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America would have saved trillions had it handled the pandemic as well as Pakistan: US economist

Former US treasury secretary and renowned economist Lawrence 'Larry' Summers is of the opinion that had America handled the coronavirus pandemic as well as Pakistan, it could have saved in trillions of dollars.

He made these comments while talking to CNN's Fareed Zakaria on Sunday. "America’s failure on Covid-19 is almost unimaginable," he said. "Heck, if the US had handled the pandemic as well as Pakistan, we would have saved in neighbourhood of $10 trillion."

"The costs of an expanded testing system are trivial compared to the costs of tens of thousands of early deaths. Expanding testing should be a matter of utmost urgency," tweeted Summers.

US President Donald Trump, despite contracting the virus himself, has continued to cast doubt on the seriousness of the pandemic even as the US death toll topped 200,000. In what has become an overtly political gesture, Trump almost never wears a mask in public.

According to the Associated Press, quoting a new poll, more Americans blame the US government instead of foreign nations for the coronavirus crisis in the United States, a rebuke to the Trump administration’s contention that China or other countries are most at fault.

As he faces a rough reelection contest in November, Trump has steadily ramped up criticism of China for the virus and announced the US would halt funding for and withdraw from the international health agency over alleged Chinese interference in its work. Critics, including public health experts, have said China bears some responsibility but have also harshly criticised Trump’s response.

Summers on Sunday piled on criticism of the US government's response, saying: "Interest rates are essentially zero, telling us that the funds are available and won’t crowd out anything important. Instead it will push economy forward. All the dangers are on spending too little, not too much."

"We should be making investments in renewing infrastructure, supporting state and local govt, and helping the unemployed and lower income families. It cannot be that the highest priority in the US today is lending money to credit worthy corporations," Summers tweeted.

Last month, World Health Organisation (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had praised Pakistan's response to the coronavirus, saying the country managed to fight the pandemic while allowing its economy to pick up as the country stabilises.

In an op-ed in the British online newspaper The Independent, Tedros noted that Pakistan had deployed the infrastructure built over many years for polio to combat Covid-19.

"Community health workers who have been trained to go door-to-door vaccinating children against polio have been redeployed and utilised for surveillance, contact tracing and care," he wrote.

Pakistan's response reinforces "the lesson that the choice is not between controlling the virus or saving the economy; the two go hand-in-hand", the WHO chief has added.

Looking at the reply of the indians on this thread, it is obvious that what this American expert has said has obviously burnt the the backsides of the eternal street sh**ers....... :azn:
Pakistan didn't handle it, Allah handled it. Didn't see Pakistan handling anything tbh.

True it was Allahs help but Allah also commands "tu heela kar te me waseela bnasa" meaning you have a will and ill create the way...
If you think that Pakistan performed better than US that you are wrong my friend. US has the best medical infrastructure in the world along with the best support for it's workers. For example if anyone in US even mildly feels the symptoms of Covid they get 14 days paid off from work along with other benefits which is why people in US are getting tested and are aware of the fact that they have covid. In addition, US has the best reporting system in the world.

In Pakistan, Govt has provided no benefits so people are just suffering in silence. And I dont expect Pakistani doctors to know that they even have to report Covid ahaha. the cases are probably crossing millions in Pakistan given that Pakistan is almost just as crowded as Northern India.

Please don't try to convince me that a country that still hasn't been able to eliminate Polio is able to defeat Covid so easily.
Govt provided money to thousands of families and Pakistan had a testing rate of around 5k per day with ability to do 20k per day but we saw the day when we had to do that many tests.. because the spread was slowed tremendously by smart lockdown method...

And instead of coming up with excuses work on your health service... which is f*cked... even Pakistanis dont have to pay 600 quids for an asthma spray... or 3k dollars for a child's birth through surgery/operation...

Pakistan did a tremendously good job in controlling Covid and world is praising us while US is a known case study for how to fail at controling a pandemic..
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Pakistan received tons of aid from friendly states, but it was all used on mafia, who control Pakistan.
some FACTS which reflect organized and open sedition against Pakistan and it's people:

Pakistan was the only state in the whole region and even world, who kept it's border open with Iran for months, while COVID was filling graves in Iran.
What this means is,... Pakistan kept pushing thousands of people aka Zairin into Iran, until end of February.
Surprisingly no alarm was raised by any of the foreign advisors and ministers!!!!!
On Iranian side, they came to know of out break in December, but they didn't warned Zairin, neither closed borders.
On the contrary, videos were circulated on Pakistan social media, where people licking walls of graves in Iran, were promoting it as cure.

Pakistan regime announced closure of border end of February but it never really took place. Even the announcement was already 2 months too late.
Truth is border was never closed... there exist no documentary evidence of it, neither it was a properly regulated border as per international norms.

All above FACTS thus far, reflects gross negligence of state if not the attempt to sabotage safety and security of all country. aka biological attack, terminology less known in Pakistan.

NDMA was awarded the task to control the spread of pandemic in Pakistan, with little to no control over border and virus carriers.
Ironically NDMA was built by an ex-President, who was ousted by the currently ruling political party, who was as well in alliance with current political opposition, back in time.
All Pakistan Democratic Movement

Ultimate irony is that posters above are trying hard to give credit of the NDMA work to Imran Khan.


No wonder, a rising Pakistan of 2002-2005 is in complete disarray today, and it's growth rate is negative for the first time in its almost 100 year history.
Pakistan had it lucky the strain itself was different from what the western hemisphere had encountered.
Large sections of the population had grown up being weathered by the elements so that probably results in a very potent immune system
not to mention the young proportion of the population that was able to shrug off the infection
From IMF website:

2020 Projected Real GDP (% Change) : -0.4

World's Open Toilet (aka India)
2020 Projected Real GDP (% Change) : -10.3

2020 Projected Real GDP (% Change) : -4.3

Your data about India is a bit outdated bcz now they are predicting -9.6% contraction in GDP according to RBI, World Bank, IMF.
Yet Americans still do not learn from their mistakes. They deserve to be punished!
Nothing saddens Hindutva more than any praise for Pak from their White Lords....

You are the most pakistani member ive seen out here, even more pakistani then a regular member from this forum, Just curious why are you ashamed of the the green colour? earlier you wore some red colors now your ashamed of that to?
You are the most pakistani member ive seen out here, even more pakistani then a regular member from this forum, Just curious why are you ashamed of the the green colour? earlier you wore some red colors now your ashamed of that to?
Turks and Pakistanis are similar in ways you or your ilks would never understand. The only thing you do understand is the pain in your pashwara seeing Pakistan as the role model and not Modis shining India.
You are the most pakistani member ive seen out here, even more pakistani then a regular member from this forum, Just curious why are you ashamed of the the green colour? earlier you wore some red colors now your ashamed of that to?
He is way more patriotic and has way more IQ than you will ever have ... go worship your brahmous lord don't personally attack people or question their loyalty.... if you don't want to be professional leave kindly we don't need you here

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