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America wants to destablize Pakistan, say Hizbul Majahideen of Kashmir


Sep 20, 2013
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There is no doubt that Kashmiri freedom fighters are not getting the assistance they would get if there was peace with the TTP.

Supreme Commander of Hizbul Majahideen (HM) of Jammu & Kashmir Syed Salahuddin said that America and her stooges were obdurate to perpetuate instability in Pakistan both internally and externally.
"The recent killing of the outlawed TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud in a drone strike stands testimony to the fact that under a pre-planned conspiracy Washington manoeuvred to frustrate Pakistan's sincere efforts for holding peace talks with the banned outfit", the HM Supremo added this while addressing news conference here the other day.
Earlier, Syed Salahuddin, also Chairman United Jehad Council addressed a conference titled "Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir Aur Hamari Zimadariyan", hosted by Mirpur chapter of his organization to highlight the importance of early peaceful settlement of Kashmir conflict for the emergence of everlasting peace and tranquillity in South Asia through the grant of legitimate right to self-determination to people of Jammu & Kashmir.
Syed Salahuddin warned that Pakistan was presently engulfed by severe threats both at its eastern and western frontiers. In this connection, he underlined that India had established her more than a dozen mega training camps in various parts of Afghanistan to produce terrorists for onward launching into Pakistan to exercise subversive activities in this country.
Seeking early peaceful solution to Kashmir problem, the HM's Supreme Commander said that since Kashmir was not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan, rather it involved the fate of over 15 million people of Jammu & Kashmir state. He urged that in view of this reality, this lingering conflict should be resolved through tripartite talks among India, Pakistan and the people of Jammu & Kashmir in view of the Kashmiris, the basic party to the dispute.
Syed Salahuddin expressed his views that since various rounds of bilateral talks between India and Pakistan over Kashmir issue had been held so far but produced nothing. Rather India always tried to take benefit of the bilateral talks by hook or by crook under her stubborn and hostile policy towards the solution of Kashmir dispute. "India herself always proved to be a stumbling block in the way of the result-oriented talks over Kashmir conflict with Pakistan", he said.
He categorically told a questioner that Jehad was the only way to make the Kashmir freedom movement complete success through the liberation of occupied Jammu & Kashmir from the Indian yoke. He said that people of occupied Jammu & Kashmir have launched their struggle for freedom to fight against the forced and unlawful Indian rule.
To a question, Syed Salahuddin also categorically refuted the Indian allegations of infiltration of militants from this side of the line of control in to Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir. "How the infiltration could become possible in the presence of 721-km long and over 9 feet high fence along the entire Line of Control and working boundary belt at other side of the LoC facing AJK and Pakistan", he questioned.
The HM supreme commander warned India to move for early settlement of Kashmir issue by accepting its historic ground reality and wishes of people of the State. He pointed out that the Kashmir freedom struggle across the occupied state was at climax and the caravan of mujahideed (freedom fighters) was being echoed across the turbulent held territory despite the presence of over 7.5 million Indian occupational forces, he said.
To another question, Syed Salahuddin declared that only a peaceful solution to Kashmir issue according to the wishes of Kashmiris could ensure and guarantee lasting peace and cordial relations between Pakistan and Indian, terming the prevailing and future trade and travel facilities between the two countries as mere hoodwink. "People of Jammu & Kashmir are also in favour of normal ties between the two countries - but not at the cost of their future", the Kashmiri freedom fighters leader said.

America hell bent on destabilising Pakistan
Is he claiming that the USA supports India on the Kashmir issue or is he making a blanket statement that due to the American influence in Pakistan, Kashmir cannot obtain independence from India ? In any event, why can't he see that his Kashmiri Jihad is being reciprocated by an Indian counter-Jihad in Kashmir? Why continue with a failed recipe Mr Supreme Commander ? Try something new
7.5 million indian troops :woot:
oh, I wish.

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