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American Equipment From Afghanistan on The Move !

We have bought worse. Our pickup truck are in worse condition than these MRAP. I am not debating whether we should have bought these bcz US stuff always comes with strings. If we have resources there are plenty of similar and better options in market.
True..if not for free better pick up a turkish vechule & manfacture under liscense

Since we r incompetent to make one
True them being in pindi certainly raise some eye brows. If Army manages to poach some from US then i would say job well done. In such a hostile environment getting any thing from US is certainly amazing. That would also suggest our Military to Military relations with US are not as damaged as we think.

No they have much more noble intentions like giving them to Haftar or Yemeni Pro Govt Militias. Might also hand some over to Kurd terrorists to piss of Turks.

The biggest blessing is not getting US equipment, but seeing the US move out.

Time to get China in and rebuild opiumland.
Not really, just 6 MRAPs and 2 recovery Vehicles.

If they are in Pindi then PA might have a bargained few for their use. PA needs at least a few hundred of these. They aren't necessarily any high-tech pieces of Equipment. Transporting them back to the US and storing them cost money.

Yeah, that's not much for a boat
Lies are what you should be used to by now....73 years not enough?

Is that what the world's biggest FAKE NEWS and PROPAGANDA factory have been teaching you?........ :azn::

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