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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

You were calling for ISPR to be more effective were you not?

In terms of resorting to images of 'babies being kissed and children and widows mourning', Pakistan has a lot of catching up to do with the West, and especially the US, where soldiers and the military are treated like an infallible deity by the media.

More than on images of babies getting kissed and kids and widows mourning... Pakistan has a very long way to go before it can have independent section of media that is utterly critical of the soldiers and the military, and even goes on to lie about the soldiers & military without fearing any prosecution or persecution.

I have an ex Iraq marine friend, and I have seen how he gets treated around (in his hometown) - not too different from Viet War Ex's that would get spat on their faces by strangers. All that when he is getting treated for PTSD because his friend blew up on his face.

Infallible deity - they are in Pakistan. In the States, well you live there AM, you should know better than that.

P.S. Thanks for that Telegraph article, I hadn't read that before.
Pakistan’s air space may be denied to US

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided, for the time being, not to block US military use of its air space for over-flights into Afghanistan, but this could come within 15 days if bilateral diplomacy fails to relieve tensions over the Mohmand attacks, security experts say.

The government is currently reviewing the options available to it to demonstrate Pakistan’s vast leverage over their war in Afghanistan to the US and other members of the International Security Force, the experts said.

“If there is another incident, or even a nasty drone attack, the air corridor could also go,” said Simbal Khan, research director of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad, a Foreign Office-funded think tank.

Towards the top of the options list is the use of preventive cross-border fire by reinforced border-based army units in Bajaur and Mohmand against future raids by Afghanistan-based militants of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, they said.

It also includes the withdrawal of over-flight permission, and the use of Dalbadin, Jacobabad and Pasni air force bases to stage search-and-rescue missions in Afghanistan, they said. Pakistan will closely monitor the border behaviour of joint CIA-Special Forces Command (SFC) teams, which were responsible for Friday’s unprovoked, sustained attack on Pakistani military posts in Mohmand agency, the experts said.

The CIA-SFC teams also control drone operations over the Fata. However, there is agreement between the government and military to give the Obama administration enough time to find a political solution palatable both to Pakistan and competing power lobbies in Washington.

The White House is, amid the ongoing presidential election campaign, under mounting pressure from the Pentagon, CIA and their allies in Congress to postpone the September 2012 withdrawal of “surge” combat troops order by Obama, they said.

So far, only 2,000 of the 32,000 surge troops have left Afghanistan, while the scheduled withdrawal by year’s end of 10,000 US Marines based in Helmand province is awaited.

The Pentagon and CIA are lobbying for an extended deployment of surge troops to enable the US to make one more effort to break the stalemate with the Taliban, before the scheduled withdrawal of combat units by end-2014.

But Pakistan would be demonstrably impatient and require the US to come clean about its vague insistence that it “retains the right to respond to cross-border attacks”, the experts said.

“Unless this is clearly defined, I think this could completely spiral out of control, Obama’s Afghanistan strategy would completely fail, and the planned 2014 withdrawal would be scuttled,” said Khan.

Failure to go beyond hollow apologies could prompt an aggressive assertion of Pakistani sovereignty that could, in turn, prompt a US response, leading to a huge flare up on the Durand Line, the experts said.


This will be the biggest blow to USA if Pakistan go for this option in the future.I just hope Pakistan go for this as well.

Looks like divorce is finally on cards. I hope after separation Pakistan does not think, married life was not that bad at all.
Well NATO can counter by closing commercial aviation planes from Pakistan.


can they do that? maybe yes, but will they do that, i dont think so. Not in the response of Pakistan's military blockade. Already there is a lot of bad press nato/usa are gettign for this strike. Even major US tv networks, known for bashing Pak, are sypathizing and being senstive to Pakistan.

An economic chokehold on 180 million ppl only in retaliation of none cooperation is further demonizing one's self. They wont do that.
can they do that? maybe yes, but will they do that, i dont think so. Not in the response of Pakistan's military blockade. Already there is a lot of bad press nato/usa are gettign for this strike. Even major US tv networks, known for bashing Pak, are sypathizing and being senstive to Pakistan.

An economic chokehold on 180 million ppl only in retaliation of none cooperation is further demonizing one's self. They wont do that.

Europe banned PIA flights due to safety problems.

If Pakistan blocks NATO flights, that will cause NATO-Pakistan relations to collapse completely.

Pakistan would then be declared a state sponsor of terrorism and sanctioned such as blocking its commercial aviation from landing in Europe and North America.
Europe banned PIA flights due to safety problems.

If Pakistan blocks NATO flights, that will cause NATO-Pakistan relations to collapse completely.

Pakistan would then be declared a state sponsor of terrorism and sanctioned such as blocking its commercial aviation from landing in Europe and North America.
U know what they can do to us .....Can't cuz they have their own limitations....they can't control everything...With Pakistan the Muslim population gonna standup and we gonna fight Nuclear war...take away all this middle East and the whole Asia by force from these evil Devilz... Stop all the oils from here to them and choked these Goraz/US/NATO to death ..Don't ever undereastimate that we keeping these Nuklear weapons for Showpiece we gonna use them all against these Goraz whereever we gonna see resistance....We gonna make this world literally turned into hell for these devilz.......just wait and see......Insha-Allah.......:smokin:
Europe banned PIA flights due to safety problems.

If Pakistan blocks NATO flights, that will cause NATO-Pakistan relations to collapse completely.

Pakistan would then be declared a state sponsor of terrorism and sanctioned such as blocking its commercial aviation from landing in Europe and North America.

I'm talking about mlitary supplies that are going by road via Pakistan. their commerical flights can go. The miltary blockade from Pak is very effective and will hurt them dearly and I'm telling you they wont put a econmic squeeze on you for blocking their miltary supplies.
Looks like divorce is finally on cards. I hope after separation Pakistan does not think, married life was not that bad at all.

We were not the ones who came back into the marriage after 10 years of sanctions during the 90s. The other side came asking for a reconciliation.

We can make do with economic challenges we would face without the American support. So lets not make it sound like Pakistan is unable to survive without American support.
I think Pakistan has some hold, or leverage over Afghanistan, as long as it is part of US team. The day it stops supporting USA, USA will have no consideration for Pakistan. It will have a free run over Pakistan. Room for negotiation will be over. US has plan "B" for transporting its goods already. And before it leaves Afghanistan, it will make sure Afghanistan is NO MORE A LAND LOCKED COUNTRY. Mark my word. I know what kind of response I am going to get for this post. Reality sucks. It wont take much to divide Pakistan, IF USA WANTS. There is a story.One day Cobra was sitting on Shiva's neck, which is his place. Karuda was flying over him. The snake saw the karuda, and asked him, "hey how you doing? Karuda said, As long as everyone stay in their place everything is fine. The day you come down from your place, then I will show you, how am I doing. That was Karudas response. Any way, Hope Pakistan knows its limits, and play its card safely. End of the day ignorance is bliss.

Excellent Post!
However, Allah's plan are different and it's Allah's plan that matter, not USA's plans!
You are right. Pakistan should not get into a DIRECT conflict with NATO/U.S.

However, I think its because of Zardari's memo scandal. Look now no one in Pakistan is talking about memo scandal anymore, everyone is talking about NATO attack. Zardari didn't even make a public statement on television against these NATO attacks and he is the President of Pakistan :hitwall:

Pakistan has just been atatcked and the President is silent :hitwall:
yes, brother, tell us........in a seperate thread.... why nato attacked us and not in the orginal one. :-)
lol were did i said raw ????? first of all no indian are welcome here with there stupid comments.

and about Indian and Isrealies want america attack Pakistan before leaving Afghanistan is reported by ur own newspapir....

RAW denotes Indian Govt and Mossad denotes Israeli govt.

Was that too hard to understand ?
If the attack is portrayed as 'not unintentional', it would bring further infamy to the Pakistani Army.

The sensible thing would be to just call it 'unintentional' and move on.

Just what kind of 'infamy' are you refering to? Something tells me you're trying to dupe the Pakistanis into saving uncle sam's face.

---------- Post added at 02:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------

Next logical step for China and Russia to do is promptly induct Pakistan as full member of SCO. Which by the way is in card.

Don't worry, China and Russia have discovered the real intentions of uncle sam.
You are right. Pakistan should not get into a DIRECT conflict with NATO/U.S.

However, I think its because of Zardari's memo scandal. Look now no one in Pakistan is talking about memo scandal anymore, everyone is talking about NATO attack. Zardari didn't even make a public statement on television against these NATO attacks and he is the President of Pakistan :hitwall:

Pakistan has just been atatcked and the President is silent :hitwall:

People like Zardari are responsible for thousands of lives of innocent people. I wonder how many years will he burn in hell if he
dies without doing astaghfar (sincere repentance) to Allah!
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