet
Why are Americans angry at Pakistanis? Pakistan is not carrying out bombing runs in the US, nor are its 'diplomats' killing US citizens in cold blood in the streets of New York.

It is the US invasion of Afghanistan that directly led to the spike in terrorism and violence in Pakistan - the thousands of terrorist attacks and tens of thousands of Pakistanis dead. It is the US and Afghan government that knowingly sheltered one of Pakistan's most wanted terrorist leaders in Afghanistan (as admitted by US diplomatic cables published by wikileaks - you can't deny your own diplomatic cables accepting your own culpability), and then assisted him in escaping to Switzerland for asylum. His group claimed responsibility for massacring 18 civilians in cold blood the other day:


US/West will have to understand that there can't be two ways to define terrorism. they can't first support terrorism in Pakistan and at the same time they would fight with those who are against them? the Al Qaeda terrorists working in Syria in behalf of NATO's allies are good/funded/armed, and the same Al Qaeda of this region is wrong? what if one day the Al Qaeda based in Afghan/Pak will again start working in behalf of US like in 80s? will they again become good? :rofl:

US needs to help Pakistan establize and back on the higher progress which will only divert strength of Pakistan towards getting progress. otherwise, more US will organize terrorism in Pakistan by first running terror camps for Baloch militants and also bombing on Pakistan's civilians by drones, more Pakistan will also be willing to resist these efforts of US/West. I even appreciate Pakistan that they can still manage to live in that area after so long war, while the US itself wants to run away? then why dont we would help Pakistan to bring peace in this so long war affected region? :hitwall:
one more news as below, I wonder, was there any place in this world where terrorism was not supported by US/West, or in Afghan where they want to kill those terrorists who dont want to work for US/NATO? :hang2:

'Washington backed jihadist elements in Kosovo, now in Syria'
08 July, 2012, 07:38

The Western media's coverage of the Syrian conflict has drawn comparisons to how it covered conflicts in the past, most notably the series of brutal wars that accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

*James Jatras, the director of the American Council on Kosovo, believes the similarities between the two conflicts run deep.

“There are similarities on three crucial levels when we look at Syria,” Jatras told RT. “One has to do with the international system, the rule of law, the role of the Security Council. Another has to do with the status of sovereign states, and how you treat a sovereign state that has an insurgency within its borders.”

The third level involves taking a complex situation involving atrocities and violence committed on both sides of the conflict, and attributing them only to one side.

“What you do is come up with a concept, and you fit the facts into the concept. You don’t take a step back in good faith, look at what’s really going on, look at the suffering of people on both sides,” Jatras noted.

Jatras believes that the West has essentially been pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire, using words like “genocide,” and only wants victory for one side and utter destruction for the other. :hang2:

He also took note of the similar fates of the Christian population in both the Kosovo and the Syrian conflict.

“Why is it that in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy, the United States always seems to find itself on the side of jihadist elements engaging in terrorism with predictable results for the Christian population, as we saw in Kosovo when half of the Orthodox Serb population had to flee the province, and thousands of them were killed by the ‘liberators,’ – the Kosovo Liberation Army?"

Jatras told RT that there are several reasons why the United States may be willing to support Islamic fundamentalists. Most importantly, it is America’s cozy relationship with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, and hence its desire to show it has its friends' backs when it comes to facilitating an environment for international commerce.

'Washington backed jihadist elements in Kosovo, now in Syria' — RT
Thanks for showing your polarization against Islam. We know it is not against terrorism but its war on Islam and you too are unconsciously accepting that. So $hit twice on your angle of thinking.

The war on Islam is very inappropriate phrase to use. There is sufficient Muslim population in India, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Saudi Arab which are doing well. I am disagreeing because the Islam you are talking about is 'Molvi Made Islam' which preaches only violence and eradicating such thorns is necessary for society welfare in Pakistan and world.
one more news as below, I wonder, was there any place in this world where terrorism was not supported by US/West, or in Afghan where they want to kill those terrorists who dont want to work for US/NATO? :hang2:
The West always supports terrorism that favors them, a double standard by the West. This shows that West is infact terrorist......:lol:
The West always supports terrorism that favors them, a double standard by the West. This shows that West is infact terrorist......:lol:

sir today I was talking that US/UK are the countries who have hands in terrorism of every part of the world and then they attack on those places on the name of 'Human Rights' to establish 'Democracy' in those places.......:usflag:
Sadly Pakistan is ruled by the corrupt & evil politicians it is because of them & corrupt people of Pakistan who don't know anything, Pakistan is in this position. To be honest these people don't deserve any thing more then a Military Rule it is only at this time people at least work with honesty & are awake but when ever politicians come they go back to sleep. I have no one to blame but these stupid corrupt useless people & the corrupt spineless politicians who have damaged Pakistan badly. Had our Govt. been honest we would had been protected but these spineless politicians are useless & good for nothing.
Sadly Pakistan is ruled by the corrupt & evil politicians it is because of them & corrupt people of Pakistan who don't know anything, Pakistan is in this position. To be honest these people don't deserve any thing more then a Military Rule it is only at this time people at least work with honesty & are awake but when ever politicians come they go back to sleep. I have no one to blame but these stupid corrupt useless people & the corrupt spineless politicians who have damaged Pakistan badly. Had our Govt. been honest we would had been protected but these spineless politicians are useless & good for nothing.

I am not fan of Zardari,

But the credit goes to him and his party + ANP. Their political support was the main reason why Pak army ops in Swat, Bajore and S. Wazirastan were successful.

If an army general is ruling the country and pak army goes into FATA, things can easily turn very similar to BDesh.

So we need both politicians and pak army to keep the country going

US/West will have to understand that there can't be two ways to define terrorism. they can't first support terrorism in Pakistan and at the same time they would fight with those who are against them? the Al Qaeda terrorists working in Syria in behalf of NATO's allies are good/funded/armed, and the same Al Qaeda of this region is wrong? what if one day the Al Qaeda based in Afghan/Pak will again start working in behalf of US like in 80s? will they again become good? :rofl:

US needs to help Pakistan establize and back on the higher progress which will only divert strength of Pakistan towards getting progress. otherwise, more US will organize terrorism in Pakistan by first running terror camps for Baloch militants and also bombing on Pakistan's civilians by drones, more Pakistan will also be willing to resist these efforts of US/West. I even appreciate Pakistan that they can still manage to live in that area after so long war, while the US itself wants to run away? then why dont we would help Pakistan to bring peace in this so long war affected region? :hitwall:
LoL, "good taliban" has been in vogue from Gen Beg's time. It is not something that US coined. Just that the theory is hurting the pakistanis now. That is why the "uffffff!!!!!!". So please do not blame others to be selective when tje army of pakistan and hence the foreign policy to this day is existent on the selectivity of violence. It pains evidently more when inflicted on oneself. No wonder the adage, practice what you preach!!
Kaafir I agree, but words of wisdom nonetheless!!
Sadly Pakistan is ruled by the corrupt & evil politicians it is because of them & corrupt people of Pakistan who don't know anything, Pakistan is in this position. To be honest these people don't deserve any thing more then a Military Rule it is only at this time people at least work with honesty & are awake but when ever politicians come they go back to sleep. I have no one to blame but these stupid corrupt useless people & the corrupt spineless politicians who have damaged Pakistan badly. Had our Govt. been honest we would had been protected but these spineless politicians are useless & good for nothing.

but I have lost my confidence from Pakistan's military since 26/11 2011. those NATO's helicopters targeted 24 military men one by one, remained on the spot for over 2 hours but none from Pakistan side could either answer to those NATO's men, nor even after months also. how will a military defend its country who can't defend itself??????? and on the top of that, we found Pakistan's politicians/ Military bosses using 26/11 2011 for bargaining with US for their own pocket. more the noise from civilians due to that incident and more they might have got in their foreign banks :wave:

but Im mainly hopeful with Mr I Khan. he lives in Pakistan among his people, not like other corrupts who just run from pakistan with their family also, leaving the mess behind. he dreams for a successful pakistan and we wish him all the best :tup:
After 7 months of blockade, both NATO and Pakistan have realized they need each other.

So the supply routes are open again.

Yes some Mullahs and their Pakistani Lackyes will cry few tears, perhaps burn few trucks. But that's all.

I wonder why so many Indians are burning their own behinds on this topic?

Indians should be happy that NATO is getting supplies again and much cheaper. But still Indians are on every Pakistani forum mocking NATO and mocking Pakistan.

Why such hypocrisy?
American thumbs down for Pakistan.. hmm:

but I have lost my confidence from Pakistan's military since 26/11 2011. those NATO's helicopters targeted 24 military men one by one, remained on the spot for over 2 hours but none from Pakistan side could either answer to those NATO's men, ....:

Horrible incident of Salala was initiated by ex-Commie Afghans. In their madness and hate, they wanted to start a direct fight between NATO and Pak army. NATO troops took the bait, but Pakistanis did not.

And you my dear poster are here to mock Pakistan army because they used their heads and not some Mullah-tic emotional outburst.

ex-commies will be more than happy to see their old foes US and Pak to fight among themselves. This is the only way commies can get the revenge of all those Russians killed during ill-fated Afghan invasion.

So Mr. carry on the work of ex-commies. Carry on!
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