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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Complete BS, nothing will happen, normalcy will be restored in a month or so.

Or will it?:what:

What are trying to say man!!! Are you those who post coz they can kinds ... Nothing makes sense here.. Your are contradicting yourself.....
Pakistan is in need of a revolution, an ASIAN Revolution again our tyrant rulers who are no better than the likes of hosni mubarak and assad.

Imran khan where are you? Now is the time to lead us.
The Pakistan Army has paid 10 times more the Cost of this Fkd Up WOT and yet yanks whine about double dealing , do more and have nothing to offer except for allegations..The Blood of Martyrs speaks out loud for itself to those who dough the commitments and sacrifices made by PA in this unholy war of US

i guess an incident of this gravity would might prove to be the final nail in the coffin of PAK-US Military Ties and the support Nato Enjoyed from a front line Ally like Pakistan!

No wonder those assholes couldn't win a war from those rouge talibans, A highly equipped 40 Nation Army with all support yet defeated stretched and lost in the mountains of Afghanistan and lost a war just to ordinary and least equipped Taliban of Afghanistan, Wonder how the historians would put it down..Thoughts!!!

What are trying to say man!!! Are you those who post coz they can kinds ... Nothing makes sense here.. Your are contradicting yourself.....

Uh what?

All this blockade thing has a chance of 5% of being permanent.

The probability is that it will just go poof and normalcy restored.
Pakistan needs to cut off Supply lines, Get Out of the War on Terror, and make any US-NATO bases in Pakistan vacated.Cut it off permanently.
I think it will help people like Always Neutral who are playing innocent here on this forum. Though entire interview is treat but listen from 8:00 onwards as it is relevant to the region.

Right from the mouth of former CIA Bin Laden unit leader..

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Kindly reread my posts you missed the intend..

RPG and Anza can destroy a heli, even a bullet at the right place can do the damage.

But helis are also armour plated at certain places.
Just like Pakistan blames the West for all its problems?

what're you saying mister? that NATO did not attack Pakistani check post insdie Pakistan? that Pak troops crossed the border and NATO retaliated? or that ISPR is making up this attack and troops casualties that no attack ever took place? whta is on your mind?
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