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World's tiniest frog can sit on shirt button!
By Jonathan Anker
updated 7:43 AM EST, Fri January 13, 2012

World's smallest frog measures less than 1/3 of an inch
Can sit on a shirt button with room to spare
Researchers found about 20 new species of small frogs


It could sit atop an M&M and still have room for a friend.

That pretty much sums up just how small the world's tiniest frog is.

The 7.7 millimeter (that's just 1/3 of an inch) creature was discovered in a rain forest in Papua New Guinea and is not only the world's smallest frog, but is also seizing the crown as the world's smallest vertebrate.

Maybe it will receive the world's smallest parade?

That's quite a set of honors for the Paedophryne amauensis (henceforth known by the eminently more pronounceable 'real tiny frog'), whose discovery was announced Wednesday, though it was first spotted in 2010.

Take a look at some x-rays of the world's smallest frog

So how is it that something so small was found amid a sprawling, cluttered and massive rain forest? I mean, there's "needle in a haystack" ... and then there's "Paedophryne amauensis in a rain forest."

It turns out the answer is you don't look for it at all. You listen for it.

"This frog has a call that doesn't sound like a frog at all. It sounds like an insect," says Louisiana State University environmental biologist Christopher Austin, who discovered "real tiny frog" with a graduate student.

Austin explains to Time magazine they were looking for any number of tiny frogs known to live in the rain forest. "We found it by grabbing a whole handful of leaf litter and putting it into a clear plastic bag and very, very slowly going through that litter leaf by leaf by leaf until we saw that small frog hop off one of those leaves."

The researchers estimate the found at least 20 new species of small frogs on the trip.

However, they told National Geographic the really difficult part was taking pictures of them. Because while they may be tiny, those legs are supercharged and many of the species "can jump 30 times [longer] than their body size," according to Austin. By the time they set up a shot, the frogs were long gone.

Except for that one you see up top, dwarfed by a monstrous dime.
World's tiniest frog can sit on shirt button! | HLNtv.com
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