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Amazing Cosmic Images

NASA's James Webb telescope sees potential signs of alien life in the atmosphere of a distant 'Goldilocks' water world

Welcome to the Vela Pulsar!

A star that collapsed and exploded now sends a storm of energy into space.

The Sombrero Galaxy
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The Black eye Galaxy
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This volcano mountain is on Mars. It is called Olympus Mons. It is the tallest mountain in our solar system. It is three times larger than Mount Everest ( 26 km long and 600 km wide Amazing.
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Jupiter and Europa..
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Milky-Way above the Monument Valley USA
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The clearest picture that was ever taken of the surface of Venus...
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The last picture was by the Russian back-to-back Venera missions I believe.

Size comparison of Kepler-186f (artist's impression) with Earth along with their projected habitable zones.

Kepler-186 and the Solar System http://www.nasa.gov/ames/kepler/kepler-186-and-the-solar-system http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2014-119 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA18000 The diagram compares the planets of our inner solar system to Kepler-186, a five-planet star system about 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The five planets of Kepler-186 orbit an M dwarf, a star that is is half the size and mass of the sun. The Kepler-186 system is home to Kepler-186f, the first validated Earth-size planet orbiting a distant star in the habitable zone—a range of distance from a star where liquid water might pool on the planet's surface. The discovery of Kepler-186f confirms that Earth-size planets exist in the habitable zones of other stars and signals a significant step toward finding a world similar to Earth. The size of Kepler-186f is known to be less ten percent larger than Earth, but its mass and composition are not known. Kepler-186f orbits its star once every 130 days, receiving one-third the heat energy that Earth does from the sun. This places the planet near the outer edge of the habitable zone. The inner four companion planets each measure less than fifty percent the size of Earth. Kepler-186b, Kepler-186c, Kepler-186d and Kepler-186, orbit every 4, 7, 13 and 22 days, respectively, making them very hot and inhospitable for life as we know it. The Kepler space telescope infers the existence of a planet by the amount of starlight blocked when it passes in front of its star. From these data, a planet's radius, orbital period and the amount of energy received from the host star can be determined. The artistic concept of Kepler-186f is the result of scientists and artists collaborating to imagine the appearance of these distant worlds.

Kepler-62f is another habitable planet like Earth and size comparison with earth shows it is quite a bit bigger (1.5 times all around).
Kepler-62f with 62e as Morning Star http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/kepler/multimedia/images/kepler-morningstar.html http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/742541main_Kepler-62MorningStar-1_full.jpg The artist's concept depicts NASA's Kepler misssion's smallest habitable zone planet. Seen in the foreground is Kepler-62f, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star smaller and cooler than the sun, located about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Kepler-62f orbits its host star every 267 days and is roughly 40 percent larger than Earth in size. The size of Kepler-62f is known, but its mass and composition are not. However, based on previous exoplanet discoveries of similar size that are rocky, scientists are able to determine its mass by association. Much like our solar system, Kepler-62 is home to two habitable zone worlds. The small shining object seen to the right of Kepler-62f is Kepler-62e. Orbiting on the inner edge of the habitable zone, Kepler-62e is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth. Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

Mass, radius and temperature​

Kepler-62f is a super-Earth, placing it in the class of exoplanets with a radius and mass bigger than Earth, but smaller than that of the ice giants Neptune and Uranus. It has an equilibrium temperature of 208 K (−65 °C; −85 °F), close to that of Mars.[9] It has a radius of 1.46 R🜨,[1] placing it below the radius of ≥1.6 R🜨 where it would otherwise be a mini-Neptune with a volatile composition, with no solid surface.[10] Due to its radius, it is likely a rocky planet. However, the mass isn't constrained yet, estimates place an upper limit of <35 M🜨, the real mass is expected to be significantly lower than this.[1] The Planetary Habitability Laboratory estimated a mass of around 2.6 M🜨, assuming a rocky Earth-like composition.[11]

Host star​

Main article: Kepler-62
The planet orbits a (K-type) star named Kepler-62, orbited by a total of five known planets.[1] The star has a mass of 0.69 M☉ and a radius of 0.64 R☉. It has a temperature of 4925 K and is 7 billion years old.[1] In comparison, the Sun is 4.6 billion years old[12] and has a temperature of 5778 K.[13] The star is somewhat metal-poor, with a metallicity ([Fe/H]) of −0.37, or 42% of the solar amount.[1] Its luminosity (L☉) is 21% that of the Sun.[1]

The star's apparent magnitude, or how bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 13.65. Therefore, it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye.


Kepler-62f orbits its host star every 267.29 days at a semi-major axis distance of about 0.718 astronomical units (107,400,000 km, 66,700,000 mi), which is roughly the same as Venus's semi-major axis from the Sun. Compared to Earth, this is about seven-tenths of the distance from it to the Sun. Kepler-62f is estimated to receive about 41% of the amount of sunlight that Earth does from the Sun, which is comparable to Mars, which receives 43%.[1]


Artist's conception of Kepler-62f (foreground) as a rocky terrestrial exoplanet orbiting its host star (center). The actual appearance is not known. Kepler-62e can be seen in the distance as a twinkling star.

NASA has begun to open the capsule containing samples from asteroid Bennu


The only tranquil thing about the Lagoon Nebula is its name.there are intense winds from hot stars, churning funnels of gas, and energetic star formation.These glowing clouds of gas are in the constellation Sagittarius:

1st black hole imaged by humanity is confirmed to be spinning, study finds


NASA illustration depicts a plume of water vapor that could potentially be emitted from the icy surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa

The aurora australis above the southern Indian Ocean photographed from The ISS
The clearest picture ever taken from the surface of Venus

This is one of the largest known black holes compared to our entire Solar System

June 5-6, 2012: Ultra-high definition view the transit of Venus across the face of the sun
Credit: NASA

Nebula NGC 5189 captured by Hubble

“Mickey Mouse" resemblance, created by the accumulation of craters on the surface of Mercury
Credit: NASA
Ridiculous. NASA has satellite pictures of it from how many mln lightyears away now?

Again leftists are the cause. NASA pre-2005 never would have made such a fabrication as this.
From Quantum to Cosmic levels Perfection and majesty of our maker are Undeniable.
Ridiculous. NASA has satellite pictures of it from how many mln lightyears away now?

Again leftists are the cause. NASA pre-2005 never would have made such a fabrication as this.

It is an artist's rendering using CGI. To make our understanding of this remote part of the universe better. It is not pure fabrication as it is based on credible data gained from remote space sensing using the best telescopes we have. Which we did not even have even a decade ago.
Almost 150 years of progress since the first pictures of our solar system.

Scientists now say finding alien life in the universe is 'only a matter of time' thanks to James Webb Space Telescope

'Einstein ring' snapped by James Webb Space Telescope is most distant gravitationally lensed object ever seen

Light from the cosmic web connecting galaxies has been seen for the 1st time
Beautifully Real Image of Saturn, in infrared.

Image credit: NASA, Hubble.

ESO 174-1, an irregular galaxy about 11 million light-years away, resembles a hazy cloud on a backdrop of stars. Look closely at the faint, meandering tendrils of dark gas and dust in the galaxy’s bright cloud of stars in this Hubble image.

Credit: ESA/Hubble/NASA.

Galaxies like JO206 are nicknamed “jellyfish galaxies” as a nod to their resemblance to the marine animal. The disk of JO206 is trailed by long tendrils of bright star formation that stretch toward the bottom right of this Hubble image.
Credit: ESA/Hubble.
Image of Earth taken during the Apollo 11 mission

Nebula NGC 5189 captured by Hubble

New Hubble image showing the stunning galaxy NGC 6951

NGC 612 is classified as a lenticular galaxy, a type that typically contains older stellar populations and little ongoing star formation. Lenticulars have a central bulge and disk like spiral galaxies, but they lack the characteristic arms.
The Sombrero Galaxy
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The Black eye Galaxy
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This volcano mountain is on Mars. It is called Olympus Mons. It is the tallest mountain in our solar system. It is three times larger than Mount Everest ( 26 km long and 600 km wide Amazing.
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Jupiter and Europa..
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Milky-Way above the Monument Valley USA
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The clearest picture that was ever taken of the surface of Venus...
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Where does the failed banana republic of Faujistan fit in this universe???
The Hourglass Nebula seen by Hubble

The galaxy NGC 1087 stretches 87,000 light-years across, and is located about 80 million light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

In the 2023 ESA Hubble and Webb calendar, the month of October features three views of M74, also known as the Phantom Galaxy.

ESO 495-21 may be just 3000 light-years across, but this has not stopped it from furiously forming huge numbers of stars.
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