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Amanpour hits a nerve: Bajwa terms question on army's capability an 'insult'

Rahil khan

Dec 3, 2011
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Military spokesperson Major General Asim Bajwa shot back at a question on whether the Pakistan Army was capable of going after every last terrorist indiscriminately, terming it an insult to the people of Pakistan and the armed forces.

I would say this is an insult to the Pakistani people and Pakistani forces if you ask this kind of question. When I say we’re very clear and we are capable of dealing with them,” said the Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) in an interview to CNN‘s Christiane Amanpour.

General Bajwa clarified that the army was taking action against militants ‘without any discrimination.’

“There are no good terrorists. There is no collusion. We are absolutely clear, no confusion in our mind. We are going against all terrorists without any discrimination of hue and colour,” he said.

Bajwa said the army is clear in its aim and they “have to go against the phenomenon of terrorism, against all terrorists, and their abettors.”

Speaking about the military’s efforts in combating terrorism, the DG ISPR said, “We have been so effective and we’ve achieved the desired results. And we are expanding it. We will go to the last terrorist and we will eliminate terrorism totally from our soil.”

“We’ve already cleared a major part of North Waziristan except for a small belt of area, of terrain, just next to Afghanistan border. There are air and aviation gunship strikes, which are continuing. And there will be ground operation as well,” he added.

Comparing the military’s performance to that of US forces in Iraq and Aghanistan, Bajwa said, “Look at the performance of Pakistani forces, they have done an excellent job.”

Further, he said the attack on Army Public School in Peshawar has united the entire nation, “There is a ‘whole of nation’ approach. You’ve seen the entire political leadership take on one table and take certain decisions for the future of our country.”

Expressing gratitude to the international community for showing solidarity during the time, DG ISPR said, “This is a fight which is against an enemy who is focused and who is very clear that the whole world is their enemy. So we, the whole world, need to come together, join our hands and fight this common enemy with common resources and with common narrative.”

The military spokesperson also said that “it is very difficult to guarantee that nothing of this kind happens anywhere in the world. We just saw what happened in Paris. We have seen school shootouts in places like America.”

Amanpour went on to talk about the consequences of the Peshawar attack, including the government’s decision to lift a ban on executions.

“There is always a chance of blowback (of these executions). So now that the military has been mandated, it has a sunset clause for two years. But there is also a criminal justice reform which is underway,” Bajwa said.

Responding to a question regarding the establishment of military courts in the wake of the attack, Bajwa said, “[Military courts are] a stopgap arrangement which has now been given to the military for a period of two years while the criminal justice system is under reform.”

Commenting on relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the spokesperson said, “I would say this has given a huge fillip to the relations. But the relations were already on a positive trajectory, especially ever since we had a new government in Afghanistan.”
Amanpour hits a nerve: Bajwa terms question on army’s capability an ‘insult’ – The Express Tribune
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It is the war of our survival now and there is no option of losing it.
Is Pakistan Army fighting Hafiz Saeed in FATA ? You are insulting yourself by dragging this person in a debate which is about WoT in AFPAK REGION
So Pakistan is only attacking terrorists in AfPak region. If they are in Karachi or Lahore, they are off bounds ?
I thought he said 'we don't make difference between good terrorist/ bad terrorist' ad we are fighting terrorist everywhere'. Besides, I was just putting up a picture of a guy who was 'thinking' :D

Terrorists which are threat to Pakistan and Afghanistan stability. Pray tell us Is Hafiz Saeed a threat to AFPAK ?
So Pakistan is only attacking terrorists in AfPak region. If they are in Karachi or Lahore, they are off bounds ?

I don't know How should I respond to such an ignorant reply. Are you following Intelligence based Law enforcement raids in Lahore and Karachi ?
Terrorists which are threat to Pakistan and Afghanistan stability. Pray tell us Is Hafiz Saeed a threat to AFPAK ?

Ok, so when he says 'remove teorrist from our soil', he doesn't mean Lahore/ Karachi etc. NWFP is defined as 'soil', everything else is sea (understandable since your last major attack came from sea).
Ok, so when he says 'remove teorrist from our soil', he doesn't mean Lahore/ Karachi etc. NWFP is defined as 'soil', everything else is sea (understandable since your last major attack came from sea).

Same reply given to Karan. Don't be ignorant and focus just on hafiz saeed which dulls your senses . Do read threads which follows Intelligence based raids of LEA in karachi and lahore quetta and all around Pakistan.
He didn't breed terror camps that sent terrorirsts into Pakistan. That happens to be your problem.


Yup indians and cross-border terrorism, no that is impossible. That can never happen.

So what if the highest extremist nutcases sitting in our govt openly and proudly boast how they are destablising the neighboring countries (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan...) and so what if india has provided trainings, finanaced them, provided them with all sorts of weapons those dudes from Mukti Bahini, LTTE, BLA, TTP etc etc, so that they could kill thousands of innocent humans in the neighboring countries...

No no... that is not cross-border terrorism...india can never do such a thing, and me the average indian, am not in a deepest state of denial, :laughcry:
I'm sure transferring terrorists from one part of Pakistan to another is that difficult. Now tell me, even if you assume India's role in financing terrorism, (itself a stupid notion), exlain how many of these camps operate in Indian soil t poison our society? That's what your hafi saeed is doing.

Stupid notion Hafiz saeed operates terrorist camps.But your ignorance doesn't stopped there. You don;t even know what Indian MI TSD did? or that 8 covert deep Ops it ran against a single country until 2013 or Indian MI is in afghanistan since 2002. or RAW SFF involvement in training Afghani Intel or it's presence in Afghanistan is another figment of my imagination
Stupid notion Hafiz saeed operates terrorist camps.But your ignorance doesn't stopped there. You don;t even know what Indian MI TSD did? or that 8 covert deep Ops it ran against a single country until 2013 or Indian MI is in afghanistan since 2002. or RAW SFF involvement in training Afghani Intel or it's presence in Afghanistan is another figment of my imagination

That's Govt (if it happened), not some rag tag civilian.
The extent to which you are out of line in staggering. I can tell you, neither I nor my father nor anyone in my family have actually fired a weapon, few have even touched it unless they're in the army or security forces.That's the case with most Indian members here. That's the level of control that Indian govt imposes on its people. In this environment, you come and tell me a guy actually trains people to kill and makes terrorists out of them and operates freely coz he 'is not focused on afghanistan' is absolutely silly.
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