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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

if it were not important US would not sent UAE foreign minister for airbase. And for supply route US simply hedging to buy time and pursue it later. US knows this is not the time to push it. Also observe US offcials comments - they still showing arrogance and confidence that relation will go back to where it was. Question is would Pakistan fall for that?
About joint investigation incidents
They said the inquiries into the June 2008, September 2010 and July 2011 incidents had no results either.

November 30, 2011
Notice sent to US for vacating Shamsi airbase within 15 days: FM


ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said on Tuesday that in line with the decisions of the Defence Committee of the Cabinet, a notice has been sent to the United States for vacating the Shamsi airbase within 15 days.

Terming the Nato/Isaf attack on border posts in Mohmand Agency as the breach of Pakistan’s sovereignty and violation of international law, the Foreign Minister said, “time has come to review our relations.”

Talking to PTV, the Foreign Minister said Pakistan has supported the international community in the war against terrorism and has rendered great sacrifices.

She said Pakistan’s positive cooperation must be recognized at international level and should not be taken as its weakness.

The minister said Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected at all cost.

She categorically stated that the nation and the government would not tolerate such incidents in future. “We don’t want any aid or assistance, but we want to live with dignity and honour.”

Khar said Pakistan wants complete clarity from the international community about its sovereignty.

She said that Pakistan’s attitude towards the international community has been positive and it wanted to move forward with honour and dignity.

“It is up to Pakistan’s political forces to evolve future strategy, keeping in view the current situation,” said the minister.

“It is for the first time that the decision to halt Nato supply was taken at the highest level,” she said.

The foreign minister said the government’s focus was on preserving the national interests, adding, “We cannot sacrifice our national interests.”
I think Pakistan has some hold, or leverage over Afghanistan, as long as it is part of US team. The day it stops supporting USA, USA will have no consideration for Pakistan. It will have a free run over Pakistan. Room for negotiation will be over. US has plan "B" for transporting its goods already. And before it leaves Afghanistan, it will make sure Afghanistan is NO MORE A LAND LOCKED COUNTRY. Mark my word. I know what kind of response I am going to get for this post. Reality sucks. It wont take much to divide Pakistan, IF USA WANTS. There is a story.One day Cobra was sitting on Shiva's neck, which is his place. Karuda was flying over him. The snake saw the karuda, and asked him, "hey how you doing? Karuda said, As long as everyone stay in their place everything is fine. The day you come down from your place, then I will show you, how am I doing. That was Karudas response. Any way, Hope Pakistan knows its limits, and play its card safely. End of the day ignorance is bliss.
with flare drops ??
Would certainly not indicate Taliban movement (no airplanes to begin with), and would not indicate any sort of 'covert op' either, since flare drops would attract attention and are typically for observation.

If this had occurred on the border with India, given the significantly different relationship, the response would have been different.
The aforesaid report used to be here - http://nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-n...f-lies-by-Nato

No more... wonder why
Isn't that a second hand report?

I thought there was a report in the UK telegraph that quoted wounded soldiers directly.

Here it is:

The attack, he said, came at about 2am. They counted four helicopters.
"Initially, we thought that the attackers were Taliban and we took positions to retaliate but then saw that at least four helicopters were shelling from above," he said from his bed at the Combined Military Hospital in Peshawar, where he was being treated for shrapnel injuries to his abdomen.
Hameedullah Wazir described a scene of chaos as an apparently indiscriminate rain of rockets exploded around the checkpoint, waking sleeping troops. He said the survivors simply ran.
"We didn't find time to respond as everything took place so quickly that we were unable to fight back," he said.

First of all why NATO attacked pakistan?.... Just like that?.... This is a game.... America got plan already. America knew how pakistan would react.... Pakistan acting same way america wants them to act (just the way they thought pakistan would react after an attack). What's american game plan?.... i think america wants an excuse to launch an attack on pakistan.... something might happened suddenly.... May be at night when most pakistanis are sleeping.... Am afraid that something is going on.... india tested missiles back to back.... America offer india missile sheild (who knows its already deployed). india moved sukhoi on pak border.... i think America and NATO got a plan.... and india too knows it.... Why would NATO attack pakistani soldiers.... Something must be going on.... It all happened after bin laden got killed and when sattelite show how pakistan moving nuke in tempo.... i think america scared that nukes might fall in wrong hand.... May be america was looking for an excuse for launching a war....
i think pakistan is not invited..

The Bonn meeting is aimed at bringing together Western and regional leaders to map out a strategy for Afghanistan after the withdrawal of foreign combat forces in 2014

does pakistan has the will or the resources to take up any constructive position in afganistan..no !

Pakistan is one of the regional powers. Think before you speak.
Spot on!

Add pics of a baby girl too for good measure, and it is evident that a psyops is in progress (from both sides).
You were calling for ISPR to be more effective were you not?

In terms of resorting to images of 'babies being kissed and children and widows mourning', Pakistan has a lot of catching up to do with the West, and especially the US, where soldiers and the military are treated like an infallible deity by the media.
When nothing left you brought in this totally irrelevant stuff.. Can I ask you which journalist are you talking about? Saleem Shahzad? Does his assassination have any connection to relations with USA? Comeon we have lost 28 soldiers in an unprovoked attack and you consider it a ******* tiny thing.

Here is why: You are saying that you cannot rely on CENTCOM for an investigation. I am saying that you cannot rely on Pakistani Authorities for their own investigation.

The truth is in the pudding.

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------

As your premium member, only 400 posts since 2006 ?

So you are defending Americans and NATO against Pakistan....who is white guy in your avatar, curious?

Mod edit: Thats Tony Soprano from an American darma series

I post here on and off.

I mostly edit articles on Wikipedia.

But I have been busy with school and work to post here on a regular basis. :)

---------- Post added at 06:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ----------

His ID is Mercenary... This tells you everything.

I didn't want to add any numbers or special characters infront of my name and thus Mercenary was available. :)

Please, don't get into a special psychological analysis on me based on my nick name. :lol::lol:
WHat rubbish, Y should USA help Pakistan. Hum aus ka damaad lagtay hein kya?

Both Pakistan and US are milking and humiliating each other. Unfortunately US and Pakistan has never been friends. PAK-US relationship is like Mutta Marriage. (Jab tak chalta hai kaam, tab tak milta rehta hai hum koo apna daam)

Please write coherent statements. I don't respond to such poorly worded responses.
I thought USA left Shamsi Airbase long before that.

There was a big news in 2008, when Google Earth showed Shamsi Airbase lined with drones which caused the Pakistani leadership to tell the Americans to leave the base.
You were calling for ISPR to be more effective were you not?

In terms of resorting to images of 'babies being kissed and children and widows mourning', Pakistan has a lot of catching up to do with the West, and especially the US, where soldiers and the military are treated like an infallible deity by the media.

More effective, yes, but INTERNATIONALLY, not on the already blinkered local population!

(nothing wrong with that either, as I already said, for both sides.)
Pakistan’s air space may be denied to US

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has decided, for the time being, not to block US military use of its air space for over-flights into Afghanistan, but this could come within 15 days if bilateral diplomacy fails to relieve tensions over the Mohmand attacks, security experts say.

The government is currently reviewing the options available to it to demonstrate Pakistan’s vast leverage over their war in Afghanistan to the US and other members of the International Security Force, the experts said.

“If there is another incident, or even a nasty drone attack, the air corridor could also go,” said Simbal Khan, research director of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad, a Foreign Office-funded think tank.

Towards the top of the options list is the use of preventive cross-border fire by reinforced border-based army units in Bajaur and Mohmand against future raids by Afghanistan-based militants of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, they said.

It also includes the withdrawal of over-flight permission, and the use of Dalbadin, Jacobabad and Pasni air force bases to stage search-and-rescue missions in Afghanistan, they said. Pakistan will closely monitor the border behaviour of joint CIA-Special Forces Command (SFC) teams, which were responsible for Friday’s unprovoked, sustained attack on Pakistani military posts in Mohmand agency, the experts said.

The CIA-SFC teams also control drone operations over the Fata. However, there is agreement between the government and military to give the Obama administration enough time to find a political solution palatable both to Pakistan and competing power lobbies in Washington.

The White House is, amid the ongoing presidential election campaign, under mounting pressure from the Pentagon, CIA and their allies in Congress to postpone the September 2012 withdrawal of “surge” combat troops order by Obama, they said.

So far, only 2,000 of the 32,000 surge troops have left Afghanistan, while the scheduled withdrawal by year’s end of 10,000 US Marines based in Helmand province is awaited.

The Pentagon and CIA are lobbying for an extended deployment of surge troops to enable the US to make one more effort to break the stalemate with the Taliban, before the scheduled withdrawal of combat units by end-2014.

But Pakistan would be demonstrably impatient and require the US to come clean about its vague insistence that it “retains the right to respond to cross-border attacks”, the experts said.

“Unless this is clearly defined, I think this could completely spiral out of control, Obama’s Afghanistan strategy would completely fail, and the planned 2014 withdrawal would be scuttled,” said Khan.

Failure to go beyond hollow apologies could prompt an aggressive assertion of Pakistani sovereignty that could, in turn, prompt a US response, leading to a huge flare up on the Durand Line, the experts said.


This will be the biggest blow to USA if Pakistan go for this option in the future.I just hope Pakistan go for this as well.
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