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American on Modi Lying About Kashmir Const. Changes! [VIDEO]

I honestly don't know what exactly happened to the Kashmir pundits. I think they were wronged and made to leave. So far I am mostly aware of the Indian account of the expulsion of Kashmir pundits. But one counter argument, as said by a Pakistani in one of Dixie videos was that the then IoK was under Governors Rule, with heavy military presence and that the Governor of Kashmir scared away the pundits. And that the numbers were not 500,000 as being claimed. But this guy also admitted that it was still wrong done.

But I know for a fact that Kashmir has been Muslim majority for many decades, if not centuries, and so while the pundits should be repatriated with dignity, that doesn't change the demographics of Kashmir nor nullify that if Kashmiris are allowed a voice of their own then they would not be part of India. One of Dixie videos has The Father of the Indian Constitution Ambedkar admitting that Kashmir would not be part of India if an over-all plebiscite is allowed and that it's better to let the Valley join Pakistan.

BTW, using the pundits tragedy for strategic gains is very low tactics. It won't work anyway.

PS. Dixie's videos have given me some hope: There ARE courageous Indian journalists who are going against the current Indian narrative, possibly risking their lives, but speaking up. My deepest respects to them.


This Al Jazeera article will detail what happened with the Pandits. Since this is Al Jazeera, I assume you will accept the source.

Since you haven't directly addressed by query to you that this is an Islamist movement rather than a nationalist movement, I would assume you don't disagree with me there.

Of course, I agree with the rest of your post otherwise.
Hey there. No, not shooting any messengers here. I saw bits of her older vids posted here on this forum, some of which have been taken down since.

There's enough people dissenting against the 370 scrapping within India, as they are abroad (including Hindus).

The solution for India and Pakistan is to first fully absorb the regions of Kashmir that we have controlled since 48 into the respective unions and to accept the LOC as an international border.

Then, and given that jihadist militancy has been absolutely eliminated from the region, we can begin to soften the international Kashmir border and make other special provisions for the natives.

What do you think about that ?

Or instead let the people of Kashmir decide about their own future instead of India or Pakistan.
But for you to say that 'jihadist militancy' is the problem in Kashmir is not fair. From the Shimla Agreement in early 1970s to 1989, Pakistan had not touched Kashmir much. India had 17+ years to 'win the hearts and minds' of the Kashmir people. India botched the Kashmir elections in late 1980s. THAT caused the uprising.
Yes and no.
You are right, we did botch the election, but we can agree that the Indian democratic machinery is not the most fine-tuned example of the true potential of the democratic process. Meaning, we have botched elections quite a few times, across states, decade-on-decade.
The emergency of the 70s didn't lead to any insurgencies anywhere, none of these other misadventures have.
In the sea of effed up elections in our history as a nation, Kashmir was made into an oddity by Pakistan's open and massive support in the post-71 scenario.
The elections of late 80s was just the trigger, the fight has always been fronted as one based on religion, driven by Pakistani political aspirations.
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