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American, British and Turkish special forces hit Al-Qaeda in Somalia& Libya


May 2, 2013
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El Þebab'a ABD operasyonu - Hürriyet PLANET

Kenya’daki geçen ay bir AVM’yi kana bulayarak 67 kişiyi öldüren şeriatçı El Şebab örgütüne dün şafak vakti Somali’de operasyon düzenlendi. Örgüt, saldırıya İngiliz ve Türk özel güçlerinin katıldığını öne sürdü.
İngiltere ve Türkiye iddiayı doğrulamadı. New York Times ise saldırıyı Bin Ladin’i öldüren Amerikan SEAL komandolarının gerçekleştirdiğini yazdı.

El Kaide bağlantılı radikal İslamcı El Şebab örgütünün Somali’nin güneybatısındaki Barave kasabasındaki yakınlarındaki kritik konumdaki üslerine dün şafak vakti bir baskın yapıldı.
El Şebab’ın askeri operasyon sözcüsü Şeyh Abdülaziz Ebu Musab, 2009’dan beri örgütün denetimindeki başkent Mogadişu’nun 180 km kadar güneyindeki Barave’de düzenlenen saldırının başarısızlığa uğradığını, çatışmada bir örgüt üyesinin ve bir İngiliz subayının öldüğünü, dört İngiliz SAS gücüyle bir Türk askerinin yaralandığını iddia etti.
Turkey denies involvement in al-Shabaab raid

The Turkish Foreign Ministry was today quick to deny claims that hinted of Turkish cooperation with British forces against the militant group al-Shabaab on the ground in Somalia.

Ministry spokesperson Levent Gümrükçi said the claims, made by the al-Qaeda-affiliated militant group itself, did not reflect the truth.

Earlier, al-Shabaab militants told Reuters that British and Turkish Special Forces had raided Barawe, killing a rebel fighter, but that a British officer was also killed and others wounded. The wounded included an injured Turkish soldier, the group said.

Britain’s Defense Ministry, as well as Turkey’s, denied such involvement, however.

Gümrükçü also added that media reports based on such claims were also completely groundless, and no Turkish soldier was wounded in the raids conducted by U.S. forces prompted, reportedly, by the Westgate Mall attack which killed scores of people in Kenya two weeks ago.

Turkey has been strengthening relations with Somalia, increasing the flow of aid to the country often stricken by violence and terrorism. Just recently, the Somali prime minister said the country was set to engage in tight cooperation with Turkey on counterterrorism issues.

“I’m saying it here for the first time. We will engage in cooperation on security and counter-terrorism issues. The official signatures have not been made yet, but we have reached a verbal agreement. Turkey will provide us with training and support on terrorism,” Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon told daily Yeni Şafak.

AFRICA - Turkey denies involvement in al-Shabaab raid
Shabaab attacked Turkish Ambassy in Mogadishu this is a retaliation, Turkish government denies involvement but US media says Turkish forces participated.
Which special we are talking about ( have turkey one?)
Which special we are talking about ( have turkey one?)
Yes we do,

Special Forces Command (Turkish: Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı), nicknamed Maroon Berets (Turkish: Bordo Bereliler) because of their distinctive service headgear, are the special operations unit of the Turkish Army. Its forerunner was the Special Warfare Department (Turkish: Özel Harp Dairesi). The Berets also work along with Underwater Defence Teams (SAS) and Underwater Strike Teams (SAT).

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