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American Dare

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Speaking of naive, I think you might want to consider that Muslims finding solace in being fighters no matter what; greatly precedes the Western Media. It's be around LONG before then.
If that was a case then my practicing Muslim parents would've indoctrinated the same religious ethics in me. For a long time growing up we never even knew about the battles that were held in the Prophet's time. All I knew was that the Prophet's time was a time when people sat around and gave each other laddu.

But you're right there is importance given to something similar. Amongst the civilized Muslims it wasn't "fighting" that was encouraged, but it was "struggle". The western media has seemed to taken that bit only from the Mullah perspective and blurred it into one and the same thing.

But its not is it? For example the economic and diplomatic efforts to further our position in the world would be a struggle, but what Salahuddin wants is a fight.

The west however would choose to present and adopt the most scariest perception. One that it gets from many of our clerics. Perhaps thats because the western religions themselves were heavily dependent upon their priests for religious thought. The people who break away from the priests end up breaking away from religion. Muslims aren't like that. I don't subscribe to any cleric's views or line of thought, but won't rebuke religion as a consequence.

The Western media thus figured its the BEST SOURCE for a definitive defining answer and thats where it got it wrong. Was it there before? Surely it must've been. Was it exploded and translated to be the mainstream by the west?

History is filled with wars and conquests. Surely you can't blame the concept of wars onto Islam. Islam spread fast and quick. When you quote conquests, you ignore the niceties shown by Muslim conquerors. For example rules of engagement, rules on not abusing spoils of war, rules of forgiving the non-combatants.

Heck the first defeated non-Muslim tribe was defeated in a series of battles and the last one when they didn't have enough to put up a fight, Muslims just strolled in. The Quraysh (the non-Muslim tribe) was dead sure that the Muslims would reciprocate what they did to them while kicking them out of Makkah, but no one was harmed. That was the precedent set by the Prophet against his biggest enemies.

Prisoners of war weren't beheaded or anything as was the custom of those times. They were freed after they would teach 10 muslims.

Compare that with Guantanamo of the year 2006...

On the issue of conversion. Think about it. A forced conversion is technically impossible.

Even if I put a gun to your head and go like "TH, CONVERT!", would that make you live your life with the belief that "There is no god but Allah" ? So much so that 10 yrs from now you'd be teaching that to your kids and grandkids and so on?

Islam is a complex faith. You can't just hit a button and become a Muslim. So if you say that there was forced conversions and assimilation you'd have to explain to me how'd that happen?

The Quran states clearly that "Let there be no compulsion in religion".
The historical behavior of it's adherents tells a different tale.

Not only that, but in another Surah that I always recite during my prayers, it says "And I will not worship what you worship; And you will not worship what I worship; And I will never worship what you worship; To you your religion, to me mine".

This is a level of freedom granted 1400 years ago that many countries don't grant even today! In India these days there's a whole fight by Hindu fundamentalists to forcibly retain a patriotic song that talks about bowing to Hindu goddesses.

As for the Prophet spreading Islam through tolerance, rather than by military conquest...

Did the Prophet Mohammed conquer Mecca through love and tolerance or through warfare?
Already answered above and not one person was killed in Makkah.
I wonder why gas has dropped so low in the US these days... It's almost hitting Dubai prices.

If i was a Pakistani i would have given it you by now.
Our elites are completely unawear of islam and they are blindly follwing western thinkers...they are unable to see that how the west did this so called progress becouse if u remove economical progress from the west they are still living in the Dark agessss and this is all becouse of democracy.we have our own system of ruling/ political system which is very clear and that is KHILAFAH, so instead of working to emplement hepocracy we must work hard for re-establishment of khilafah which is the only solution for the humanity
Ranting about Khalifath will not do anything, There is no magic pill that you take at night and in the morning the khalifah is established, We must be united before things like Khalifah can be implemented. we have to work for it.
they are unable to see that how the west did this so called progress becouse if u remove economical progress from the west they are still living in the Dark agessss and this is all becouse of democracy.

I have to laugh at this one, I really do. What the hell do you think progress is measured by? There are probably a handful of truly important things and economical and technological progress are right at the head of the line.

And what exactly do you call the current status of the Muslim Middle East? Especially if you subtract every petro-dollar ever earned there? Where is THEIR progress?

"Dark Ages" my ***...

sigatoka and Asim, I'll respond tonight. Just taking a quick break at work right now.
I have to laugh at this one, I really do. What the hell do you think progress is measured by? There are probably a handful of truly important things and economical and technological progress are right at the head of the line.

And what exactly do you call the current status of the Muslim Middle East? Especially if you subtract every petro-dollar ever earned there? Where is THEIR progress?

"Dark Ages" my ***...

sigatoka and Asim, I'll respond tonight. Just taking a quick break at work right now.

Progress isn’t merely the acquisition of wealth, power and resources. Nor is it merely the possession of technology. It is also having the prerequisites of civilisation that enables a people to progress. For example a strong and clear ruling system, a just and efficient judicial system and a sophisticated jurisprudence. It requires a strong society with an ideological basis with a dynamic and productive culture of thought.

In order for the society to progress strongly and rapidly, it must be established upon and revolve around a clear ideological basis from which emanates all the thoughts, concepts, solutions and systems which answer the issues and challenges of life. And for the progress to be productive and meaningful, the basis of that society must be correct and true. No civilisation, no matter how advanced, rich or powerful can achieve any true worth or meaningful advance, if it’s basis is false.

The stronger the intellectual channels to her creed, the clearer the vision and the greater the capacity for the society to progress. Only then will the society be able to flourish and grow.

Islam is the final revelation from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala to mankind. The Qur’an is the revealed Word of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala in the Arabic tongue brought down to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and transcribed into a book. Conveyed and implemented comprehensively by rasulullahi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam Islam continued to spread and flourished under the khulafa ar raashideen. It encountered foreign civilisations and philosophies, Roman, Persian, Greek and Hindu the dynamism of ijtihad meant that new laws were being extracted for the new issues that were encountered therefore neither the Shari’ah nor it’s implementation were affected or corrupted. The exclusive implementation of Islam continued without exception from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam through to the demise of the Khilafah in 1924.

I have to laugh at this one, I really do. What the hell do you think progress is measured by? There are probably a handful of truly important things and economical and technological progress are right at the head of the line.

And what exactly do you call the current status of the Muslim Middle East? Especially if you subtract every petro-dollar ever earned there? Where is THEIR progress?

"Dark Ages" my ***...

sigatoka and Asim, I'll respond tonight. Just taking a quick break at work right now.

You have to lough at your ignorancy brother, wake up to reality.....

The show of desire among majority of the Muslims of the world that is kept suppressed by the current Muslim govts. There are many reasons for this, 2 of which are: 1) Western (US, British, France, German etc.) influence. 2) Fear by the Muslim tyrant/oppressive leader to relinquish authority.

The Muslim leaders are essentially of 2 kinds: Dictators, Monarchs. There has come into existence a phenomena in the Muslims starting in the late 1800's. This phenomena was a dream-come-true for the Colonialists of the past and the theme has carried on into the 21'st century through the 1900's.

The phenomena (which is also a controversy): In Islam the ruler of Muslims has to be a Muslim period. If his ideology changes then he has to step down. So the old western imperialists (Britain and later the US Christian missions in the late 1800's and early 1900's) came up with ideas. They made alliances with key religious figures and invoked and introduced the idea of *nationalism* (the equivalent of the current patriotism phenomena in the US). This idea was reinforced and internalized by the a segment of the key figures via their western education. The key figures: Attaturk (the founder of modern day *secular* Turkey) Ibn Saud (the founder of modern day Saudi Arabia) Sharif Abd Allah bin al-Hussein (father of the first king of Iraq (King Faisal I)

The Uthmani Islamic Khilafah (Ottoman Caliphate) was around 1920 demolished and later carved out into the present day nation states. Before the period of 1920, the whole of the middle-east was akin to the United States of America. But instead of States in the Uthmani Islamic Khilafah, they were referred to as provinces.

All of a sudden *national* borders arose. People that once live together as fellow countrymen now had to live apart, yet at the same time they were taught and are continued to be taught today that all Muslims are brothers and sisters. And this is the crux of the problem: the religious key figures got the support of (paid/supported) scholars to *allow* the new phenomenon of *nationalism* to exist and spread, even though they knew that Islam prohibits nationalism, because it is divisive.

This is the dream-come-true for the imperialists:
. Oil in Muslim lands.
. Support and secure the thrones of the tyrant rulers
. Tyrant rulers in turn support and secure the thrones of the selected scholars.
The scholars in turn teach and preach (with the highest priority):
. Islam does not include politics, so stay away from politics if you want to be a better Muslim.
. Do not question the "King", because it leads to anarchy.
. The ruler is legitimate simply because is practices Islam.
Now this idea was taken further in the late 1900's. First it started off as the legitimacy of the tyrant ruler. Now it has mutated into the legitimacy of the tyrant ruler who uses the support of foreign powers to subjugate his own people (Muslims and non-Muslims). That is the over view.

I can tell you with certainty that the tides are turning and the young generation of Muslims desire to go back to the model of rule that was first introduced by Prophet Mohammad in Medina (in present day Saudi-Arabia). The Medina documents/accord consisting of rights were used by the UN to build segments of it's charter.

One more thing: women in the US were allowed to vote only in the 1960s. Islam had given Muslim women this and other rights about 1400 years ago.
I have to laugh at this one, I really do. What the hell do you think progress is measured by? There are probably a handful of truly important things and economical and technological progress are right at the head of the line.

And what exactly do you call the current status of the Muslim Middle East? Especially if you subtract every petro-dollar ever earned there? Where is THEIR progress?

"Dark Ages" my ***...

sigatoka and Asim, I'll respond tonight. Just taking a quick break at work right now.

Excerpt of remarks by CARLETON (CARLY) S. FIORINA
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hewlett-Packard Company
Minnesota Meeting, Minneapolis
September 26, 2001

There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world.

It was able to create a continental super-state that stretched from ocean to ocean, and from northern climes to tropics and deserts. Within its dominion lived hundreds of millions of people, of different creeds and ethnic origins.

One of its languages became the universal language of much of the world, the bridge between the peoples of a hundred lands. Its armies were made up of people of many nationalities, and its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known. The reach of this civilization's commerce extended from Latin America to China, and everywhere in between.

And this civilization was driven more than anything, by invention. Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity. Its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable the building of computers, and the creation of encryption. Its doctors examined the human body, and found new cures for disease. Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration.

Its writers created thousands of stories. Stories of courage, romance and magic. Its poets wrote of love, when others before them were too steeped in fear to think of such things.

When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them, and kept them alive. When censors threatened to wipe out knowledge from past civilizations, this civilization kept the knowledge alive, and passed it on to others.

While modern Western civilization shares many of these traits, the civilization I'm talking about was the Islamic world from the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the courts of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent.

Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are very much a part of our heritage. The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathematicians. Sufi poet-philosophers like Rumi challenged our notions of self and truth. Leaders like Suleiman contributed to our notions of tolerance and civic leadership.

And perhaps we can learn a lesson from his example: It was leadership based on meritocracy, not inheritance. It was leadership that harnessed the full capabilities of a very diverse population-that included Christianity, Islamic, and Jewish traditions.

This kind of enlightened leadership -- leadership that nurtured culture, sustainability, diversity and courage -- led to 800 years of invention and prosperity ...
Ranting about Khalifath will not do anything, There is no magic pill that you take at night and in the morning the khalifah is established, We must be united before things like Khalifah can be implemented. we have to work for it.

There are many groups who are working to bring Islam as whole way of life back one of them is Hizb uttahrir whos members are persicuted , imprisoned , torchered just for carrying the call of Islam.

The Method to Re-Establish the Khilafah

Here is a summary of the steps that the Messenger of Allah (saw) trod, so that we may proceed accordingly, while supplicating Allah (swt) to grant us success in establishing the Islamic State, which will be the basis for our revival and might and our felicity in this life and in the Hereafter.

By reviewing the method of the Messenger of Allah (saw) in establishing the State, we find that he (saw) proceeded in three periods:

The First Period:

This period started as soon as the Qur’an was revealed to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and as soon as he received the divine command to start spreading the call to Islam and to work towards establishing the Islamic State that brings Islam into existence and dominion in the realm of life.
Allah (swt) says: T.M.Q. “Arise and deliver your warning.” [74-2] The Da'awah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) was characterised in this period with an individual approach. It was noticed that the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to target his acquaintances and friends and generally the people that were close to him. It was also noticed that he (saw) used to strongly stress on the Aqeedah. The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to explain to whoever believed in him the corruption of the prevalent Kufr doctrines, and explain through the rational proof and the Qur’an, the triviality of worshipping the idols. He (saw) used to also bring glad tidings to the believers about Heaven and warn them against Hell. This continued for three years, during which a group of people numbering about 40 believed in the Da'awah of the Messenger of Allah (saw). It was reported that they used to meet in the house of Al-Arqam, where the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to culture them with Islam and develop their mentality and disposition, until he turned them into Islamic personalities, who lived for Islam and refusing to live but under the shade of Islam.

The individual Da'awah, the culturing and the preparation and shaping of those who believed in him (saw) continued until Allah (swt) ordered the Messenger of Allah (saw) to undertake a host of new actions, in addition to these actions he had already been assiduously undertaking. Hence the move towards a new period began.

The Second Period:

This period started when Allah (swt) ordered the Messenger of Allah (saw) to address society with his Da'awah, not in an individual manner, but in a collective manner, and to reveal his bloc or his group to people. This was after three years of he had been sent with the Message of Islam. Allah (swt) says: T.M.Q. “And warn your nearest kinsmen * And lower your wing to the believers who follow you.” [26-214,215]

Allah (swt) also says: T.M.Q “And say I am indeed he who warns openly and without ambiguity.” [15-89]

Allah (swt) also says: T.M.Q. “So expound openly what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists.” [15-94].

No sooner these verses descended upon the Messenger of Allah (saw), than he started the period of interaction and confrontation with society. In a book by Abdu-s-Salam Haroun, entitled “The Refinement of the Sirah of Ibnu Hisham” the author mentions the following on page 112: “When the Messenger of Allah (saw) initiated the call to Islam to his people as he had been ordered by Allah (swt), his folk did not snub him, nor did they react to his initiative until he mentioned their idols and belittled them. When he did this, they found it very painful and distressing, thus they censured him and consented to contradict and estrange him.”

During this period, the intellectual struggle continued a struggle between the thoughts of Islam and the thoughts of Kufr. The political struggle also continued and the Messenger of Allah (saw) exposed the corruption and the crimes perpetrated by the leaders of Quraysh. The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to rebuke the worship of idols that brought neither good nor evil, while reciting from the Qur’an Allah’s (swt) saying: T.M.Q. “You and the false gods you worship besides Allah are but fuel for Hell.” [21-98]

Quraysh started to harm the Messenger of Allah (saw) and his companions, especially those who had no protection from amongst them such as the family of Yassir, Bilal and others. The torture was intense and successive and the Muslims made huge sacrifices and offered martyrs for the sake of Islam. Quraysh remained stubborn and persisted on her Kufr. Society in Quraysh became petrified and unmoved and the words of the Messenger of Allah (saw) went unnoticed. When matters worsened for the Muslims and the hardship intensified, the Messenger of Allah (saw) started to look for a more fertile ground for his Da'awah and for people who would protect his Da'awah and the members of group from among the believers, and who would support his Deen. This became known as the seeking of protection and Nussrah. The Messenger of Allah (saw) attempted to seek the Nussrah several times, but he failed in every occasion. He used to be greeted in the worst manner and repelled in the harshest way. No tribe would accept to support him, except the tribe of Bani Amer Ibnu Saasaa who stipulated that they should inherit the reins of power once he is gone. The Messenger of Allah (saw) answered them by saying that the matter is in the hands of Allah (swt), to place wherever He wished. This continued for a while until Allah (swt) paved the way for His Messenger through a group from Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, who gave him the first pledge of Al-Aqabah, which was known as the Baya’a of Women. In this Baya’a, this group from Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, who numbered twelve, gave their pledge to the Messenger of Allah (saw) that they would associate none with Allah (swt), that they would not fornicate, nor steal and the like. The Messenger of Allah (saw) then sent Musab Ibnu Umayr with this group to Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, to culture them with Islam and to call people to it. Saad Ibnu Muath and Asaad Ibnu Zurarah responded positively to his call and Islam spread in Al-Madinah. Then the Second Pledge of Al-Aqabah took place, and it was known as the Baya’a of war, because this group from Al-Aws And Al-Khazraj, who numbered 73 and two women, gave the pledge to the Messenger of Allah (saw) to fight all people and they pledged to protect him if he were to emigrate to them in Al-Madinah.

The Third Period:

This period started with the emigration of the Messenger of Allah (saw) to Al-Madinah, where he established the nucleus of the Islamic State, which fought the battles and laid down the foundations of the greatest State of the greatest Deen in history.

This is the path in which the Messenger of Allah (saw) proceeded, with its clear three periods, since he started calling for the ideology that was revealed to him by Allah (swt) through Jibril (peace be upon him), until he succeeded with the help of Allah (swt) in establishing the Islamic State that implemented Islam in Al-Madinah and carried it by way of Jihad to the rest of the Arabic peninsula and then to the rest of the world.

Therefore, the Muslims must work towards establishing the Islamic State in order to revive the Islamic Ummah, according to the same method of the Messenger of Allah (saw). This is achieved through the study of the Sirah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and through the perception of the Shari’ah rules listed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, in an aware and accurate manner, so that they may acquire the sound awareness that leads to the fruitful work, that achieves the pleasure of Allah (swt) and leads to the revival of the Muslims

It is also having the prerequisites of civilisation that enables a people to progress. For example a strong and clear ruling system, a just and efficient judicial system and a sophisticated jurisprudence. It requires a strong society with an ideological basis with a dynamic and productive culture of thought.

Yeah, and the Middle East is a shining example of all of those things. Tell me another one please.
Ranting about Khalifath will not do anything, There is no magic pill that you take at night and in the morning the khalifah is established, We must be united before things like Khalifah can be implemented. we have to work for it.

Only with the system of khilafah we can re unite our lands..
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