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America will Collapse

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If America will collapse, Then China, Japan, SK, Taiwan, Australia and Europe will also suffer very very badly. Some impact on India and Pakistan too. Hope USA doesn't collapse not good for world economy. Double Dip will effect 75% world.
I have noticed one thing most of the Pakistani members are happy that US could collapse.

1st They won't.

Secondly if it happens, Pakistan will suffer badly (No Aid, No Military Aid, which Pakistan is getting since 1947). Check the Aid since 1947:- US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy
Pakistan best Friend, China will suffer very badly(75% Money is in Dollar)

India, Russia won't suffer much.
lol I hope they do collapse, I rather have peace then some stupid economy.
The only people that will suffer is the Pakistan Goverment..no more aid for their ugly *****

And return of Taliban in Afghanistan.
I dont think U.S. will collapse like the Soviet Union did, but I dont think U.S. will remain a superpower much longer. It will remain a developed nation though like Canada and U.K.
I dont think U.S. will collapse like the Soviet Union did, but I dont think U.S. will remain a superpower much longer. It will remain a developed nation though like Canada and U.K.

I take the opposite view. I think living conditions in America will decline long before American global domination will. To some extent we have already begun to see the decline of the average American living condition.
Just because S&P has downgraded US ratings from AAA rating to AA+, People are predicting the collapse of US? US weathered more serious financial crisis in last century. Even AA+ is an investment grade rating. There are some economies that literally have junk ratings and are doing fine, so nothing going to happen to US
I have noticed one thing most of the Pakistani members are happy that US could collapse.

1st They won't.

Secondly if it happens, Pakistan will suffer badly (No Aid, No Military Aid, which Pakistan is getting since 1947). Check the Aid since 1947:- US Aid to Pakistan and Democracy
Pakistan best Friend, China will suffer very badly(75% Money is in Dollar)

India, Russia won't suffer much.


First of all not all Pakistani feeling happy that US is going to collapse, after all it will effect many Americans with Pakistani race & background but it is very dangerous situation for US they have invite their collapse themselves, Bush must be brought to trial that why did he launch useless wars, he is the sole reason for this situation. I hope US comes out of crises.

Secondly you said Pakistan will have effect that is just your beleiving because of your country dumb media who says Pakistan cannot exist without US aid, if this was the reason than how was Pakistan doing good in 90's? And for aid i hope all kind of aid must be cut it, because it only help corrupt polititions & people accross the globe think Pakistan is running on US aid.
I take the opposite view. I think living conditions in America will decline long before American global domination will. To some extent we have already begun to see the decline of the average American living condition.

Yup, prices have gone up for everything here in US.

First of all not all Pakistani feeling happy that US is going to collapse, after all it will effect many Americans with Pakistani race & background but it is very dangerous situation for US they have invite their collapse themselves, Bush must be brought to trial that why did he launch useless wars, he is the sole reason for this situation. I hope US comes out of crises.

Secondly you said Pakistan will have effect that is just your beleiving because of your country dumb media who says Pakistan cannot exist without US aid, if this was the reason than how was Pakistan doing good in 90's? And for aid i hope all kind of aid must be cut it, because it only help corrupt polititions & people accross the globe think Pakistan is running on US aid.

Well, you are understanding the situation and also you living in US. So, you might not be happy. But there are full of threads where 90% of Pakistani members were saying they would be very happy without understanding complete outcome. you can see last few week thread, you will find many.

Don't overreact dude. I didn't said anything more than "effect". I don't read and believe if it's not true be it any media. It will effect whole world in some way, Even India too. Reason and % will only differ.
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