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America attacks Muslim world through the web



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Sep 3, 2013
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Have you noticed all those numerous Jordanian and Saudi Arabian communities springing up like mushrooms in Twitter and Facebook recently? And at once all of them gather hundreds thousands of users. And all of them dump on their governments and enlist volunteers for future mass actions. All those members of Sophos, Jordanian Brothers, Sawt Al-Islah communities, where all of them come from? They position themselves as strict Muslims. Show me such many strict Muslims sitting in the web so much time! And all of them just repeat one another yelling about new 'Arab Spring' and another 'Taksim Square' in exactly same style and words.
Been there, done there, bought the T-shirt. Those very 'Jordanians' and 'Saudi Arabs' have been carrying on Turkey's Twitter War. With the right hand they write as Malyk from Ankara, and the left one prints as Fatima from Riyadh. And all of them are sitting in Foggy Bottom place. I tried to talk to them in Arab in private inbox. I wrote to about twenty people. The one answered! But he made huge mistakes typical to English speaking persons.
Crackers prepare another violent attempt of 'democratization' in Islam world. Be prepared to new provocations, invasion of al Qaeda's cutthroats and elimination of defenseless women and children by chemical weapons.
Very nice, now please go to Members Club, start a new thread and introduce yourself. :)
First of all let's introduce ourselves, and we later can talk about the war on Islam via the Internet :lol: ..
Just look on this forum here plenty of zionists pretending to be Muslim here and trying to feed the rest of us bullsh!t
When they were with palestinians? Qataris are JEWS, Al Qaradawi is a member of a JEW tribe, the new leader of Qatar of a son of a JEW, so legally he's JEW.

Al JEWZEERA the qatari channel was created by 2 franco-israhellis brothers: David & Jean Friedman

The biggest USA base outside is in Al Udeid in Qatar

Saudis never send 1 Al Qaeda in Israhell & never fire 1 5.56 bullet to Israhell. When they can destroy Iraq in 1991 and send Al Qaeda everywhere

Do you think if the saudis participate in the fight against Israhell, they wouldn't be called terrorists by the JEW USA? Like the JEW USA call the Hezbollah terrorists?
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