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American on Modi Lying About Kashmir Const. Changes! [VIDEO]


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
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Greetings to all peace loving people of this world. And bravo to those brave few Indian journalists like The Wire who are exposing Indian leader Hitler Modi for his lies and deceits. Please pay special attention to this video; it has some powerful investigative journalism. Watch the similarities between Adolf Hitler and Hitler Modi. Watch their slogans. In this video, you will see that Modi is claiming that in Kashmir there is now Indian laws. But that's a lie! When minors are illegally detained in Kashmir with police and judiciary being complicit then that's not some 'law'. Maybe Law of the Jungle! Hey Modi blind followers: How far will you go to justify your criminal government's cruel actions? Do you have a conscience?! May God love all peace loving people of this world. Love from Samantha Dixie from the Great State of South Carolina in America!
Isn't she married to a Pakistani and a convert to Islam ?

Nothing wrong in either of those things but it does explain her bias against India.

Subtle hints, but yes.

The videos are clearly scripted and it's obvious why.

I would appreciate content if it was genuine, and truly self opinionated. This simply is not.
Subtle hints, but yes.

The videos are clearly scripted and it's obvious why.

I would appreciate content if it was genuine, and truly self opinionated. This simply is not.

What is not scripted when it comes to public officials making 'statements'? Do you think when the Indian UN Ambassador made the statement after the UNSC meeting about Kashmir few weeks ago spoke in unscripted way? Do you think the Pakistani Foreign Office spokesman speaks impromptu? There are degrees of camoflaging but everything public officials make is scripted eventually.

YES, this Samantha Dixie is my wife! But she speaks her own mind for the most part. She is not a success on You Tube. More of a failure so far. BTW, she is a practising Southern Baptist Christian. Not a Muslim. And she could be doing 'An American Cooking Desi Food' blah blah videos and Indians and Pakistanis would flock to those videos!! But she has, on her own, decided that preventing a NUCLEAR WAR between Indian and Pakistan is the need of the hour. A war that can destroy the entire planet. A war that is entirely possible. She is obviously not very articulate. But she mostly speaks her own mind. And she quotes non-Pakistani sources.
So why shoot the messenger? And that too for a worthy cause. Obviously there ARE even Indians out there who do realize the perils we in the Subcontinent are because of Modi's policies on Kashmir. Why not we all join forces? Why not find solutions? As neighbors, we will have to learn to live with each other.
Isn't she married to a Pakistani and a convert to Islam ?

Nothing wrong in either of those things but it does explain her bias against India.

Just like US senators and Western stooges who get paid by India to be their mouthpieces?

Subtle hints, but yes.

The videos are clearly scripted and it's obvious why.

I would appreciate content if it was genuine, and truly self opinionated. This simply is not.

Whether the content is scripted or not the message is factual and spot on.
What is not scripted when it comes to public officials making 'statements'? Do you think when the Indian UN Ambassador made the statement after the UNSC meeting about Kashmir few weeks ago spoke in unscripted way? Do you think the Pakistani Foreign Office spokesman speaks impromptu? There are degrees of camoflaging but everything public officials make is scripted eventually.

YES, this Samantha Dixie is my wife! But she speaks her own mind for the most part. She is not a success on You Tube. More of a failure so far. BTW, she is a practising Southern Baptist Christian. Not a Muslim. And she could be doing 'An American Cooking Desi Food' blah blah videos and Indians and Pakistanis would flock to those videos!! But she has, on her own, decided that preventing a NUCLEAR WAR between Indian and Pakistan is the need of the hour. A war that can destroy the entire planet. A war that is entirely possible. She is obviously not very articulate. But she mostly speaks her own mind. And she quotes non-Pakistani sources.
So why shoot the messenger? And that too for a worthy cause. Obviously there ARE even Indians out there who do realize the perils we in the Subcontinent are because of Modi's policies on Kashmir. Why not we all join forces? Why not find solutions? As neighbors, we will have to learn to live with each other.
Hey there. No, not shooting any messengers here. I saw bits of her older vids posted here on this forum, some of which have been taken down since.

There's enough people dissenting against the 370 scrapping within India, as they are abroad (including Hindus).

The solution for India and Pakistan is to first fully absorb the regions of Kashmir that we have controlled since 48 into the respective unions and to accept the LOC as an international border.

Then, and given that jihadist militancy has been absolutely eliminated from the region, we can begin to soften the international Kashmir border and make other special provisions for the natives.

What do you think about that ?
The next ting you guys are going to write is that Behind The Headlines are muslims and therefor biased.....:hitwall:

Hey there. No, not shooting any messengers here. I saw bits of her older vids posted here on this forum, some of which have been taken down since.

There's enough people dissenting against the 370 scrapping within India, as they are abroad (including Hindus).

The solution for India and Pakistan is to first fully absorb the regions of Kashmir that we have controlled since 48 into the respective unions and to accept the LOC as an international border.

Then, and given that jihadist militancy has been absolutely eliminated from the region, we can begin to soften the international Kashmir border and make other special provisions for the natives.

What do you think about that ?[/QUOTE

Wrong solution -modi has just showed that the people of kashmir has no rights. And when a state do that against people that it should protect then it loses its integrity.

So India has lost every rigth to rule Kashmir
Hey there. No, not shooting any messengers here. I saw bits of her older vids posted here on this forum, some of which have been taken down since.

There's enough people dissenting against the 370 scrapping within India, as they are abroad (including Hindus).

The solution for India and Pakistan is to first fully absorb the regions of Kashmir that we have controlled since 48 into the respective unions and to accept the LOC as an international border.

Then, and given that jihadist militancy has been absolutely eliminated from the region, we can begin to soften the international Kashmir border and make other special provisions for the natives.

What do you think about that ?

PDF Pakistanis would hate me for this.. but I am of the opinion that the Musharraf-Manmohan understandings over Kashmir should be the basis of an eventual Kashmir solution. Both keep what they have but ensuring the rights of Kashmir Pundits, the demographics of Kashmiri Muslim people, and the water rights of Pakistan. It really is far easier to do so than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Short of that--both India and Pakistan can and may well destroy each other and the world trying to get the entire Kashmir. There are hotheads and wet dreamers on both sides.

But for you to say that 'jihadist militancy' is the problem in Kashmir is not fair. From the Shimla Agreement in early 1970s to 1989, Pakistan had not touched Kashmir much. India had 17+ years to 'win the hearts and minds' of the Kashmir people. India botched the Kashmir elections in late 1980s. THAT caused the uprising. Yes, that coincided with the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan, allowing Pakistan to send people into Kashmir. But the 'opening' was provided by India. Just as now another opening is provided by India. BTW, I don't buy this 'jihadist' thingy about Kashmir. They are raising their voices for nationalistic causes.
YES, this Samantha Dixie is my wife! But she speaks her own mind for the most part. She is not a success on You Tube. More of a failure so far. BTW, she is a practising Southern Baptist Christian. Not a Muslim. And she could be doing 'An American Cooking Desi Food' blah blah videos and Indians and Pakistanis would flock to those videos!! But she has, on her own, decided that preventing a NUCLEAR WAR between Indian and Pakistan is the need of the hour. A war that can destroy the entire planet. A war that is entirely possible. She is obviously not very articulate. But she mostly speaks her own mind. And she quotes non-Pakistani sources.
So why shoot the messenger? And that too for a worthy cause. Obviously there ARE even Indians out there who do realize the perils we in the Subcontinent are because of Modi's policies on Kashmir. Why not we all join forces? Why not find solutions? As neighbors, we will have to learn to live with each other.
Sir ji, how can a person who has never visited India and no idea about Indian politics post such a video?

If making money by monetizing videos on youtube is your goal, then I suggest taking Sajida Ahmad's or Doctor Turki's route.

Ask your wife to slaughter a cow and insult India. I bet her video would cross 1 million views mark easy.

Comparing Modi with Hitler or Hindutva with Nazism is pretty lame.

It's like comparing an Oscar-winning Hollywood movie to a third grade Bhojpuri movie.
Both keep what they have
now we're talking.. ! :cheers:

Musharraf and Vajpayee missed a trick

he was a cunning militarist, the Kargil stab in the back was to be expected I guess

so Pakistan gave us a tight slap in the face when we offered soft nationalism and real ideas on the General's core issue..

and all these years later we now have hardliners in India..

now you have superman IK, and he has certainly endeared himself to the global liberal establishment in the west, but globalist Modi has more monies so..let's see what happens.

I don't buy this 'jihadist' thingy about Kashmir. They are raising their voices for nationalistic causes.

so far it is mostly a very low intensity conflict, yup.
Subtle hints, but yes.

The videos are clearly scripted and it's obvious why.

I would appreciate content if it was genuine, and truly self opinionated. This simply is not.

Clearly she should take lessons from you.. sitting behind your computer screen, boxed up in your little room doing absolute nothing.. but criticizing the selfless people who are voicing their concerns for the oppressed people of IOK.
What have you done? FYI protesting at the family dinner table doesn't count..

The solution for India and Pakistan is to first fully absorb the regions of Kashmir that we have controlled since 48 into the respective unions and to accept the LOC as an international border.

Then, and given that jihadist militancy has been absolutely eliminated from the region, we can begin to soften the international Kashmir border and make other special provisions for the natives.

What do you think about that ?

There is no 'jihadi' militancy from the Kashmiri side, the armed militancy is from the occupying swine's dressed up in military clothes. Natives of the land CANNOT be labelled as terrorists, its the occupying pigs that are terrorizing the valley.

Pakistan respects the Kashmiris self determination through the UN backed plebiscite, its the insecurities of India why even after over 70 years we are still at stage one. Your monkey leader annulment of 370 makes no difference, because we kashmiri's do NOT accept being part of India, and NEVER will.. you have no right to forcefully determine the Kashmiri's future, 70 plus years of genocide of my people and then expecting to 'win over hearts' go f*** your self with the rest of your kind you ignorant mongrel...
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PDF Pakistanis would hate me for this.. but I am of the opinion that the Musharraf-Manmohan understandings over Kashmir should be the basis of an eventual Kashmir solution. Both keep what they have but ensuring the rights of Kashmir Pundits, the demographics of Kashmiri Muslim people, and the water rights of Pakistan. It really is far easier to do so than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Short of that--both India and Pakistan can and may well destroy each other and the world trying to get the entire Kashmir. There are hotheads and wet dreamers on both sides.

But for you to say that 'jihadist militancy' is the problem in Kashmir is not fair. From the Shimla Agreement in early 1970s to 1989, Pakistan had not touched Kashmir much. India had 17+ years to 'win the hearts and minds' of the Kashmir people. India botched the Kashmir elections in late 1980s. THAT caused the uprising. Yes, that coincided with the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan, allowing Pakistan to send people into Kashmir. But the 'opening' was provided by India. Just as now another opening is provided by India. BTW, I don't buy this 'jihadist' thingy about Kashmir. They are raising their voices for nationalistic causes.

Agree with your entire post completely. But don't you think the fact that Kashmiri Pandits don't support separatism and that the movement started with a massacre of the Pandits shows that this is in its very nature an Islamist movement rather than a nationalistic movement ? Please give me an honest assessment. I expect that from you.
Agree with your entire post completely. But don't you think the fact that Kashmiri Pandits don't support separatism and that the movement started with a massacre of the Pandits shows that this is in its very nature an Islamist movement rather than a nationalistic movement ? Please give me an honest assessment. I expect that from you.

I honestly don't know what exactly happened to the Kashmir pundits. I think they were wronged and made to leave. So far I am mostly aware of the Indian account of the expulsion of Kashmir pundits. But one counter argument, as said by a Pakistani in one of Dixie videos was that the then IoK was under Governors Rule, with heavy military presence and that the Governor of Kashmir scared away the pundits. And that the numbers were not 500,000 as being claimed. But this guy also admitted that it was still wrong done.

But I know for a fact that Kashmir has been Muslim majority for many decades, if not centuries, and so while the pundits should be repatriated with dignity, that doesn't change the demographics of Kashmir nor nullify that if Kashmiris are allowed a voice of their own then they would not be part of India. One of Dixie videos has The Father of the Indian Constitution Ambedkar admitting that Kashmir would not be part of India if an over-all plebiscite is allowed and that it's better to let the Valley join Pakistan.

BTW, using the pundits tragedy for strategic gains is very low tactics. It won't work anyway.

PS. Dixie's videos have given me some hope: There ARE courageous Indian journalists who are going against the current Indian narrative, possibly risking their lives, but speaking up. My deepest respects to them.
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