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Amarnath Yatra cancelled : Pilgrims asked to return to their homes.

This is not change in demographics, as Azad Kashmir is part of India as per constitution so taking it back in still under the law.

Only Partially true. Not only azad kashmir, but also Gilgit Baltistan and Aksai Chin.

So does that mean India is going to invade china ?
Only Partially true. Not only azad kashmir, but also Gilgit Baltistan and Aksai Chin.

So does that mean India is going to invade china ?
I dont think, i had ever used the word invade? that is not part of discussion. Discussion is not about what is right or wrong or who does what. it is all about what is going to happen and how come no one had clue about it.
Okay. So few things don't make sense in this argument. "Western" media are pro-profit organizations. Why the hell will they piss a larger market such as India for a lesser market like Pakistan?

Lastly, why the heck Indian govt will move SUCH a massive force and do that so publicly? Also, if there is a threat from Pakistan, call it out. Especially when there is Pakistan which is calling for a dialogue since like last year.

I doubt there is no agenda here. And I don't blame India for having an agenda. Everyone has one.

You must be pretty Naive to think that "White christian owned" western media are only pro-profit. They are also pro christianity and pro west , and anti islam and definitely Hinduphobic. Its part of their culture, thinking, history and mindset.

I won't comment on their stand of jews/Israel because plenty has already been said about that.

Secondly, India is a democracy and "news" cannot be hidden or are any attempts made to hide them. Also 10K paramilitary police force is not "That big" for a nation of 1.3 billion people. Its only 'big" by some western standards.

India is free to follow its own constitutionally approved agenda without making it "global news".

The real "agenda" to make a routine internal matter "global" is quite simple pakistani agenda and one has to be pretty stupid to not grasp this simple reality.

I dont think, i had ever used the word invade? that is not part of discussion. Discussion is not about what is right or wrong or who does what. it is all about what is going to happen and how come no one had clue about it.

:lol: ..... No one has any clue about it because nothing is going to happen :lol:

Welcome to the power of pakistani propaganda :lol: ........ now go give them some "aid".
You must be pretty Naive to think that "White christian owned" western media are only pro-profit.
You must be pretty naive to think that business has any bearing of religion. Unless religion is the business itself.
lol.... are you claiming the west is free of religious bigotry ? :cheesy:
No, but "western" business give no damn about religion, they are pro-profit.
We don't mix business and pleasure. When we do, results are not pretty.
No, but "western" business give no damn about religion, they are pro-profit.
We don't mix business and pleasure. When we do, results are not pretty.

And since when is geo-politics purely about business and about profit ?

How "profitable" is your war in Afghanistan ? or your war in Vietnam ? Stop being so naive. seriously.

I suggest you take a look at US report on "religious freedom" :P It will give you a good idea about how they give a damn about religion.
And since when is geo-politics purely about business and about profit ?

How "profitable" is your war in Afghanistan ? or your war in Vietnam ? Stop being so naive. seriously.
If it is a business, there has to be profit. Someone has to pay. Plain and simple. No one becomes anyone's propaganda piece for free.
Modi modi the liar. Creating drama for political gain. Has he ended corruption in India, cleaned up holy Ganges? Easy to thump chest then to improve indians lives.
If it is a business, there has to be profit. Someone has to pay. Plain and simple. No one becomes anyone's propaganda piece for free.

I assure you that the Church is VERY profitable and VERY business minded.

Also war is very profitable. But only for some industry. Not for the nations involved.
I assure you that the Church is VERY profitable and VERY business minded.

Also war is very profitable. But only for some industry. Not for the nations involved.
Okay lemme guess, "Church" is pro-Islamic and anti India. When did that happen? Which church are you attending?
Yes war is profitable but you don't make profit by pissing off your most valuable/biggest customer. India is/was recently biggest importer of weapons.
Okay lemme guess, "Church" is pro-Islamic and anti India. When did that happen? Which church are you attending?
Yes war is profitable but you don't make profit by pissing off your most valuable/biggest customer. India is/was recently biggest importer of weapons.

Read my post again, I said " white christian media" is anti Islam and Hinduphobic. So that is the position of the church.

I don't know how much of US news you follow, but US has already pissed off India by trumps comments and actions.

Indian Government just lodged a formal protest against UK and Canada govt. And we both know who their puppet masters are. Pretty serious by diplomatic standards.


I don't know how much of US news you follow, but US has already pissed off India by trumps comments and actions.
Lol Trump! You seriously believe Trump and his admin is happy with ANYONE but themselves?

Read my post again, I said " white christian media" is anti Islam and Hinduphobic. So that is the position of the church.
Okay, so they are anti-Islamic and yet somehow they love to support Pakistan against india. LOLWUT?

If I wanted to make the most money, i would not support anyone but sell weapons to everyone. Like Israel does. They work with USA, they sell weapons to you and they clandestinely also help China .... for a price. Thats a good business. Only people they don't support or do business are their mortal enemies.
Lol Trump! You seriously believe Trump and his admin is happy with ANYONE but themselves?

Don't care, since its not my problem. But reality is India is pretty pissed off with the US.

Okay, so they are anti-Islamic and yet somehow they love to support Pakistan against india. LOLWUT?

They are just more Hinduphobic than anti Islamic. How did you think pakistani got weapons ready Nukes while India got sanctioned during the time it was building one ?

If I wanted to make the most money, i would not support anyone but sell weapons to everyone. Like Israel does. They work with USA, they sell weapons to you and they clandestinely also help China .... for a price. Thats a good business. Only people they don't support or do business are their mortal enemies.

You can, but nations that have tried to do the same with India discovered that India does not do large business with Nations that sell equipment to china and pakistan.

Which is why US had to drop selling weapons to pakistan to start any business with India. Israel dropped china due to US pressure.

Which is why France will never sell Rafale to pakistan.

Only exception is Russia who sold S400 to both china and India because they offer a great value for money, more bang for the buck.
As i heard more of such news. I am afraid something big is planned. I am hearing a lot from credible sources and so far everyone is suspecting big but without a clue of big. Questions
1. Generally something big takes months of planning and coordination, if in next few days/week big happens, was this planned all along? how come ISI didnt have clue of month long planning at all?
2. Related to first one, How come Indian opposition also have no clue about planning, since all the bureaucrats planner had been used to serve the Congress as well and can leak the information to Opposition.
3. The above two question relate to the direction that either nothing is going to happen or it is being planned very secretly among only few peoples?
4. Also using satellite images, planning can be detected about large movements of machines very easily.

On the other hand, if PFM is issuing public statements over Media, that hinting that they have some intelligence of coming big.
Fingers crossed, War and Strikes had never helped anyone except egoism and Politician.
1. Forget ISI, apart from few ministers and top army/police commanders nobody has any idea of what is happening or going to happen.
2. To avoid spread of information probably. Not many people have the idea on what's being planned, maybe it's all for nothing. Nobody knows, but many cahoots are getting scared started "SOS".
3. Yes
4. Rumors are, India is going to remove article 370, to other rumors such as Yasin Malik, a separatist, died in prison. Satellite imagery probably shows increased number of forces in the region.

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